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Everything posted by choffer

  1. Wazzock is literally my favourite word ever!
  2. worth a quick read, but also worth reading the comments below the article Once there you can click on the 'affordable speakers' article, which includes some which are £600 - I guess there are multiple definitions of affordable. I knew I was going to regret starting this thread. I'm going to blow my budget just on the turntable! Want:
  3. Conclusion: most people are twunts! (present company excepted, of course!) Edit - pagebreak fail.
  4. Done. (although your advice above will also be considered.
  5. Having unearthed all my old vinyl in my parents loft (maybe "unearthed" is stretching it - it was more like "here, keep your own rubbish in your own house - you moved out 20 years ago), I'm hankering to listen to my old And Why Not? 45s. I'm fully expecting that if I invest in a half-decent turntable and associated accessories, I'll be bankrupt by the end of the year, snapping up old Billy Ocean albums at record fairs but as I've no experience in record players, I'm turning to the VT collective for advice. Starter kit, under £300 required. Any advice appreciated.
  6. I had a few friends like that. One of them was out of work for almost a year and to keep his spirits up, I'd always shout him his dinner without making a fuss, just so he occasionally got out of the house. Then, once he gets a job as a lawyer, I fall on hard times and tell him I can't afford to go out. He gives me heaps and I end up going out but saying I'll have to keep my spending to a minimum. He has starters, main, dessert, a couple of beers and a bottle of wine then at the end of the meal (when I'm expecting he'll graciously offer to pay for the one course I had) pronounces that we'll just split the bill 50/50. We're not in touch any more.
  7. Having seen earlier comments, I was just about to start a thread seeking advice on getting a vinyl set-up. I know I'll regret it as I'll be buying albums left, right and centre (and if my current music collection is anything to go by, hardly ever listening to them) but I'd really love to get an affordable set-up. My father, love him, told me the other day that he'd chucked all his Marantz and Rotel kit in favour of a Roberts mp3 player!
  8. Recruitment consultants really are the scum of the earth. Lower than estate agents or african warlords, as far as I can tell. Two interviews recently, one for a scouse football club and one for a company I really wanted to work for in London. Despite being told I was ideal at 1st-round interview, they don't even have the decency to call you back to tell you you're out of the running. I'm long enough in the tooth to understand how the game works but surely they must make the connection that I'm also someone who hires people too so if they look after me, I'll send business their way when I'm looking.
  9. Sir Christopher Lee - gone.
  10. Aye but it seems the majority of parents aren't doing the training these days.
  11. The threat was enough more often than not but I don't think I was harmed in any way from a smack on the back of the legs. I do look at kids theses days though and wonder how you stop them being smart arse nobs.
  12. Harrowing but an excellent account of a complete nightmare of a situation:
  13. Rat Race? One of my top guilty pleasure movies. (Not that I really agree with the concept of guilty pleasures)
  14. Not in the DVD version I've just watched.
  15. Ugh no tramp porn here, I've got the Everything Butt series to catch up on Because an admission such as this is guaranteed to encourage GeorgeVilla82 to interact more with you, eh Rob?
  16. Work has been so busy for the last year that my movie watching has taken a hit. I've been playing catch-up this week and so far have got through Ex_Machina, Whiplash, The Imitation Game and Foxcatcher. It has been a good week Next up:
  17. I was back in my old school last night (but at my current age). Jermain Defoe was sat to my right in English class and was getting really annoyed with me because the toilet immediately to my left hadn't been flushed (number one only). The fact that it wasn't me that filled it didn't seem to make any difference to him. He got progressively angrier, to the point where he came out swinging. I did the classic old cartoon trick of my hand on his forehead and he just kept windmilling away without landing a punch.
  18. Interesting suggestion made on Football Weekly podcast this week. One of their guys was saying that in the presser last week, Blatter ensured that British journos got to ask all their questions about corruption, at the expense of journos from other countries. The implication being that it's FIFA's intention to portray this as a witch-hunt by one disgruntled country who are just sore because they failed in a bid to host the world cup.
  19. So just like the UK then (except right instead of left, obvs) Wales is the worst. I'm convinced they must have passed a law that says it's illegal to drive in the nearside ("slow") lane.
  20. The second he appeared on FF, my dad and me immediately shouted in unison "Shooooot!"
  21. Excited as a kid on Christmas Eve.
  22. So, there's plenty of us who will be relying on the telly and VT tomorrow. Help us share the atmosphere of the day by posting your best photos through the day. Let's see nonsense, shenanigans and plenty of smiling Villa fans enjoying their day in the sun. Happy snapping.
  23. No, but that thought did / does enter my mind, whenever Gordon Brown is mentioned. I could see how that would work better but I generally don't encounter former Prime Ministers in the shower every morning.
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