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Everything posted by HanoiVillan

  1. . . . and that was just their wives, you should have heard what the fans had to say.
  2. My point is that a bad deal doesn't have to be named TTIP, or negotiated with the US, for it to be a bad deal. In the event of Brexit, we will need to renegotiate trade deals with a large number of countries. The people who will be doing that renegotiating, on our behalf, are the very same people who are enthusiastically ushering in TTIP because it fulfills all their wet dreams.
  3. Nope, that's not it. 'Save Britain from TTIP' is not an option on the ballot paper, nor is 'Save the NHS'. There is no option for saving Britain from TTIP. If you vote REMAIN, you have to hope that the worst of TTIP is curbed in Brussels and/or that the Tories negotiate certain opt-outs. If you vote LEAVE, well then you get a government of Tories (who are totally, to a man woman and child, in favour of TTIP) negotiating trade deals with every developed and developing country on Earth. There's no reason to assume that Boris Johnson's government is going to be any less amenable to lobbying multinational corporations than the current one is, the only difference is we'll be negotiating from a position of considerably less strength.
  4. Doubtless he'll waltz straight back into the first team next week, despite being both financially and professionally worthless.
  5. I keep saying I don't care who he is, but I'd now like to qualify that slightly: I don't care who he is, as long as he sacks Eric Black immediately.
  6. All of these comments are absolutely on-point. I can only assume that he keeps picking the players he'd want to see here next season. In other words, he's happy for a season of Richardses and Bacunas and Guzans and Lescotts and poisonous atmospheres with players who have burnt every possible bridge. As I keep saying, he's an idiot. By which I don't mean 'I disagree with his latest decision', but instead 'I think he has not one single ounce of grey matter between his ears'.
  7. 'It's not always rosy in the garden of football' I told you he was an idiot.
  8. Eh? He'd already played the through ball to end all through balls by that point.
  9. For approximately the one billionth time in this thread, absolutely nobody is stopping you from getting off your arse and attempting to organise this.
  10. Wow. That's off the deep end. How unreasonable of people, to wear helmet cameras so you can't simply murder without them consequence. What a time to be alive etc.
  11. Actually their 'arsecake forecast' is that Brexit will leave the UK economy 6% smaller than otherwise by 2030. It's at the pessimistic end of a range of forecasts, the least damaging of which is NIESR who forecast a Brexit economy would be 2.25% smaller than otherwise in 2030. Nobody at all thinks the country would be better off following Brexit.
  12. Dream on. Nobody in this country is stupid enough to take him off our hands.
  13. Would have been nice if he'd scored some goals before we were mathematically relegated, but never mind. FWIW I think he's about accurately rated on here at this point, ie most people realise he's shit and ineffective but professional and not disruptive.
  14. This guy is really starting to test my patience.
  15. Why hasn't this thread been locked yet?
  16. Surely at this point the worst keeper in Villa's history.
  17. That really isn't even a difficult decision.
  18. Paging @ermie123, any lowdown on the product he's using?
  19. Well I would, because he appears to be named after a place in Lord Of The Rings.
  20. Agree with your conclusion but not your reasoning. Right back is a vital position. Full backs cover more ground than any other position (as an average, across the league) and our lack of decent wingers means our full backs provide most of our pitiful 'width' as well. Full back used to be a position you could 'hide' a bad player to some extent, but I think that ended around a decade ago. However, this means it's even more important than ever that we don't go into next season with an overpaid, overweight waste-man on £30-40k/week. Richards should be removed as a matter of urgency.
  21. So what you're saying is . . . he's much better than Guzan?
  22. Absolutely. Anything to avoid watching them!
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