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Everything posted by mockingbird_franklin

  1. send the thirty quid to me in an envelope. seems the only fair thing to do
  2. Honestly? No, not really. I can't pretend to care if I don't really care. Sigh. I'm reminded of the day Michael Jackson died, one of my friends - a mere acquaintance, really - posted on facebook that he never considered Jackson talented and hence he couldn't be bothered. I'm not an MJ fan at all but FFS someone just died! I feel just a tinge of sadness because of her death, but only due to the fact that I'm a fellow human being, and not because I listen to her music (I don't). people are dying all the time, do you experience similar tinge of sadness for all of these? Are you in a constant state of ever increasing sadness one tinge at a time over the 150,000+ people it is estimated die each day, why would you feel any more sadness for the passing of someone you had no emotional tie to and only knew about due to celeb status than all those who die unknown to yourself? So I'm with BOF on this one
  3. Do her up the wrong um, (sorry wrong thread)
  4. 124 clothes are left were they fall
  5. 32, toenail clippings make a great chewfest 75, moisturizer, just say no, even if your hands have huge dry fissures in them that bleed and have the feel of new sheets of sandpaper
  6. nah Reinol is the tough stuff, it's a bit like dogshit with lumps of grit in
  7. Is that you Bruce Chalmers, you certainly sound like my mate from Victoria when he used to talk about Victoria's police during our many journeys home on the Pakenham line,
  8. i thought it was sell by dates that were not to be looked at on tins ?? bugger I've failed the brotherhood I'm now concerned I may be female ... I even lost the ability to park the car the other week after 10 pints men don't even know what sell by/use by dates are, ne'er mind pay attention to them, if the milk is less than 30% cheese lumps, then whats the problem
  9. 30 meat should be BBQ'd and served between slices of bread 38 salad is not food
  10. 410- baked beans are to be eaten cold, straight out of the tin
  11. because you wont get a job in McDonalds without them ?? depends which A-levels your talking about, the pre new labour ones that actually meant somethng or the new ones that are handed out for turning up, 'cause everyone has to be a winner'
  12. It will also provide proof that the buffoon defense is a potent and valid one or that your average Juror could well be a cretin
  13. fixed your statement Or broken it, depending on whether you like your sentences to make sense or not. that'll 'learn' me to proof read when i edit something
  14. stay on at school to do your A-levels, don't go to college, that way you won't drop out just before the end and you can take up that place at Cambridge when you get the grades you should, don't be in such a rush to settle down, but work towards emigrating away from the UK, Australia would be a great choice.
  15. Yes, I agree wholeheartedly with that philosophy. I think "we" should consider what we are able to do and utilise to give people here good lives. And what we could change to make things stay good or get better. And I think that much of that has to come from or via Government. Part of the problem is that Gov't listens to single businessmen (Murdoch for example, or some investment banker leader) and not to individuals without huge money and organisation. Or they may listen to a Union leader, or a large donor. It's hard for the likes of us ornery folk to get across what we'd like. Groups like 38 degrees, Greenpeace, The 99% or the anti tax avoidance lot - Uncut, kind of result from this gap. And they get targeted as undesirables, they get undercover police and victimised and students and schoolchildren get kettled by Police to dissuade them from legitimate protest ever again. government for a long time, and political parties are boot fit for the purpose they are meant to serve. But we need Government and long term thinking and action. Unfortunately the whole political system doesn't encourage long term planning, or running the country for the improvement of the lives of the 99%, appearance is 100% more important than substance, governments no longer work for the majority of the electorate, no longer are worried about long term planning, about real freedoms, real freedom isn't being told you are free with the 'right' to do things, it's enabling you to be free to actually do the things you say they have the right to, and that means economic freedom, freedom from an unfair tax system, freedom from lives being made harder and difficult for the majority so they are easier and softer for a minority, freedom from meddling, freedom to know decisions governments are making are for the betterment of society in general and not a select few. Under those criteria we are getting further and further away from freedom
  16. And therein lies the distinction. Harry's offence is one of failing to declare.... which is a lesser offence than that of obtaining benefit by deception. One crime is a crime of concealment, one is a crime of deception and there is a subtle difference there. Hmmmm, very strange viewpoint, surely most benefit fraud is a case of concealment of the real facts, in order to obtain public money through deception, and most tax evasion is concealment of the real facts with intent to deceive the public purse out of income, so in both cases there is concealment with the intent to fraudulently deceive, the usual difference is the people who tend to commit each type of fraud, one usually has access to far more favourable justice than the other despite their crimes usually involving significantly larger sums of money. Back on subject, I love the old defence so often used by the mega rich wheeled out today, the one about because I've paid loads in tax there is no way i'd intentionally avoid paying tax bullshit.
  17. You think he should go to jail because he is famous? The law doesn't discriminate like that. He will get the same punishment as everyone else. I'd say he will be found guilty and get a severe fine. good job he's only evaded about 80,000 in tax, on top of paying the tax, he'll probably get a slap on the wrist fine and some community service, If he'd have played ball with HMRC he'd have probably been able to cut a behind doors deal, now if he'd have fiddled a small fraction of that in benefit fraud he'd be probably be looking at a bit of prison time and at least a suspended sentence. Good old fair and equal justice eh
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