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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. For me, I'm working in places where I'm not allowed a phone and they don't have internet. So it's the only practical way to get info in. Other places where I can mail ahead or use 'join.me' and similar things, I'll keep a back up on a stick just as a final fallback for my own peace of mind when smarter things suddenly turn out not to be working.
  2. yep, used to carry drawings to places that don't allow wifi or connection to outside networks of any kind
  3. oh I can't stand it really, I just want to look cool and down with the brothers. I'm getting all these pictures from google images. I'm actually mostly listening to Combat 84 and Genesis.
  4. I'm not in the 'Star Wars is rubbish' camp. If you get enjoyment from american space cowboy films for children that are really only vehicles to push merchandise that's your prerogative. The bit that boils my piss is the wall to wall advertising of it - even across the BBC. Ten minutes on radio 4 this morning with grumpy John Humphrys clearly feeling awkward about being asked to partake in 'journalism' that was actually just a Lucas Industries puff piece. Even if I liked that stuff (and we all like stuff others find dumb), the tsunami of hype would cause me to resist what is, ironically, becoming an all consuming all pervading evil empire of plastic shit.
  5. The Sun have seen mention of the Bomb Squad on a Villa Forum, seen the dislike of one particular foreign gent, noted the ethnic mix of Aston, taken 2 plus 2 and spun it up to 11. Saying that, if there is a threat, I think the wise thing to do would be to call off this season and start again fresh in August.
  6. Junior Doctor, up to £47,000 p.a. Qualified GP salary £55,000 - £85,000 p.a. Consultant starting salary year 1 - £75,000 p.a. why she's re started texting now it turns out you're a doctor is an absolute mystery to me
  7. Me and the other half had a really good really sensible conversation a long long time ago. When we were both in similar jobs on similar money, we agreed the one with the lesser 'prospects' would stay home and raise any future mini crispys. By the time that came around I'd jumped a few jobs getting more money along the way. So Mrs crispy jacked in work and stayed home all nice n traditional. I would genuinely have taken that role if I'd been earning less. But it was a conscious decision to go uber traditional. This meant I worked stupid hours to make up for the missing money, but did nothing around the house. like, really nothing. To the point where I once jogged upstairs to pick up a fresh towel and didn't know where we kept them - in a house we'd been living in for 5 years. Time goes on, kids grow up, wife takes a part time job, I start doing some chores. Missus now works pretty much full time, we go pretty much 50/50 on housework. But 50/50 means no girly excuses for not doing stuff. Just like we can both cook a spud, we can also both replace a lightbulb or hold a paintbrush. But it all sprang from a very honest conversation where we actually spoke to each other about what we wanted and expected. One of the rules I insisted on, if ever, ever, I got a DIY tool as a present, if ever I got a drill for a birthday or a sander for Christmas, she will get a new ironing board and oven gloves for every single occasion after that. I dislike DIY, I have learnt DIY out of economic necessity. But yeah, what I'm slowly getting at is, don't let it eat you, don't do the silent rage, don't pop a blood vessel or chase the secretary. Have a proper calm grown up conversation about mundane shit. If that all goes well, next week's conversation, dressing up as a pegging nazi.
  8. art with added drones Bierstadt Drones
  9. Try and make it fun by setting yourself mini challenges. By the end of the night you have to either get your finger up her bum, or owe her a twenty and never see her again.
  10. and don't even get me started on trying to get everyone to sit down, switch off their devices and watch a proper film, Apocalypse Now. No, no, no, it's all Spiderman and Thor shit. If it ain't got a **** talking raccoon or space based remedial standard story lines they don't wanna know.
  11. My kids were playing some 'White Stripes' on the weekend, when I commented on their sudden conversion to good music they pointed out they were being 'retro' for fun for half an hour. White Stripes = retro. I am old.
  12. First thing Randy will do if/when we get relegated is work out that we can operate in a lower league on a lower budget with an even more random selection of even less well matched squad players. He's a financial and tactical **** genius.
  13. zero in the last 9 days even had Waitrose' Elderflower flavoured slightly sparkling water with my Sunday lunch didn't even have a drink last night whilst putting three sets of lights on a christmas tree
  14. What exactly does 'quite open about her upbringing' mean? Are we talking raised by wolves and has a residual lust for human flesh on the full moon, or parents vote conservative? Neither is an automatic show stopper, but fingers crossed it's the easier to work through classic lycanthrope problem.
  15. D1 could just be the alpha bastard whispering in your ear that all the others are bastards. Hey, I'm not saying that is the case, I'm just saying it might be worth thinking about. (whatever you do, don't let D1 see this, don't look him in the eye and let him know you've rumbled him, that could be highly highly dangerous)
  16. I don't know what to do anymore, I've gone from driving a 250 mile round trip to watch them, to watching on the TV, to just following the match thread. I'm just about giving up on that now. All a bit sad. I'm off to do something at least vaguely constructive.
  17. I've heard that theory about art quite few times. Surely it only works if you can then 'cash out' some time fairly soon. But I don't see a market in rapid re-sales for slightly less money.
  18. from a few days ago, a story about Homs BBC Essentially, Assad's forces are now nominally back in control of Homs. A deal has been brokered by the UN for a ceasefire with many rebel groups being put on buses and shipped out of the area. Groups affiliated to AQ have decided to leave and fight elsewhere, 'moderates' have decided to surrender their heavy weapons and remain in their home town with their families.
  19. I don't believe I've made reference to my wife? It's how I work off my warning points here.
  20. yes, that and the 'Disco Devil' version are two of my absolute all time faves
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