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Everything posted by icouldtelltheworld

  1. Started a long time before that if were being honest. Trump is more symptom than cause IMO
  2. I for one would find myself romantically nourished if we were to qualify for Europe
  3. I've never liked The Smiths, have read Crime and Punishment, not read War and Peace. Never pretended to like The Smiths or to have read War and Peace
  4. The Smiths are one of those bands that I'm convinced a good chunk of people who follow them are just pretending to like them for clout. A bit like when people claim to have read books like War and Peace or Crime and Punishment. Never particularly got into the Stone Roses either tbh
  5. Friend of mine (who happens to be a nose) knows his dad through boxing and said to me ages ago that JJ and his brothers have been brought up properly. If he can keep developing and maintains a first team place with us then I can see him captaining the team at some point
  6. St Johnstone won more trophies than Rangers during Gerrard's time in Scotland
  7. Not sure if I've shared this on here before, but worth mentioning again either way. You will all no doubt remember the infamous 3-2 loss against Leicester in our relegation season which seems in hindsight to have been highly pivotal to both club's eventual fortunes that year. You may also recall that Sherwood gave an interview straight after the game where he did all that he could to appear completely dejected and close to tears. I'm sure it will be available for people to watch back on YouTube if they so wish. My dad had been doing some work for company in Leicester and so watched that game from a box at the KP Stadium and was amazed when he saw that interview. He'd seen Sherwood just after it would've been filmed laughing and having the craic with everyone. Complete **** chancer and a narcissist to boot. It's incredible to think he was ever our manager given how far we've come since then.
  8. Still really struggling understanding the distinction on this one tbh
  9. It's been tried a few times by different people/groups and always been massively unpopular, just ain't gonna happen mate
  10. Maybe, unlikely to be a factor in making him want to come back to us if we decide the sell him with a buy back clause IMO
  11. Pretty sure Cam and his family are Wolves fans originally tbh
  12. Kane will play every minute of any game that counts anyway, so Southgate only needs to pick one other ST so he can give the illusion of a plan B. Disappointed for Ollie in fairness, deserved a call up on recent form
  13. @TRO @nick76 honestly lads I thought the inclusion of "bring back Pongo Waring" would make it obvious I was making a joke. Atmosphere really isn't as bad as some people love to make it out to be, thought the upper Holte was pretty lively last weekend personally
  14. Perhaps. But like I said, I'm all for doing something extra, just think what's been proposed here looks shite Agree with the point about doing something future-facing or at least celebrating our current squad as well, would do much more for the atmosphere than pining for things that happened decades ago IMO
  15. Yeah, looks class. The Project B6 offerings above look like they've been designed on MS Paint
  16. You sound unhappy mate. Don't worry, we all get unhappy sometimes
  17. No opposition to do something extra, they just look shite
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