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Everything posted by Jon

  1. Just be careful there aren't any holes in his story.
  2. Yeah the original jumanji film was top.
  3. Gets a decent rotten tomatoes score and also good audience score. It's clearly a kids film though, so not sure what you were expecting....
  4. The opposite of concerned would be unconcerned I guess
  5. I've genuinely got no idea. I think probably yes, given the symptoms, but then did consider it could also be anxiety. On the covid tick list, I've had a few of the main symptoms, but not really running a fever. But I've had the sore throat, slight cough, heavy chest, breathing issues, fatigue. It ties in with other anecdotal stories from others that may have it, like LakotaDakota on here. There's many people that get this that don't get a high fever, just a general feeling of being unwell. See our mate Tom Hanks' symptoms.
  6. Well yeah. The problem with anxiety is that it can take many forms. It's also a time of heightened anxiety which can blur things. I guess you've got to analyse your own symptoms, as noone is getting tested anytime soon.
  7. + fair & progressive taxation. Use this opportunity to big up Patel's 'unskilled workers', the current saviours of our society. Fair pay for those at the bottom of the ladder etc
  8. And he should be held to his 10 pledges, detailed on his website during the leadership election. They are commitments I could get behind, but I do fear how generally he believes in them, or whether they were put out there simply to win.
  9. Yeah that sounds like textbook covid symptoms pas. And this is how it spreads so easily and quickly. Symptoms can be mild, or you could even by asymptomatic, yet still pass this on. I had the chest thing too. Felt like a tight band around the chest/ like someone was sitting on your chest. Plus I had slight breathing issues. All quite minor, but lasted a while and the fatigue lasted longer.
  10. You're unlikely to know whether anyone has genuinely 'had it' unless they get admitted to hospital, as we aren't testing anyone except hospital patients. Sore throat and cough could easily be mild covid.
  11. So far, so Blair MKII. Hope to see a fair few from the left brought in today, but most prominent positions already gone.
  12. Sad news. I'd guess he was a prime candidate for 'underlying health issues '. Slice of 80s nostalgia gone right there
  13. Yeah, it's crap. It's hit home how much I miss the pub. Not the booze so much as the pub, the human contact and interaction.
  14. You can see the Ben Elton humour throughout, but for me it lacks a bit of polish. It's good, but it's no blackadder
  15. Part II meant to be out now, but postponed at last minute due to covid. I too loved the first film. 8/10
  16. Yeah my 7 year old daughter loves it.
  17. Number of deaths will go up for next few days. Death rate hopefully shouldn't, unless we run out of ventilators etc. And if the social distancing and lockdown works effectively, number of deaths should start to fall back after a couple of weeks too. That's the theory anyway ...
  18. Yeah pretty much. Seems to get a bit better at times, feel like I'm getting over it, and then it'll come and bite me on the arse again. The less I do, the better it seems to get. Paracetamol, vapo rub, steam, honey & lemon hot drink, all seem to help. Still the breathing & tight chest that are the main issues.
  19. Anyone with any advice on breathing techniques with covid? I've hit chest discomfort and slightly impaired breathing. Should I be taking shorter breaths, deeper longer breaths to fully fill the lungs, or try to maintain a 'standard' breathing pattern?
  20. Cheers dude. Not been video calling as she's at her mom's and we don't have particularly good relations. But hopefully I can get her back by the weekend, if I'm feeling any better. No routine really. Trying to keep myself distracted with tv/ internet. I think the more I can keep myself distracted, the less I'll worry about this.
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