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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. It might not be why you buy one (or me for that matter, I use motorways), but look around the roads, yes there are lots of boys driving BMW’s and their false eyebrowed love island girlfriends driving Audi’s all up to their eyeballs in credit. But there are other cars out there. Small stuff, tiny little Suzukis, Kias, and Hyundais. The recently discontinued Aygo, ridiculously popular, and half a second slower to 60mph than one of those new Dacia. Those old folks and shoppers that are dawdling along in front of you in their Daewoo Matiz, that’s as much about car performance as them thinking about their cats. They wouldn’t be doing 70mph down a slip road if you gave them a McClaren. They’ll mostly be sticking to the A’s and B’s and calmly pulling out in front of lorries and not even realising.. I can genuinely see this would fit in our garage for charging, will fit 4 bags of shopping, will go to Swansea and back with no danger of needing a charge on the road so no range anxiety, and the budget of a second car. I can absolutely visualise a target market for this car and she’s currently sat upstairs and if I said would you like a grey metallic Audi, or nice yellow Dacia and some weekends away and a new sewing machine and a new set of drums and new double glazing, and a new sofa and money in the bank, I’m fairly confident I know what the answer would be. Or, yes, Dacia have got this horribly wrong and there is no market for a cheap, small, easy to park, local runaround, EV in a nice colour, with a boot just big enough for the weekly shop.
  2. It’s the car for the likes of my other half. Needs a car for the across town work commute. Needs a car for the shopping trip to Cardiff. Longest trip taken is a 90 mile round trip to Swansea not using the motorway. Current car is an Aygo X which looks roughly the same size. I think there might actually be quite a big market for this.
  3. It was Libertino that had last year’s Welsh Music Prize winner, Rogue Jones. I think there’s a very good chance this early in the year they’ve done it again with Angharad.
  4. I briefly thought I had a white one, but it was an inner sleeve.
  5. Talking shit using my alter ego login and watching it bring all the boys to the yard.
  6. I’m not much of a military strategist, but I’d have thought there are two army strategies. One, you have a vast unending line of cannon fodder to exhaust the oppositions stocks of bullets and bombs. Two, you have a small, dedicated, professional ‘elite’ army. It appears some want a third option, a small army of cannon fodder.
  7. The army will be absolutely chuffed to their tits to receive a wave of recruits that can’t be motivated to do anything.
  8. Who cares? None of us would be my guess. Who’s amused by the bullshit? Lots of us would be my guess.
  9. A quick google and it appears Lloyds Pharmacy can already offer two alternatives to EpiPen. I think the medicines thing was more an example of a worry about trade and GDP figures than an actual risk to life worry about specific medicines, maybe.
  10. Journeyman politician now on his 3rd club. Lib Dems eyeing up a bid for next season. Who’s sniggling now?
  11. Trade with Russia has dropped by £9.8 billion according to the Dept of Trade & Business.
  12. Well what a glorious waste of time that turned out to be.
  13. 1987 and there are atleast two bands on there you could still go and watch this month.
  14. Educate me, which are the generic drugs we can’t source from elsewhere and couldn’t make here?
  15. No, you’re right, we need these generic drugs that can only be sourced from Israel. Let’s not condemn mass murder and mass civilian punishment by starvation, let’s keep helping.
  16. Chino’s around the house and garden. If we weren’t expecting visitors, shirt untucked.
  17. If we’re trading with them, and giving them military assistance, we’re propping them up. I’m not suggesting they have an absolute reliance on us or that the regime will fall without us.
  18. It’s both futile, and the only thing that will make a difference. I was in a supermarket recently and on that day every type of potato they were selling was from Israel. I’d only gone there for spuds, for a meal we were having. But I couldn’t buy them. I changed the whole meal plan we had something else and we had that meal a few days later when the spuds were from Pembrokeshire. Well done me. It’s obviously the most middle class of tiny little protests, but it’s something directly in my control, so I did it. It’s not lost on me that I’ve struck against the international war machine by switching to pasta. Also, that farmer in Israel just might be Palestinian, however unlikely. Also the farmer in Pembrokeshire might be supporting the IDF with free spuds. You can’t know everything. But you can do your little bit of what feels right. It’s a nasty apartheid regime, we have to treat it like that. If it gains some basic humanity and respect for life, we can help protect it against other nasty murderous regimes. Right now they are committing crimes, killing babies, starving mothers on Mother’s Day. So I don’t buy their spuds and I won’t be voting for the cowardly apologist UK politicians that prop them up, red or blue.
  19. You could always research what the various party leaders think of it, and vote accordingly.
  20. I’d nearly posted a few days ago about the sheer quantity of output from him, and the accompanying tsunami of emails and notifications from Bandcamp and the like to tell me he’s released another thing. Then this one popped up in yet another Norris notification, and I was grateful for the tip off, so decided not to grumble.
  21. Ah, i thought he was going to say wrong cinema, but they’d just painted a wall beige so he watched that instead and it was slightly better than Dune 1.
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