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Everything posted by phily85

  1. Having to turn don't a corporate ticket for today's game because I'm on honeymoon
  2. This is why we can only get worried about our own results thankfully we are in a position were its all in our hands
  3. Tory 64% Libs 62% Lab 40% Green 1%
  4. Pizzas are cheap in hull..... just saying
  5. I go on my stag do Friday morning, 14 of us to magaluf for 3 nights not my usual type of place to go but 14 mates and plenty of alcohol what can go wrong I'm not having a local one I'm from hull so that's out of the question
  6. Maybe thinks gil is a bit lightweight against a physical pulis side. I'm not defending or agreeing just an trying to justify
  7. Just bought my ticket.1st ever away game cheating a little as I do live in hull
  8. Muhammad Ali Prince Philip The queen Bobby Charlton Clint eastwood
  9. It's like when Hull was named City of Culture. I'm guessing by culture they mean mould. We have high rates of unemployment, drug use, crime, teen pregnancies, obesity. And we are the lowest in the terms of education levels. We are basically a city made up of 5 or 6 council estates But MOULD we do not have and by god we will have our parade in 2017 to celebrate thank you
  10. phily85

    2015 Holiday Plans

    Busy year 2015 not on Tony's level or very cultural but a few trips away planned. April - 3 days in magaluf for my stag May - 7 days all inclusive in Tunisia as a trip away straight after wedding July - 3 days in benidorm for my 30th August- 14 days caribbean cruise with royal caribbean for the official honeymoon
  11. He is just plotting how to get his paws on enough explosive to flatten us all
  12. Nzogbia does t create space he keeps running straight at the player with the ball
  13. And this is what all engagement cards should say [emoji3]
  14. As long as your not going to a Moroccan quiz night you should be fine
  15. Hmm is there a link going around
  16. Oh they must have gone up a bit. A few months back they were £20 Halo Collection is going to be good! Yeah still good price i thought. a friend was telling me earlier that he heared they was going to be close to £100 when officially sold on its own , if that's true not only do I think its too high but lt would explain why the price of used models has increased I only played halo 1 and 2 and loved them I'm assuming online co-op will be a feature which should be fun
  17. Ordered it got the kinect for £37.50 inc delivery from CEX cheers guys happy with the deal especially as the halo collection was one of the games I really wanted
  18. Its not my place to say who will be the most upset about such things but the women I felt most sorry for was her from downtown Abby.
  19. Game doing a kinectless Xbox one destiny and halo collection for £350 online if ordered before 15th September. I wanted the kinect but they are going on eBay for around £50, it works out cheaper than buying the kinect version and destiny at game (that's £420) (sorry Donnie)
  20. No matter what he says? He should try mixing up the "We go again" line every time we lose then I think he should burst Into song one time "we go again the musical"
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