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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. I love the part at 1 minute 9 seconds where the female interviewer points out the cruise missiles were unmanned. I for one did not know that. I presumed there were dwarfs or jockeys in them.
  2. identity of Spicer speach writer revealed
  3. If you're a regular flier it's less likely to happen (I imagine Tony H can correct me on that one if it's bogus). I used to commute by plane for a while (oh yeah, Mr rock n roll). Never once was I asked to stand down, saw plenty of others stood down, but never the guy that flew every Monday and Friday. They always selected people with no booking history. Same with hotels. They sometimes over book deliberately. Also, here's where I'm going to upset someone...I have an account with Accor hotels (Ibis, Novotel, Mercure) where I'm guaranteed a room at 24 hours notice. Now, I suspect they do not keep empty rooms in case regulars turns up. I suspect they bump people out of their hotel rooms too. I've used that card to book a room when others have been told the hotel was full.
  4. A couple of examples from when I was a mere slip of a yoof. I was driving along, went through a green filter arrow, 50 metres later there's a red light so I stop. A police car pulls up alongside and tells me to pull over on the other side of the lights. I did this, got out and he asks me why I went through a red back there. 'Ah!', I say, 'it wasn't red, there was a green filter, I went through the green, turned left not straight on'. He insisted it was red, I insisted it was green and it all began to get a bit heated. At the point I finally conceded, I said something vaguely along the lines of how I was really really sorry hadn't meant to and was sure I hadn't but he was the police and in power so sorry. At that point his chum chipped in before the first officer could respond and said 'right, well now you've admitted it we can all move on, don't do it again'. Clearly good cop could see that bad cop was being a dick. Second one was a bit odd. Got stopped and accused of drink driving. Told them I hadn't had a drop in days but was happy to be tested. They said they didn't want to test me but I had to leave my car and walk home. I said I thought that was a bit odd, telling a drink driver to walk home rather than testing or arresting him. Conversation went on like that for a good few minutes. Eventually for some reason, I announced I was sober but bored and was getting in my car and going home. They stood there and watched me get in the car and drive off, never stopped me, never followed me. Weird.
  5. the fire probably isn't the issue, it's every loser going past needing to have their gratifying little look
  6. souvenir postcard issued after WBA beat Birmingham in the 1931 FA Cup final
  7. We're having our cake and eating it. Defence Secretary Michael Fallon has accused Putin and Russia of being complicit in gas attacks on civilians 'by proxy', as they are protecting and aiding the Syrian regime. Politics Home Meanwhile the Saudi regime turns the dust of Yemen in to smaller finer dust mixed with a little blood and brain. 'Maintaining a long standing contract', what a sanitized turn of phrase for continuing to sell weapons to known murderers.
  8. I was Bert Weedon's dealer / supplier back in the early 80's. Custard creams mostly, but every now and again, for the buzz, shortcake. True story.
  9. Sweden needs to sort out its law and order enforcement in places. Malmo has already been quoted. But please don't claim there are Birmingham style ISIS controlled states operating in Sweden. If there are rapes and gang attacks and drug gangs, sort them out with the laws that exist for that very purpose. Don't let shit fester and then claim we are being over run by a muslim conspiracy to out breed us. It's scared lazy fascist bollocks. Whilst I'm at it, if we don't want jihadi terror schools in our prisons, let's properly fund and run our prisons. Not just piss our pants and blame brown people, whilst getting G4S to run a prison with amateurs on minimum wage.. We're bigger than this, and I can't decide if there's a generation with no back bone, or a generation that sees an excuse to get NF style racism up and going again. Either way, it's not a great reflection on us is it. Man up, insist on law and order. Insist on integration. Insist on decent education. Insist drug cartels and dealers and smugglers are dealt with, insist illegal prostitution is dealt with, insist petty crime and violence are dealt with, insist shit schools and madrassas are closed. Stop selling bombs to murderers. Stop dabbling in value engineered mini wars. If a kid is abused in Rotherham, don't worry about how community relations might look, break up the paedo gangs. But that's all hard, expensive long term work isn't it. Much better to find an easy fix. It's probably just all muslims plotting against us, so send 'em back. We should get the red white and blue Sun to start a petition.
  10. A couple of my mates are in a Shadows tribute band. I'd always avoided going along to their local gigs as I'm a bit too cool for that kind of thing. Finally went along to one a few years back and they and the music were fantastic. Sadly, the Shadows have a slightly cheesey safe image. A bit more hotel room smashing or a bit of publicised drug abuse and they'd have had a lot more 'cred'. Also, for the record, let's not forget their influence on rhyming slang. I'm absolutely Hank Marvin = I'm really rather hungry.
  11. like so much of the shite I post, I could've been a bit clearer
  12. I didn't go, I don't really do films so much. I've stayed home freaking myself out with some Miles Davis.
  13. My nipper is an extra in a thing on Channel 4. Strangely, they've played a trailer for it in the cinema this evening. So the family have now sat in the cinema and all seen the youngest up on the big screen in a trailer. A bizarre, unexpected but glorious experience apparently.
  14. As someone that has worked retail and worked leisure jobs I'm very much for restricting opening hours. As someone that hates needless light pollution from corner shop Sanisburys that feel the need to be seen from the moon, I'm against long hours. I've lived on a High Street, extending opening hours and Sunday opening destroyed life for the residents. An evening without neon shopping opportunities and traffic should be embraced.
  15. It is easy to write. It's also true that if we don't sell the beheaders their cluster bombs, somebody else will. But that's not really a great reason to sell a gun to a murderer, is it? To make sure the profit comes to us? Yet at the same time, we're letting the Russians get all the sales bonuses for Syria. I'm sure there's some munitions firm somewhere in the UK would welcome the chance to increase exports with some bombs for bloody Assad as well as those for bloody King Salman.
  16. I'm sure if we can just sell some more missiles to the Saudi royal family this will all be resolved. We're all agreed our Saudi client buying all our lovely weapons is the good guy, yeah? Need partners like that in these uncertain times of Brexit and terror. Need good clients buying good bombs. If Saudi stopped buying our weaponry we wouldn't have the money for our humanitarian work in Yemen.
  17. How do you know if a bloke has got tattoed legs? Oh don't you worry, he'll be wearing shorts all year round so we can all enjoy his 1990's tribal banding.
  18. some people are very very scared we should all stay in doors until someone has done something about somebody nothing anything like this has ever happened anywhere ever before and we haven't survived up to this point, we're dooooomed glorious sunny day in London yesterday, went shopping and site seeing after my meeting there were brown people there but they appeared mostly normal
  19. It's shit here, save yourselves, stay away. I hear Tenerife is lovely.
  20. Counting Liberal, Labour and Tory as the 'big three', there have been about 20 switches by MP's since '45. About 7 or 8 of them tory to Labour, most recently Quentin Davies, 2007, citing that he didn't like alleged pig shagger David Cameron.
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