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Everything posted by Jon

  1. Where is Adam Warlock in all of this Avengers/MCU/ Thanos stuff? Surely he'd be the one to defeat Thanos?
  2. Jon

    Ice rink

    I'm going to say a train?
  3. I'm often struggling with the dialogue/ accents/ drawl in True Detective III, especially Ali. Loving the series so far though. Has me gripped.
  4. I didn't know the former England midfielder had branched out into political commentary, but good on him!
  5. Watched on your recommendation Si! Top film. Cheers!
  6. From what I can see moon man, there would possibly be 3 options: 1. Remain in EU 2. Maybot's hashed deal 3. No deal I can only see remain winning in that scenario
  7. Bicks = Mr Grinch He stole Christmas from his own kids Don't let him steal it from yours
  8. Paul Sherwen Former cyclist and renowned commentator.
  9. Yep. I think we have to separate the BBC 'news' output from the BBC's often very good artistic/entertainment output. But it does get harder to justify the licence fee for what has effectively become the government's mouthpiece
  10. So that cretin Trumpton has stuck the knife into Maybot's brexit deal. Another nail in the coffin. No way it's getting through parliament.
  11. which bit was racist Tone Loc?
  12. "I'm one of those people" that remembers him ...
  13. Garcia is a very odd pick indeed. **** all form for some time now
  14. We've probably had this before, but shit bathroom towels that basically smear the water over your body as opposed to absorbing it. May as well use a sheet of plastic .....
  15. Yep. Merve the swerve denounces Govt policy/approach on Brexit as incompetent. Headline news Diversion required.
  16. Chucky egg, Jewish Rabbi guy?, Tommy Watson, Field, Gordy, the 'Angel of Death' Blair, Hodge, Kinnock, Hattersley?
  17. Servalan! Used to fancy her on blakes 7 as a kid. Had that dominatrix thing going on ??
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