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Everything posted by Raver50032

  1. Out of interest, are well allowed to use the word 'baboon?'
  2. Everybody's favourite ice cream... Aston Vanilla - always getting licked.
  3. Without further squad changes, I foresee another tricky campaign - maybe Holloway wasn't too far off the mark. As much as I dislike the man for his 'half arsed club who used to be famous' routine in the Charlie Adam saga, I can understand his prediction to be honest. There's still time for the Club to make the changes needed to dig us out of the Championship (onwards and upwards), but I think it's going to be a bumpy start. I don't believe that Wednesday away is going to be the fairy tale of 1991 sadly.
  4. Perhaps Wolves coming along has derailed all his plans? Just like Man City2 (not Shinawatra) scuppered Lerner...
  5. Maximum respect for Ian Taylor, one of my favourite players from the late 20th Century era. That League Cup win in 1996, where the local lad scored for us was really kind of 'Roy of the Rovers' stuff and was quite an emotional day on many levels. I'll always remember him for 'that' moment personally. I have met him a couple of times and he seems like a good, decent and fun bloke. I couldn't think of a more reliable and positive icon of a footballer from that era to represent us to be honest. Most of the others either stabbed us in the back, fell off the rails or just simple don't inspire us. Welcome back Ian <big time man hug> Now then, is there a place here for Big Mac?
  6. 'Fackin Loot-un, innit?' As they say around there. Was a student there for 3 years between 1993 and 1996, and saw some pretty decent games down Kenilworth Road - one stand out game was the last time that you could stand in the ground, Luton 3 WBA 2 (both goalies carried off injured).
  7. I renewed on Tuesday - after fair confidence that the takeover was happening. Other commenters in here over the last week have indicated that some ST holders last season were staying away. I know several people who sit around me at VP protested in that very way, but are coming right on back for the season ahead. I think 14k by mid-June is a cracking show of support after such a terrible campaign. Let's do this!
  8. Some good lens flare too - proper professional camerawork.
  9. I'm in the mood, For Dancing... Romancing...
  10. Well after the initial euphoria, I still don't know whether to feel overjoyed, or as though I have been mind-raped. I was so much looking forward to this weekend. Now I am going to be biting my nails with angst about whether our new owner is a saviour or a poisonous infidel... I want to believe it will all work out in the end. Shhhhhheeeeeeiiiiit... Please be so.
  11. What a 24 hours... really thrilled at the positivity I feel at the takeover and the talk of future plans. I know a lot of it is about getting the fans back on board and all that, but I like what I hear so far... It would be churlish to make all these claims and not have the 'spunk' to back it up. Welcome aboard Tony... sir... Shin Yen Hao... I think that's Chinese and not impolite Chinese either. And this isn't casual racism, but I for one would invest in match day food if Chinese fayre was being served. I'm all for it... as Kiefer Sutherland once said; "How can a billion Chinese be wrong?" Consider me bought Tony... The last five years have made it pretty easy for me to be bought. But I am genuinely thrilled right now. Thank you for having faith in us... I hope to repay your faith with many long good time.
  12. So... any more to that Girls Aloud story? I got quite excited by that I shall raise a drink tonight to our fabulous potential Chinese lords - for giving me even a smidgeon of hope and enthusiasm... And if it all comes to nowt, I can 'jostle' myself with thoughts of Girls Aloud...
  13. My mind is so numb to the Anti-Villa that has presented itself to me over the last three or four seasons that I kind of did a mini fist pump at every Arsenal goal yesterday. I realise that I want those players to suffer as much as we, as fans have had to endure... And now the season is done... I can confirm this... It's a weight off our shoulders... Over to you Lerner - next move is yours.
  14. May the 4th it is... Before the lock I'm in
  15. I can't go to the game as I am in Stratford Upon Avon attending the wedding of a friend. Please folks - out-banner the bitter and twisted Toon. Just have a relegation party and let all your hairs hang out... Make their banner backfire on them. 2009 was such a long time ago, it's virtually historic. We've moved on, so why can't they? It's because they're obsessed, just as much as the Small Heath and Sandwell crowers. It's not as if they didn't get their revenge earlier is it? August 2010 - 6-0 drubbing at St James Park anyone? Meh - out-banner the twunts.
  16. I was happy in the haze of a drunken hour, But heaven knows I'm miserable now...
  17. Given the freedom of information act, depending on where you work and how it might be perceived if it 'gets into the papers,' then yes it is... I'm guilty of it too... I just hope that my boss never has to investigate me and build a case to have me dismissed once my face doesn't fit
  18. I can't make the Newcastle game due to a wedding in Stratford Upon Avon. So this will be my Premier League farewell for a while - unless I go and support Olbyun... Yeah, right... So - look out for a guy in a Boba Fett onesie... Yeah, **** it... I'm gonna do it!
  19. We won't be getting Charles Adam... Remember, we're just a half arsed club who used to be famous.
  20. I do wonder if the fitness issue and this 'fat camp' stuff people have started saying is all just a smoke screen for the real issue behind all this... I mean, he went off to Dubai and got photographed smoking some sort of pipe... Imagine for a second what kind of stuff could have been in that pipe... Come on... he isn't a fat bastard... He's actually a lot fitter than most of us can imagine. He hasn't played competitively for us since he came back... Suppose, just for a moment at least, that the real issue here is some kind of drug still in his system. If he got tested after a real live game for us and found to have something nasty in his system, that would bring even more shame on the club. I think whatever has happened is a total shower of unprofessionalism on his part and is disappointing from somebody who is senior at the club and should be setting an example... I do wonder though if this fitness thing is just being put out there by the club to mask a bigger issue potentially. No need to flame... I love a good conspiracy theory...
  21. The club has broken so many negative records over the last two or three seasons, bending over for a shoeing to incur the record ever Premier League defeat would be of no surprise to me... 'Game over man... game over...'
  22. 'Championship minnows Bournemouth prove too strong for plucky Aston Villa...' In other news, an Englishman won the Masters... Didn't see that coming... unlike the dross at Villa Park we endured. The slow paced remix of 'Going Down M'Lord...' was the highlight for me. And of course, the perennial chuckle-hit 'We're poo, but we still turn up...' Actually, the highlight was, 'We'll score again, don't know where... don't know when...' Finally, I hope the Eintracht Frankfurt guys I met under the Lower Holte during the first 7 minute protest got home safely and managed to salvage some fun from an otherwise tirdish afternoon at the Theatre Of Vanilla.
  23. To be fair, there can be little cause for tears in my view. I mean, it's not as if Villa have fought tooth and nail for the last 7 or 8 months and about to be relegated through bad luck or situations turning out as just 'not being our day.' This has been coming for so long, I'm actually quite relaxed about it all now. I just can't wait for it to be over so we can 'go again' next season and try to do better as an improving club rather than a shambolic, terminally spiralling club. I won't be crying... more of a shrug, a rueful smile of acceptance and maybe even thumbing my nose at the cameras, while issuing a 'bird.' We've had too long to get used to the idea of relegation now that it shouldn't come as a shock like the death of a loved one. This has been a very, very long goodbye... like Alzheimer's. If anything, there will be a sense of release and relief once it happens. Let's enjoy the wake for what it is... a chance to start something with a clean slate. I have forgiven Jesus.
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