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Everything posted by KAZZAM

  1. Lots of captain hindsight's on this forum when it comes to Danny Ings. The risk Southampton took on him after his massive injuries was mega risky and i'm pretty sure 99% of this forum would've dismissed him because of it.


    Yep Liverpool the first original plastic club , Ive got to put up with countless Liverpool 'Fans' from my year group who live nowhere near Liverpool, never ever visited Anfield and are just the children of Plastic fans.
  3. Liverpool should put out there youth vs us. so they can win the title at the etihad, sounds fair to me.
  4. Sheffield United Fans were raring to restart the season?
  5. Chelsea's team looks pretty rubbish tbh
  6. That last minute goal where Jack 'dived' boils my blood to this day.
  7. It was clearly Keinan's fault anyone who disagrees needs to get to specsavers asap.
  8. One chance they got and it shouldve been a goal,Why is that always a pattern in Villa games?
  9. Maybe some potential for the premier league to hover up free agents from cancelled leagues. Seems to be decent timing on the overlap of the restart of the premier league and the end of players contracts.
  10. Found it really hard to finish Gangs of London. After a good start to the show it really went down hill and was a hard watch near the end.
  11. Long overdue a decent full back through the academy.
  12. Dean smith is worse than Tactics Tim he really is.
  13. He's seen as a easy target when in possession too, The opposition swarm him when he has it knowing there's a very good chance he will miss control it.
  14. Slimani not in the Monaco squad looks like its happening?
  15. Behave yourself , All those players you mentioned are typical final 3rd trickster dribblers. Jack Dribbles all game anywhere and rarely loses it or gets fouled, His touches are so deft his close control is in a whole new universe of skill.
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