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Everything posted by V01

  1. Twin Peaks WTF is going on, I literally have no clue. I feel like Chindie did with Arrival
  2. Why did I start typing out word removed instead letting the swear filter do it's job?
  3. Picked up a book from the library, didn't have my library card with me so had to check it out at the desk. The librarian stamped the book and said it's back on the 14th. It will be back next week you word removed.
  4. Nurse situation is pretty bad the trust won't pay them at band 7 anymore so they tend to leave once they finish their training. Green enp and doctors, dark blue nurses, light blue hca's? Doctors seem pretty young might be a locum or two over 30. Another thing pissing me off, the staff parking charge is going up to £30 per month in June.
  5. Been doing it for a few months, this ain't my first rodeo. Been pretty calm past few nights, Thursday was busy though, too many words removed coming in instead of waiting for their gp/walk in centre. Which leads me to another thing that passes me off, we can't turn people away so they just clog up the system for people who have real need to be seen.
  6. Working in A&E, lad comes in asking for emergency contraception. I was distracted from running through the obvious jokes in my head as I was struck with the question why he didn't go to a pharmacy. The word removed.
  7. V01

    Gym Routine

    Seems I forgot to add in last month's figures: Age 35 Male Weight: 15st 8lbs - 99.1kg Height: 5'11.6" - 1.82m Ideal weight: 9st 9lbs to 13st - 61.2kg-82.8kg BMI: 29.9 Ideal BMI: 18.5 to 25 Body fat: 25.7% Ideal: 16.1 to 25.6 Leading to today's: Age 35 Male Weight: 15st 9lbs - 99.6kg Height: 5'11.6" - 1.82m Ideal weight: 9st 9lbs to 13st - 61.2kg-82.8kg BMI: 30.1 Ideal BMI: 18.5 to 25 Body fat: 23.9% Ideal: 16.1 to 25.6 Bodyfat mass has gone from 49.1kg > 44.4kg > 42.7kg > 37.9kg > 36kg > 32.4kg > 32.8kg > 31.1kg > 25.5kg > 24kg > 25.4kg > 23.8kg Ideally it should be 16 to 25.4kg I missed 5-6 weeks of lower body due to a knee injury, this also coincides with my new job. I don't have a set rota so I'm having irregular sessions forcing me back onto stronglifts. Started at 40kg press, 100kg dreadlift, 60kg bench, row and squat, as of today I've succeeded at 47.5kg press, 132.5 dreadlift, 67.5kg bench/row, and 80kg squat. The lifts themselves aren't getting any easier but I'm recovering quicker in between sets. That said I was blowing like John Terry's mum after my last set of deadlifts today.
  8. Spreadsheet is easy, throw your details in the box at the top, then add in weight and intake every day. It takes a weekly average of your weight and intake so you can see whether you're trending up/down instead of happening to weigh yourself on a good/bad day.
  9. myfitnesspal Website with app integration. you can scan barcodes to grab the nutritional information, search for food added by other users and create your own recipes. It takes 5 minutes at most to fill your whole day in and you'll you'll notice you make better food choices when you're checking the nutrition of everything. tdee spreadsheet
  10. Lost around 5 1/2 stone since March last year, hoping to lose another couple to get down to 13 1/2 stone. I use the fancy scales in the gym every month or so for more in depth look. Started with this: Age 34 Male Weight: 20st 13lbs - 133.1kg Height: 5'11.2" - 1.81m Ideal weight: 9st 7lbs to 12st 12lbs - 60.6kg-81.9kg BMI: 40.4 Ideal BMI: 18.5 to 25 Body fat: 36.9% Ideal: 14.5 to 24.5 Last proper weigh in (about a month ago) Age 35 Male Weight: 15st 8lbs - 99kg Height: 5'11.6" - 1.82m Ideal weight: 9st 9lbs to 13st - 61.2kg-82.8kg BMI: 29.9 Ideal BMI: 18.5 to 25 Body fat: 25.7% Ideal: 16.1 to 25.6 Bodyfat mass has gone from 49.1kg > 44.4kg > 42.7kg > 37.9kg > 36kg > 32.4kg > 32.8kg > 31.1kg > 25.5kg > 24kg > 25.4kg Ideally it should be 15.9 to 25.3kg The scales at home have had me at around 97.5kg for the last week or so. I use an app to track my daily calorie intake and then weigh myself every day. it all goes into a spreadsheet that tracks my TDEE and gives me the magic number I need to hit to stay on track. It has worked really well so far but these last few months since starting the new job has seen my efforts slip a little with a few weeks where I've had a blow out and with me eating closer to maintenance in general.
  11. V01

    Gym Routine

    I peaked at 3 PPS for 5 reps last year, injuries and laziness have combined to drop me back to around 120kg for 5 at the minute.
  12. V01

    Gym Routine

    Isnt 4 PPS 180kgs?! Either way you're doing well. I'm struggling at the minute, no set routine at work until I've passed my probation period is causing me a few scheduling issues. Moved back to StrongLifts for the meantime so I'm getting a full body every workout. Had to skip 6 weeks of lower body with a knee injury so I started squat, bench and row at 60, deadlift at 100 and ohp at 40, the lifts aren't any easier but I'm recovering quicker in between sets.
  13. BCS is indeed great, can't wait to see you know who get their come-uppance. American Gods is also off to a great start, a little surprised it so faithful to the book if anything.
  14. Upgrading to Q was tempting but the up front cost is ridiculous.
  15. I think I had the same letter, it included a survey about who I'm voting for and what my issues within the constituency are. I'm sending it back to let him know I'm voting other.
  16. I just took a 50% for 12 months deal that popped up in my offers after cancelling. Probably could have got 60% off if I'd been more patient.
  17. On nights this weekend, the Missus invited the in laws round for dinner today. Woke me up early shouting off her fat gob and they are still **** here, I've got to leave for work around 10 go home you words removed.
  18. I went Thursday night and enjoyed it, fell a little short of the first one for me but I loved that one.
  19. PSG. It's probably why we always get hammered by the better football sides, the pitch gives them the advantage.
  20. Outlifting not outbenching He's gonna kill you on Squat...
  21. Double agent Cap who had picked up Mjolnir, they really don't think these things through.
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