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Everything posted by Jon

  1. I don't think the school is 'indulging' anything. It's a very serious and confusing/distressing period for the children and parents involved. What the school seems to be doing, is maybe trying to 'help', to understand, to make this period less stressful for those involved. Such things are not done on a whim, and will undoubtedly involve other professionals too.
  2. JRM really is the gift that keeps on giving though. He'd be the biggest electoral disaster to hit the Tories in almost forever. This ain't Murica for one. Jez/Labour are incredibly popular for two. People really didn't want Billary for three, which gave Trumpton the 'in' that he needed. The cat's views are abhorrent and Victorian, and as such, if he were to become Tory leader, it'd be a real gift horse for Labour.
  3. I got a reasonably decent one that doesn't look too bad. But i got it in response to cracking my Samsung screen a couple of years ago. Didn't want to risk that again.
  4. Had to moonie 'pattie'. Seems it's like a deep fried potato?
  5. Snap. Don't think I've ever had a wallet. I used to just have a card holder 'wallet', just for credit/bank cards. Then I decided to save space by getting a 'wallet phone holder', which is a phone case to protect phone, with space for 3 or 4 credit cards. No need really for physical money these days, but if I do, just goes in front right pocket. Ditto keys. Phone front left. No man bag, unless I'm travelling and need to take extra stuff, and then I'd probably take a rucksack.
  6. ^^^ That appears to have been translated into American, not English.
  7. You also still have to buy stuff when you're retired, like food, clothes, consumer, luxury goods and energy etc. When they skyrocket, they might experience some regret ....
  8. Jon

    Worthy GIFs 2017

    Double hard bastard buffalo.
  9. I always read a few reviews before I watch a film, from trusted sources. That **** scores 7% on rotten tomatoes!!
  10. If there was a chance of saving my sick child not available on the NHS or in this country, I'd take it. As Trent has shown, it does sometimes work.
  11. Jon

    General Chat

    Yeah, mine was not good either. I'm now on 2 types of tablets to control it, and it's finally got down to safer levels. I'd imagine you'll be on tablets pretty sharpish too!
  12. Jon

    Doctor Who

    How very magnanimous of you
  13. Jon

    Doctor Who

    You can certainly have an opinion. I just think it's a pathetic one. Get over it
  14. Jon

    Doctor Who

    Don't see why. It might grow. Outside of some shallow chauvinist a holes, it might generate some more interest amongst female viewers who have been largely closed out by UK sci fi
  15. Jon

    Doctor Who

    AKA an age of male / female equality?
  16. Jon

    Doctor Who

    She's also a really good actress.
  17. Jon

    Doctor Who

    Zackly chinders. This ain't james bond.
  18. Jon

    Doctor Who

    Yessssss! Bout time. She'll be brilliant
  19. Jon

    Doctor Who

    I've yet to see a cogent argument why not.
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