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Everything posted by dn1982

  1. Gabby and Hutton should be no where near this team! Apart from that it's a lottery
  2. I'd take Big Sam but I'd rather have Jokanovic. He's got plenty of experience in the Championship so he ticks that box and he has a track record of good football and success. Also aren't Fulham one of the best away sides??? That's enough for me alone.
  3. Did you see the Cardiff game? We passed the ball side to side with no penetration for ages. It's taking too many touches that doesn't us. We pass the ball so slowly teams get set and we can't break them down. We need the balance of short and long balks but we need to do the pass faster be it 5 or 20. We don't boo the ball being passed back fans react when it's negative football. In before the delete for name calling!
  4. If he doesn't Hutton must have photos of Bruce in a compromising situation.
  5. He's not put a foot wrong when he's played for us. He has to start tomorrow.
  6. The club selling players on him is a factor. Our squad is just waiting to be allowed to attack . Any manager with ambition would want to come here but it's a risk as it's a big job. Fulham is a stepping stone but unlike Wagner I don't think he's that attached.
  7. We bought Bree because he was one of the best RB's in this league last year and has loads of potential! How Is he not ready? Worse case scenario he fills in till RDL is fully fit. Hutton needs selling.
  8. When we played. Forest at home last year Lansbury looked quality. When he made his debut v Preston Lansbury alongside Westwood he looked quality and we played the best football I've seen under Bruce. Since then he's flattered to deceive but he gets moved around week to week we don't play same system or players long enough to get used to anything. Yesterday we looked good until Huttons mistake. Lansbury looked solid in centre midfield then for some reason after the goal Bruce moved him to LM. No wonder from there he had a mare. Until we have a manager that plays through the midfield we will look crap in midfield. Simple. Then we can all judge our players properly.
  9. Totally agree. I think it says a lot about Bruce though as he must've picked him because he thought he was a fan favourite the same can be said for Gabby. If he gets picked on Tuesday Bruce needs sectioning.
  10. 1st game back break him in gently. I'd rather we signed a cover though once RDL has proved fitness then let Hutton go.
  11. Hutton played well against Hull but Bree offers more for me and will only get better. Saturday was Huttons peak. Hopefully RDL can prove his fitness and stake a claim as he'll be the best option this year. Left side is now our weak point. No natural left footed winger and no cover for Taylor. We could do with a left footed Elmo! Address that and our team is sorted. OHare needs to be on the bench for now he needs testing.
  12. He's not totally one footed. He controls the ball with both feet and that enables him to go both ways which as a centre mid is a brilliant quality. For someone making his debut in those conditions he was great. Like most he passes mainly with his stronger foot but at 20 he looks a star in the making. Get him alongside Whelan on Saturday.
  13. Onomah should start alongside Whelan. Hopefully OHare on the bench. I think it'll be Johnstone Hutton Chester Terry Taylor Whelan Onomah Elmo Lansbury Gabby Hogan bench Steer Samba OHare Bree Hourihane Green Davis/Adomah
  14. Hopefully gets a place on the bench on Saturday.
  15. Something like a months worth of rain today. This could get interesting. Hopefully any pitch inspection will be early on.
  16. The Snodgrass that West Ham paid £10m for in January? He is no where near past it. We have Green and others so an experienced winger would help them. As for the scouting system we've just signed Onomah so we have got one. As for astute we've spent next to nothing and improved the team with Terry Whelan and Elmo or do you want an unknown astute experienced young star?
  17. This was a draw v a relegated team in which we should've been out of sight but hit a wall and let them back in. We wasn't out played for 90 min. We never lost. It was the first game of the season. We were all disappointed at the result but booing already is a joke. You seem to suggest we should still be unhappy from last year so booing is appropriate after a bad spell after half time? Now that's baffling. If results and performances are bad after 6/8 games I'm sure there will be a lot louder negative reactions but you don't get a prize for being the first to boo. What you can do is poison an atmosphere and affect the players future performances therefore proving your point. How gives no Bruce enough time to mess up properly first? I'm no where near a Bruce fan but I know if he fails we are in trouble and no matter how frustrated I was I won't boo after 1 game. I want us to succeed which I assume you do so criticise him all you want on here or in the pub etc but leave the negativity at the gate at least for a bit. Anyway off to Colchester hoping it's not a Luton!
  18. We need to go quite strong. We have to win. I'd rest Terry and start Chester and Samba. Also Bree deserves a chance. Can't see Amavi being involved. Hourihane Green Hogan need to start. I'd go Johnstone Bree Samba Chester Taylor Whelan Hourihane Lansbury Elmo Hogan Green
  19. It's strange how Bruce bangs on about experience then puts Bacuna in CM. It worked to start with but then when they uppped it he never had the nous to get in the game. We got over run and sat deeper. They started getting on top just before half and Bruce with all his experience should've been prepared for it and reacted before they scored. Bacuna has been hung out to dry but we all know he's a limited footballer who tries but isn't good enough surely this is noticed by Bruce? We could easily have changed shape with those on the pitch to try to get back in the game. Bruce needs to react quicker or he won't get the chance to do it much longer. We can't afford to make the same mistakes as last year.
  20. Bruce isn't at fault for all the missed chances but whatever happened at half time needs to be looked at. It was blatantly obvious that because we never got the 2nd we would face a resurgent Hull team after the break. The goal was coming all along. Without making any subs we could've dropped Lansbury deeper to control the ball but Bruce did nothing. We looked awful. The need for fresh legs or a change of shape was evident. Is Bruce scared to try to win? Personally I think having Clemence and Calderwood in his ear is not a good thing. He seems to take too long to react. Is he getting differing information so can't decide who to go with? Since Calderwood came we've been more negative. I've no idea if that's the reason or a coincidence but we need a management team that realises we have to attack for 90 min. Games seem to ebb and flow more in this league. You will be under pressure at times but sitting deep doesn't work. For me picking Bacuna over Hourihane shows you want someone to run around more than create. The same can be said for Hutton. Pick someone you think you can trust but is limited in his game rather than some one who can improve the teams play. We need to be braver. Last years results and performances have used up all the good faith Bruce had and he needs a very big 10 days results wise.
  21. You can get a paper ticket before the game tomorrow if it doesn't come by then. 3000 were delivered yesterday so issuing tickets before Saturday would cause a lot more hassle. Going the match 10 min early isn't a mad rush. They've explained the reason cards were done late was to get the newest technology in them which personally I think is a good thing. It's not ideal but it's pointless making a big issue out of it
  22. If your ticket hasn't arrived by tomorrow you've got 24 hours to sort a paper ticket not exactly a mad rush. Telling people to be proactive could actually be a waste of time. I've no idea how many haven't been sent out yet or not arrived but waiting till tomorrow will make it easier for everyone.
  23. Hindsights a wonderful thing but all seemed decent signings at the time. Appointing RDM was the biggest mistake.
  24. Since XIa Has been here we've spent loads. We've also lost a massive revenue stream when we were relegated. Our losses for 15/16 were £80m but it included exceptional circumstances. I'm sure wyness knows more than us but just looking at it from fan view. Last summer we were one of the biggest spenders in the country. In January one of the biggest in the Championship. This summer we've improved the team for little out lay. If we improve the team every window I will be happy and that as a fan is the most important thing.
  25. It's amazing that when you actually listen to a full Steve Bruce interview you get the full facts. No excuses about injuries. Nothing. Im sure some will form a negative opinion. I just hope that we stick behind this team so they've got a fair crack this season. Newcastle lost their first 2 games last year but I think we will get off to a good start.
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