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Everything posted by choffer

  1. Same goes for me, I think. Only got it last week, am six weeks in to my first season and already fed up with it. Shame though as some of the new things in theory made the game more enjoyable but it's so buggy it's untrue. Favourite from last night - have a chat with RVN (who I only signed a week or two previously) and suggested that he'd make a good manager when he retired. He agreed and then fell out with me because I suggested he shouldn't start right now. Very poor motivation and a big sulk because I didn't think that a week after I signed him was necessarily a good time for him to take a managerial job somewhere. Probably not a bug per se but still fairly ridiculous.
  2. I do the full length of the M4 and back every weekend and I can attest to the last line there, Mike. I generally do about 85 where I can (thankfully my satnav tells me the camera/old bill hotspots) but there's always an idiot who refuses to pull over when it's clear you're going quicker than them. I don't hound them but just tap the full beam to let them know I'm there. Quite often get the bird for doing so even when it's them being inconsiderate in the first place. The one that really gets my goat though, is when someone in a fiesta (or similarly weak-willed car) refuses to be overtaken. Just because I've got a sports car (of sorts), people always seem to want a race. You come up behind someone who is doing 70 in the fast lane and then they speed up just so you can't pass them. I normally just leave them to it but have been known to undertake when the road is clear. Sure it'll come back to bite me one of these days.
  3. Believe me, they know about them. If you look at the SI forums they're awash with people posting bugs.
  4. No kidding. It's possible to win a cup before you even get to the final!
  5. To be fair, I think a lot of Villa fans would have said the same a couple of years ago. I remember the stick he used to get here when he was regularly picked for England ahead of Ash. We only say different because he's been great so far this season.
  6. Fla. Dealer Offers Free AK-47 for Truck Buyers
  7. Love Christmas for the 3 or 4 days that it lasts. Hate all the bs in the lead up to it. Oh and I hate when the Salvation Army band turns up everywhere for the 6 weeks ahead of Christmas playing Good King Wenceslas everywhere you go.
  8. As if the last minute offer on tickets wasn't enough to tempt people:
  9. Can't imagine that'd have worked for Wickham. He wanted to go from about a thousand a week to about 96,000! I'll try and prove/disprove your theory tonight though.
  10. Ah, come on now. You wouldn't say that if you lived here and knew how awesome it was.
  11. VMWare pees me right off. Spend thousands of pounds on a health-check. Clean bill of health. Crashing on a daily basis ever since. Shouldn't pee me off as it should just work, dammit!
  12. Started my annual hibernation last night with this. It usually lasts about 3 weeks and then I get bored, start cheating (the old, add manager to Real Madrid, get him buy all your rubbish players for millions and then spend big on players who end up not liking you thing) and then pick it up only occasionally until the next one comes out. Can see lots of improvements on the last version but it's the devil's own job trying to get decent players to agree to contract offers. I had Wickham hold me to ransom for silly money so I told him where to go. Contracts generally seem a bit hit and miss. I offered RVN about a third of what he demanded and he accepted. I even offered to pay his agent 1k and he took it. Have managed to off-load Carew, Heskey, Beye and Davies and am investing in youth. Assulin already playing well (as he did last year) and a few more on the verge of good things. Can concur with previous comments about Gabby being on fire at the start of the season too. Am liking the player and staff interaction but some of my staff seem keen to overload me with average Scottish youngsters for some reason.
  13. Telegraph. Link? Can't say I can see it - if it's anywhere I'd expect it to be here.
  14. choffer

    Ice rink

    Was pretty sure they were but there's quite a few earlier posts that aren't visible anymore so I thought I'd get them back in.
  15. Hi General, Just wanted to ask if you could pass on my thanks for Monsieur Houllier, the players and the staff for yesterday's open training session. One member of staff was particularly helpful when he spotted that our view was somewhat impeded by the tv cameras and helped us find somewhere else to sit. The attention to detail in even spotting that we didn't have the best of views was impressive, as was his willingness to approach us and find us somewhere else to sit. Also big thanks to the players for staying out so long to sign autographs and pose for pictures. My 11 year old nephew will long remember the day he got his shirt signed by so many of the players and had his photo taken with a number of first team players. Special thanks to a certain Mr Young who I'm sure risked the wrath of the rest of the squad by staying out in the cold much longer than anyone else to ensure that everyone had an autograph and a quick chat. The only slight downside is something that I'm not sure the club could do much about but we were sat very near the camera crew of a certain global broadcasting company and I would have hoped that with so many young children around, their reporter might have chosen to use slightly less "industrial" language when talking with his crew. No matter, it did not spoil what was an excellent morning. Please do pass on my thanks to those responsible.
  16. Yup - if you like Bourne/Greengrass-type films you'll love it.
  17. Entertaining footnote to Martin Samuel's piece on Rooney today:
  18. Rapid-fire because there was too much dialogue in the screenplay, apparently. Sorkin said he couldn't cut any of it as it would compromise the plot-line so they decided the actors would just have to deliver the lines quicker.
  19. The Winfrey factor. If Oprah says it's good (and she would because she Exec produced and funded it), nobody is going to say a bad thing about it. Can't comment really though as I've not seen it.
  20. So the 7 dwarfs visit a convent - after much persuasion from the others dopey goes up to the mother superior - “do you have any midget nuns here” he asks “i’m afraid i dont know what you mean child” she replies “you know, midgets, small nuns” “no” she replies so dopey goes back to others looking a bit glum “well?” they ask “nope” he replies “ha!” they all laugh - “dopey shagged a penguin!”
  21. Along similar lines (although as old as the hills): A Tune and a Halls are sitting in a bar, having a loud argument about who is the hardest cold-relief boiled sweet. “No,” says the Halls “I think you will find I am the ‘ardest boiled sweet you know. I am well ‘ard. I have been known to crack people’s teeth and Everythink” “Yeah,” says the Tune “Well, I am hard because…” And then looking around, he realises a green Locket has walked into the pub, and he disappears under the table. The Halls looks around, realises who it is and also ducks under the table. The locket has a pint, drinks it, and leaves. The two other guys eventually emerge from hiding. “Hey!” he says “I thought you guys were the hardest boiled sweets known to man!…” “Well, we may be hard” Says the Tune, “But that guy? He’s **** Menthol”
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