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Everything posted by dn1982

  1. In the Talksport interview he even mentions how well some of the kids have done and he'll be looking for some one to step up but that doesn't fit with the narrative.
  2. FFS there's some really negative people on here who jump on Bruce at the slightest thing. We all want us to go more atracking so setting up 4231 is a start. Most think Grealish is a good number 10 so is it a surprise when he gets injured Bruce mentions it? We've been playing that formation virtually all pre season so if the person you earmarked to be in the pivotal role gets injured it's stating fact not making excuses. I'm sure SB knows he has to get us up so no excuses will be accepted regardless. If you look at his comments today he says that other kids will have to step up. He never says Jack was the be all and end all. I'm no where near Bruces biggest fan and after last year he has a lot to do to get me to believe he will succeed but jumping on him over these innocuous comments is baffling.
  3. Lots of jumping to conclusions there fair play it's quite impressive. FFP has to be adhered to and seeing as we've spent bucketload last summer and iJanuary it's no surprise we need to be careful. We already have a very good squad but have a bloated playing staff that needs culling. I'm sure you'd agree with that? I'm sure if SB wanted a special player we'd find the resources some how. By the end of the window a few more will have gone and I think we will get in another attacker. Can you name these clubs with real money that don't care about FFP?
  4. The reason we struggled for goals was the service and the defensive mentality of the team. If we play on the front foot we have the creative players and if we create Hogan will score. Whelan will enable 2 in midfield. Jedinak was good last year but only in a 3 so we lost an attacking option. We have the players Bruce needs to get them playing. I don't think we need another striker but we could do with another attacker. A no 10 who scores would be ideal. We scored 47 last year we need at least another 30 this year.
  5. When he first came he did go for it but he got more negative as we went on. Hopefully being able to play with 2 in CM we can become better at attacking.
  6. I'm sure SB will do the same just because he did it straight away means nothing. Every club has all the data analysis these days there's might just be more advanced so it could be a good thing. Xia will want the best for us so may implement it.
  7. I think after today we should go 433 next week. Johnstone Hutton Chester Terry Taylor Whelan Hourihane Lansbury Green Elmo Hogan. Id rather Bree start but don't see Bruce making the change. We need to attack more so Whelan to sit and Hourihane and Lansbury to get on the box as much as possible.
  8. A left footed winger/no10 is essential going off of today. Green needs time to develop and has to work on his final ball. Grealish seems so lightweight at the minute and doesn't look like he can run a game for us so both need a bit of help in there.
  9. Hutton have a voodoo doll of RDL. Bree must be baffled as to why he doesn't get picked!
  10. Exactly. We've had soccer schools all over China and I think we'll get a bigger exposure now we have our own TV rights for next season. Ultimately though until we are a PL team any plans have to be smaller in scale. We won't see any grand plan until next season hopefully!!
  11. Moving this game late on will affect the attendance but can still see it getting 20k +
  12. Thought that was crowd surfing and thought no chance would we get that arse lifted.
  13. Sign players that are better than we've got. Signing similar players isn't a good idea. If we signed Snodgrass and let him compete with Green I'd be happy but signing someone of similar experience who isn't guaranteed to perform isn't a good idea. As you you say though it's going a bit off topic now
  14. I think we are on the same page. I'd rather a Snodgrass type who's been there done it than sign another teams inexperienced youth player when we've got our own. That's why I'd give them the first 5/6 games then judge it. In the last week of the window we could easily sign some one like Snodgrass if need be. We need to go up this year so I'd rather sign experience than gamble on others youth.
  15. You are loaning in potential you aren't guaranteed anything. Take Ojo for example he's done less than Grealish and not much more than Green so why loan him? Signing him would be a gamble so let's gamble on our youth. Or if not get someone who's better and more experienced so it's not a gamble. You've mentioned Walker he was better than what we had at the time. Signings should be to improve the team. Loans especially should be better than what we've got. I'm all for signing players to get us out this league so the signings of Elmo Terry and Whelan are great for that reason. Signing another youth player to compete with ours isn't my idea of a good signing.
  16. The first year after injury is always hard but he's still fast very good in the air and you can coach positioning. Id be amazed now that we've got Terry, Bruce and Calderwood they can't coach him positioning.
  17. Some Villa fans baffle me. They moan we don't give youth a chance then would rather loan in another teams young player than give ours the chance. Green deserves his chance to start the season. We've 6 games before the window ends so Id go with what we've got for now. If The likes of Green and Grealish don't step up we should look to get better in after Bristol and that would mean experienced guaranteed performances. I believe we've the players to win this league it's getting them playing. Until the full has been completed and our current players have been looked at we shouldn't sign anymore.
  18. I'd rathe Bacuna as back up RB. Bacuna us slightly a worse defender but offers so much more going forward so it outweighs his slight defensive downside for me. Bree needs to start as 1st choice then hopefully RDL will push him as season goes on.
  19. I'm hoping we play 4231 at home or even 442 once Kodija is fit. I think most of the 11 picks it's self due to a few injuries then it's down to formation JOHNSTONE Bree CHESTER TERRY TAYLOR WHELAN Hourihane ELMO Grealish GREEN HOGAN the ones in capitals are for me guaranteed and probably in everyone's team. Bree needs to be trusted he is better than Hutton and will only get better once RDL is fully fit it'll be good competition there. I've chosen Hourihane as I like his left foot balance but Lansbury looked good with Whelan so it's a toss up really. Grealish gets the nod but has lots to prove. A home game v Hull is ideal for him. The strength we've got in depth now is great and will get better as the injured get fit. All in all we've got the players now they need to be allowed to show it.
  20. I think we've got enough to do well as is. We just need to play like we did yesterday on the front foot. Green can be special so give him the chance. Loaning in other teams young players is harmful to us long term. To get better than Green Grealish etc would cost big money. Can't see us getting that much better in our position so let's trust our players for once.
  21. Jacks best games have been off the left. Adomah can play there as a winger. Birkir can play there as more of a midfielder and you've got Kodija who's played there in a 3. We've also got Green who should start there. We've plenty of wide options. Having a too big a squad can be worse than a tight knit one. I think we've virtually 2 players for every position so I'd be more than happy to go with this lot for now.
  22. I'd go Johnstone Bree Chester Terry Taylor Whelan Hourihane Elmo Grealish Green Hogan This would be what I'd start v Watford. I wouldn't want Hutton any where near our starting 11. At home I want us to attack so don't want a DM like Jedi. It's a toss up between Lansbury and Hourihane. Injuries affected the rest but it'll change as season goes on.
  23. Because of last year I can't see us getting big money back until he proves himself so £4m plus add ons wouldn't be too bad.
  24. Bruce is baffling me with his team selections and tactics. I thought pre season was supposed to be a time to try out things that you will use in the season yet he plays people in positions that are unnatural or that we know already don't work. He should've used the end of last season to experiment so now he's got an idea of who can play where. Amavi right wing? He will never play there again so why try something we all know won't work? Just going off the games so far we look clueless and it seems he's waiting for a Kodija and Jedinal to be fit to get back to grinding out results.
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