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Everything posted by Jon

  1. Failure to see a red traffic light doesn't really qualify as a 'stupid reason' Stef.
  2. "No. He's a word removed". That should do it.
  3. I find some zebra crossings a nightmare TBH, as a driver. Badly placed, badly lit. When it's dark outside, it's often difficult to spot someone standing at them.
  4. Should I have been looking to leave the country every time the Tories won a General Election? It's a silly premise. As others have said. The hope is that Brexit either doesn't happen, or is steered in the direction of doing as little harm as possible. That means staying about and applying pressure. People disagreeing with Brexit leaving en masse, before it's even happened, is nonsense, for a variety of reasons.
  5. Jon

    New Music 2018

    Ah, yes, forgot to listen in. I'll I Player
  6. Jon

    New Music 2018

    New Lovely eggs album out in 2 weeks. Only heard the 1 song from it, but that is cracking. Punky Pop craziness.
  7. what's the best way to get rid then? Storm his speeches in ski masks? The issues are what will do for them. Challenge their views.
  8. Yep. Stupid, pointless and counter productive. The Tory Toff came out of it looking more statesmanlike. Open goal for him really. Stick to the issues people. That's the best way to get rid of them ....
  9. Same with my wife Ben. She's hot (IMO!) but completely lacks self confidence in that regard. This is compounded by her bulemia
  10. Goat - Requiem. Thanks you Mr Crisp and Bicks for this recommendation. Top album. Not heard any Goat stuff before, but on the strength of this may go and revisit their earlier work.
  11. Nice one. They are a godsend for a lot of people. Sometimes when the wiring in the brain is a bit broken, it needs some remedial help. ADs can be that help. Not the ONLY help, but they can and do work four thousands.
  12. Don't put so much pressure on yourself. I had my daughter at 38, after years of single living/ failed relationships. The rest sounds hard, but it'll improve. "This too will pass."
  13. That's just the picture. The actual massages they are offering are more thorough. Their Site
  14. what about this pisses you off Mr Moon man?
  15. Jon


    Difficult to judge without the actual 'jokes'.
  16. **** Cacti. The missus has about 6 of them around the house, and I've been pricked a number of times now. Those spikes hurt. She has them on windowsills and they attack every time you open a window.
  17. New poll out today had remain again in front. Not 60-40, but a good 5 points ahead.
  18. The latest poll I saw on this (about a week or 2 weeks ago) had voting intention at 60/40 in favour of remain. But we're leaving because of the "will of the people"
  19. Jon


    I think history and oppression are doing that. That's the line you trot out now in defence of this shit Ben. "You have no right to get offended because you are not black". Jeez. I'm not offended by it, but I can see why it was wrong, and why it has been withdrawn.
  20. Jon


    Rightly withdrawn.
  21. Jon


    that's just compounding the problem. Disorganisation & bad PR. If that's not bad enough, they've then thrown in some racism for good measure!!
  22. Jon

    General Chat

    Just did a test run. I do similar in that i don't use the fly. But it's more of a trousers undone thing, to give maximum access. Then nob out over top of boxers. Definitely no balls involved though. Balls stay tucked away.
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