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Everything posted by TheAuthority

  1. Loads do try - writing a hit is hard - writing a Christmas hit song is like unicorn poop. "The Christmas Song" (Chestnuts roasting on an open fire.......) is the highest grossing song of all time I believe. Mel Torme's grandkids are made for life because if it and probably their kids too. Nat King Cole recorded it first, but Mel and his family made all the dough.
  2. Never heard of it/them! I did watch a doc on Bandaid last night. At least they wrote the thing so had all of the royalties going to the charity. If it's a cover it's not making real money.
  3. Hopefully there's opportunities to progress and move up in the company eventually Glad the stress is not too bad!
  4. Jesus - women. There are some days I swear they enjoy fixing for a fight and that's what makes them happy. Being miserable is the joy they desire and anything you say / do is going to to elicit a response of anger. FFS it's Christmas you miserable arse!
  5. Sales - Is that what constitutes "incentive"? I get you make a lot if you are good/lucky/having a good month. But do you honestly enjoy the game?
  6. Billions: Given up before the end of S1. 2 lead characters. 1. A psychopathic, criminal billionaire is the perfect, caring and stable husband/father. 2. The moralistic, idealistic prosecutor is a terrible partner to his very reasonable wife and is suddenly prepared to break multiple laws for who knows what reason. Meh - ridiculous. Possible wealth-porn akin to Succession, but's its very poor. Also it's very obvious which episodes are written on spec and not by writers who have any clue about character/story arc.
  7. Pynchon - one of my top 5 novelists!
  8. I didn't say anything about you
  9. John Hughes films - beautiful houses on the North Shore - Ferris Bueller, 16 Candles, Home Alone. Worth a friggin' fortune now. Last years real estate market went insane in the US - Some areas saw a 25-30% increase. https://www.visitchicagonorthshore.com/a_john_hughes_tour_of_the_north_shore
  10. And my thought is that governments have only asked us to do this (outside of lockdowns.) It's the muppets that think masks and vaccines are forms of control and other such conspiracy nonsense that have kept the pandemic going. (Combined with the West not rolling out the vaccines to 3rd world countries quickly enough.)
  11. Greenwald is an extremist who lost any credibility long ago. He's mad he didn't get a job at a top paper after breaking the Snowden story and has been even more extreme ever since. The reason no-one will employ him is because he's a lunatic. The Intercept which he helped start had to get rid of him.
  12. I think the working class hunting came from necessity, not for sport as it was for the tofs. Certainly my nan used to talk about her dad going hunting for rabbits during WW2 (Halesowen terraced house.) She remembers them skinned and hanging in the kitchen. Working class suits had a secret "poachers pocket" which went around the back of your jacket. Back then if you hunted on someones private land they could have you arrested even if the game was wild. Oh the days of going scrumping as a young rapscallion......
  13. Sounds like you've got a good base to start off with with your baby mamma
  14. From the articles I've read Wolves are the 1st and only so far to be fully vaxxed. Only 68% of PL players are double jabbed, far lower tan the other main leagues of Europe.
  15. Took the nipper to "Polar Express Experience" up at the Colorado Railroad museum. They put on a little show of bits from the film, served hot chocolate and cookies. It was a bit AmDram/Guffman but kinda sweet too. A lot of families who and obviously done it before all came dressed in their matching pyjamas and dressing gowns - very cute. Then we all piled out and waiting at the station for a full on steam train to roll in and they blasted the Polar Express music. That was pretty cool ! On board for a 30 minute journey culminating in arrival at "The North Pole" where Santa and the Elves danced to Santa Claus is coming to town. They acted out the end of the movie and then we were on our way. Off the train then into an old 60's rail runner train car to meet santa and my son told him he wanted a "Christmas trombone" It was quite sweet - the next few years are going to be cool getting to do these kind of things with him and the next kid which is on the way!
  16. I don't even bother with pre-match threads anymore. I'm in the match thread around 50% of the time. Other football is ok - looking out for a Keenan typo is a fun VT sport. Other football has less militants than on topic but there are some lurkers.
  17. Click on the BBC homepage. Top story on "the news" is - NEW STRICTLY CHAMPION CROWNED The world is stupid.
  18. It's extremely annoying we can no longer rely on Arsenal crumbling at the 1st sign of adversity.
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