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Everything posted by KAZZAM

  1. Lange and mckenzie need to get there foreign portfolios out before its too late. Signing only players that Smith likes is failing.
  2. Imagine uprooting your family to live in Newcastle, to play Bruceball and to play with zero England Internationals just because your from Coventry and its cool to hate Villa there.


    Would love to know how much Porto is gonna receive in this deal vs Mendes.
  4. No win situation really if he's hates us or the choice of living in Newcastle.
  5. Can't see Callum Wilson uprooting to Newcastle. Don't see them as proper competition.

    Matty Cash

    Guessing it's 13 Mill plus 3 Mill addons. A little steep was hoping for a bit less.
  7. He's more ITK than even VillaReport.
  8. Still hoping we have a proper plan A for targets and not just being lazy with plan B(rentford).

    Matty Cash

    Can see other clubs matching our bid once its accepted.
  10. I feel like theirs loads of bargains available this season abroad and plenty of players available as other clubs are desperate for money(Corona). I just hope with replacing Suso with Lange we didn't leave it to late to formulate a plan on who to buy And in turn arnt just trusting in what Smith wants. It just worry's me with all the constant Brentford links that Smith's shopping list is incredibly narrow minded and we could be paying premium money(Brentford being Levy esq) while all other teams are getting the foreign bargains. Just feel like its a big opportunity to truly progress and hope it isn't ballsed up.
  11. Tammy would be the dream signing almost guarantees 15 goals a season. Think he's 3rd choice at Chelsea now and to get in the Euro 2021 England squad he's gonna have to be scoring consistently.
  12. Bonkers how much they pay Bielsa and rumoured to be getting 150k per week new contract.
  13. Trippier's wages must be insane, Too insane for us.
  14. This is gonna happen really late in the window or not at all. Gonna snooze this thread for a while
  15. Would be hilarious if he walked out on them just before the season started.
  16. His calf genetics are insane. Pro bodybuilders would kill for his calves.
  17. Rashica seems better value than Benrahma. But I still don't like the idea of someone like Leeds getting Benrahma.
  18. Looks an old pic , Not in this country. but why now did he post it ? Nakamba ITK?
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