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Everything posted by Jon

  1. went for no, although SmellP*ss usually pulls something out of the bag if he feels he is under pressure and it will deflect criticism. the wrong reasons for a signing, although something may just happen ....
  2. that's the aussie outback for you. all those bush fires .......... it's been pretty civil on here for a while now
  3. Digressing again Rob, I'm more taken with Rose Magowan. Used to drool over Shannen D as well before they killed her off. Holly Marie Combs doesn't really do it for me. Neither does Leo :oops: :wink:
  4. one of the best bands of the 80s. too many great songs to mention. If anyone ever watches "Charmed", they nicked the them tune to that from The Smith's. But i won't digress onto that subject, as i'd be salivating all day
  5. my only real gripe with Dazz is that he doesn't score enough goals. In fact, for all of his good work, he doesn't look like scoring a lot of the time. voted for dazz though. If he could add goals to his armoury he would be an absolute gem. He has pace and skill and strength. Just don't think Beattie would work well with JPA. Unless JPA's injury is worse than we are being told, in which case this signing makes more sense
  6. i'd go for the YAK, as he'd be a better partner for JPA. For me, Beattie is OK, but weould be a replacement for JPA, not his partner. For the record however, I think Dazz Vass and Charlton Cole are just as good as the pair of 'em, although Beattie does have an excellent Premiership scoring record. Beattie would work well with Dazz Vass and Cole. Can't think we could afford either of 'em though TBH :shock:
  7. agree with Kiddy - this is difficult to say until we've seen Berson play. however, Assuming Berson is as good as some poeple seem to think he is on here, then it would be a case of horses for courses depending upon the opposition, whether home or away etc away against Arse, Utd etc - I would play Berse & Gav Home v Bolton , Palace etc - Berse/Gav & Hammer but at least we have some options. L'il Lee might figure somwehere as well
  8. I'd take the Arse to piss the league once more. Manure to revive to finish 2nd. Liverpool to have a good season. Chelsea and Barcodes to suffer. Some surprises from midtable, us, Noses, Boro, Spurs etc .... Chelsea still top 5 though, but i think mourinho has a tough job on, tougher than Benitez IMO, to get all of his players gelling instantly. It's half a new team he'll be putting out come the first game .......
  9. ^^^ well James, they have got enough players to field 2 first teams that are better than most sides first 11! Prem League wouldn't be too happy though ............
  10. went for between 5th and 8th. With a BIG proviso. Injuries. Our squad is far too thin in key areas. A lot depends on the state of JPA's knee - this worries me greatly. What if we don't get Berson and Gav gets injured/suspended - who's the holding midfieder? what if Ollie or Laursen get a bad injury? If we have a clear run on the injury front I think we've got a good chance of 5th/6th - all the way down to 8th. If we have bad luck with injuries, we're looking at mid table or slightly lower. Don't see us flirting with relegation under this manager though, even with the worst of luck.
  11. went for Dazz Vass because: a) i think he's due to come good goal wise (it's now or never IMO) I find the fact that we've become a feeder club under SmellP*ss difficult to either take or condone so couldn't vote for Cole on principle. In fact, think he's a great player, but he ain't ours
  12. I was gonna say that the Predator would win hands down every time. He's smarter and has the advanced weaponry. And he was soooo much cooler than the Alien, he could even imitate voices for christ saked, and turn himself invisible. Although he can't see people coverved in mud :roll: But he's just singed for the Noses so I hope he gets his ass kicked
  13. with my blinkers on, i'd like to think we've got some sort of gauaranteed option to buy after this season. If not, then this deal is a big pile of doo-doo. let's give another sides up and coming players a chance to shine and then let them return to them after a year. Cray-zeee :shock:
  14. Ditto Totti this is a loan with a view to buy (hopefully pre-agreed price with a guarantee that if we want him we can have him). If he does well we're quids in IMO. let's not get on his back before he's even kicked a ball. Let's give him a chance. I think we really should now view him as a "Villa" player, since he will be playing for us after all. Let's just hope he's hungry and wants to grab the chnace we're giving him If Luke's good enough he'll get his chances. This would probably seem to spell the end for makan as well :?:
  15. nice one Dickie. He'll likely have Beckham, Darius, Southgate & Batty all queing up and failing miserably to successfully execute the f*cker
  16. Alan Wright :shock: :shock: :oops:
  17. Dazz Vass, without a shadow of a doubt. Still only about 23/24 I think. Good scoring and playing record for England. Complements Angel's style of play well. Why do some people always think the grass is greener elsewhere. Unless of course the like of Henry or Trezeguet or Ronaldo were in your list
  18. Jon

    Where were you?

    from when I first started watching the Villa under RS the team was pretty exciting, from what I can recall as a little kid first watching the game. OK, so we had some "dogged" players in there like your Mortimers and Bremners and Withey etc but you need these in any team, and these were counterbalanced by the Likes of Shaw, Morley and Sid. That was one of the secrets to our success at the time I think. A really well balanced side that had both flair and steel and that worked their socks off. Let's hope DOL can pull off something similar. The signs look good so far.
  19. Jon

    Where were you?

    Watched on TV at home. Was only 8 at the time, but at least that was old enough to have good memories of both winning the European Cup and the League. Great, great days. Fave player at that time was a toss up between Sir Sidney of Cowans and Tony Morley. use to try to emulate them down the park, with jumpers for goalposts etc
  20. no it was "NOT" it was a "LOB". Me so funny :shock: I think Tommy@s Hammer against the noses wins it for me. To sink a goal like that against those w*nkers was just pure ecstasy.
  21. Had to go for Gareth Barry The guy oozes class IMO pretty much wherever he plays and always seems to have that bit more time on the ball. He has a certain arrogance about him which i also like in a player - he knows he's got the ability and you can see that confidence on the park. Plus i knew everyone else on here would go the colombian wizard so I had to choose someone else really. For the record I do appreciate GB has not quite lived up to his own high standards this season but as said earlier, this ain't a player of the year vote ............. otherwise there really could be only one winner 8)
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