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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. The absolute latest it could be, would be late January next year. That would involve campaigning over Christmas and nobody will fancy that and the electorate will punish the party that delays the strictly final with a party political broadcast. It would be equally daft to ask people to stay sober to vote in the weeks leading up to Christmas. May and June have a couple of Westminster recess weeks in there. July and August MP’s will be on their hols as will much of the electorate that has the money for holidays so that would be a bad choice. Would they have the kids back in school in September and then give them all a Thursday off? By a process of elimination you start to think its October / November as a likely date. But October 31st is a Thursday and he surely wouldn’t call a GE on Halloween, would he? What we’re trying to do here, is guess the thought process of a trapped tory when none of the options are flash your cock or grab the money.
  2. A little closer to ‘rock’ than ‘alt’ in their alt rock description but still half decent for yet another new to me local band from up them valleys.
  3. It might be worth investigating walking football. There are teams all around the place, and it sounds like it’s pretty much for you. Walking Football
  4. Oh my parents, or more specifically my dad definitely did. Repeatedly. There was nothing about my choice of music that my dad liked and that was just how I liked it. I don’t think there’s anything my kids have played that I’ve been particularly interested in, but I’ve got no problem with them playing it, usually in my bloody car. They don’t come to my gigs, I certainly don’t go to theirs.
  5. What I’ve got is quite hit n miss to be honest. As a turntable, it’s budget, but you can plug decent speakers in to it and I’ve a set of speakers that have basic knobs so I can get a bit of depth and volume. Though I suspect the stylus eats records, so stuff tends to get a single play on there for conversion. Some stuff has converted really well. I’ve got an old sampler album called Dimension of Miracles and the cheapo ion turntable has done a really good job on that. This Fanny stuff, not so good, sounds a bit thin and tinny and there’s no way of even just crudely bumping up the bass or dialling back treble. We have considered investing in something noticeably better and some better more editable software. I think we have to both be feeling rich on the same day to commit to it.
  6. Yeah, I think I bought a couple of new records by new bands during 2023, but as mentioned up thread, I’m not sure they’d be covered by the BPI trade awards show. It’s difficult breaking in to the charts when you’ve only made 300 copies. I knew the Raye song and I know Dua Lipa and Doja Cat and all that, but as Bicks said, it’s not offensive but it’s also not my thing, so it just passes through without really registering.
  7. Absolutely crazy how the Brits music awards can be so out of tune with a bunch of middle aged blokes on a football forum. No prizes yet again for Marillion or Bad Manners? Rigged.
  8. Yeah, Raye, winner of best new artist 2024. Raye’s album released on Polydor four years ago got to No 6. Best new artist.
  9. Really? Wow. You stick with your ranking the legitimacy of it all, if it works for you. I’m not that sophisticated, I’m just seeing bad people craving more power and personal gain.
  10. I’m not arguing that it isn’t, I’m arguing it’s another reason, no more or less spurious than the others. I’m not attempting a ranking system for good reasons for genocide.
  11. Religion not worth fighting over, shiny metal, Maoism, opium sales, arguably worth fighting over. One day we can console ourselves that the last methodist is dead, and now we fight over the arguably more worthy cause of crips and bloods. I struggle with that ranking system. It’s taking an attempt to argue for the rational to a weird extreme.
  12. Well, similar, but different. A different bunch that need to chill out a bit. But similar. If they weren’t fighting over that, they’d be fighting over unfair tax on tea imports, or not being allowed to sell their opium products in China, or whether agrarian feudalism, Marxism, Leninism, Trotskyism, or capitalism is best for the people of Cambodia. Some people feud, they’ll soon find a new reason if you remove an old one. Peace will not come because the last Quaker pamphlet was burned.
  13. It’s hard work explaining to someone that is militantly literal that you don’t have to believe every word is literal. They should maybe stick to tidying up computer code, or sodoku. The angry pushy atheist will point out how unlikely a virgin birth is. Well, yeah agreed, but the idea has to start somewhere. I mean, if they wanted to they could bother to notice there are multiple versions of creation in the same book and the gospels clearly didn’t get their story aligned and straight before committing them to written evidence, and someone somewhere decided what books went in the book and what translations to use. The literal think they’re clever looking at one of the trees and pointing out you can’t base a forest on that. When it’s absolutely evident plenty of people have based a forest on that.
  14. And how difficult would it have been for him to express something similar to what you’ve just said. You’re a bloke on a messageboard, he’s a barrister, a human rights lawyer, potentially our next PM, he literally has a team of professional speech writers. ’wot he said’ and an arrow pointing at rishi’s hollow words doesn’t cut it for me.
  15. BBC Should we just merge the two main political threads? And then save paper, and get Starmer and Sunak to issue a single manifesto.
  16. Well my interpretation would be there’s no B on a double A. Oasis’ Masterplan was the first one offered when I discussed it elsewhere.
  17. I think we’ve seen more than enough examples of vast industrial scaled killing by the not particularly religiously driven to know how all the scenarios could play out.
  18. With all that rhetoric about resisting extremism I had thought he was leading up to kicking Anderson, Truss, and Braverman out of the party. But apparently he didn’t mean his extremists.
  19. Put a philosophical agnostic in charge of a people neighbouring another people that have the water or the gold and see if that stacks up.
  20. Anybody that thinks removing religion would reduce conflict and death is either lying to us or lying to themselves. Remove religion and we’ll war over gold, wheat, water, red or blue bandanas, curly hair, modern jazz, and oil reserves.
  21. In a conversation earlier about the best B sides. We all agreed Bauhaus had a great shout with Terror Couple Kill Colonel. Then the research and the thinking begins, and bloody hell there is some crazy quality stuff out there that was a B side. How about genuine heavyweights like Green Onions, and God Only Knows. You get a top quality top 10 very quickly, The Jam with Takin My Love, Calimero by SFA, You Don’t Always Get What You Want by The Rolling Stones, The Model by Kraftwerk.
  22. That’s Mee out the spotlight.
  23. If you accept there is no god, or that there are truly enlightened gods, that leaves you free to follow the god that works best for you.
  24. The Workers Party of Britain. Their 10 point manifesto actually makes a rousing read. Unfortunately, the actual people involved appear to be wrong uns.
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