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Everything posted by chrisp65

  1. Oh I’m sure in some cases it does. But come on, look around you, the majority are pointlessly large expressions of a lifestyle choice. Like buying a car that can do 160mph in a town with an average speed of 23mph. I’d suggest the majority of F Pace purchases are not out of necessity. My job has involved driving 20,000 miles a year. I’ve got family, I go on holiday, I’ve taken the kids on camping holidays. I’ve moved students across the country and organised house clearances. All that usual stuff. I’ve survived without a Defender.
  2. We need a stat here, the number killed or injured by oversized overpowered cars in the urban environment, against the number of people killed or injured by not being able to use their X5. I’m not really advocating any sort of violence or vandalism here. I’m more about trying to work out the psychology of justifying to yourself a Land Cruiser in Swindon.
  3. It’s the whole thing, the size of cars is being Americanised when there is no need. Car parking spaces are having to be redefined because of the race to be bigger, higher, wider, more of a ‘presence’ on the road. What then happens, is the guy with the Range Rover of the Mitsubishi then realises that parking on the road he might get a scratch because his car is so bloated. Not a problem, I’ll park half of it up on the pavement. We’re buying cars that are too big for the urban environment. Whatever you want to call them, sUV, 4x4, the point is they are too big and too aggressive. You just don’t need a Macan to drop Timmy off at school or get two kids to Burger King.
  4. it’s a twitter account I have a look at every now and again
  5. It would be interesting to know the stats for Royal Mail losing post and delivering it inexplicably late, versus the number of fake voters that were turning up at polling stations. The mail around here is in a state of collapse, we’ll get nothing for 4 or 5 days and then we’ll get a bunch of mail delivered and a few of them won’t even be for this address.
  6. That Joey Barton has started a GoGriftMe page to sue Jeremy Vine, and Tim Vine has donated £10.
  7. Richard Norris Hypnotic Response When the record is spinning that pattern looks like its pulsating bit freaky
  8. Would there be a day off if Kate is dead?
  9. chrisp65


    That’s pretty much where I’m at, if I’m going to be spied on, I want it to be a completely disinterested government official, not some orange guy using tweezers to masturbate.
  10. I don’t think the tories can afford another winter cull of their remaining voters. Autumn, not so slippery they daren’t go out, not too hot to rile up the liver spots. I’m actually waiting for someone from the militant nutter wing to suggest there is too much of a national emergency to have an election just yet.
  11. chrisp65


    I use google maps and I get the little report at the end of every month, a map with dots on to show where I’ve been. When delving further into the graphic, it can tell not just that my phone went to Worcester, but the route it took, the speed it travelled and the shops and restaurants it went in etc.. So it’s an interesting toy, but it is a lot of info.. Not always super accurate either, there will regularly be a shop that I didn’t actually go in, I can only presumed I dawdled right outside or stared through the window. Not that I’m doing anything nefarious, but my job sometimes requires me to be without a phone, and on a weekend, to the shock of the kids, I’ll leave the house without it. Just to stay half a step ahead of the man.
  12. chrisp65


    With all this data and intel they hold on me, why do Screwfix send me adverts for floor adhesive when I come back from buying floor adhesive in Screwfix?
  13. Yep, allowing any profit on resale keeps the industry players in the game. You get a stadium tour, 4 or 5 UK dates, 70,000 at each date, £100 a ticket, siphon off a few % of those tickets and you’ve built yourself a 10% resale on thousands of £100 tickets. It’s a nice little 6 figure additional income. My missus, for her sins, wanted to see Coldplay at the Millenium. Capacity of 74,500, and it was £160 for a ticket. 10% mark up on a couple of thousand of those ain’t stopping industrial touting.
  14. Well I’ve got 16 on there I’d happily go and see, and who knows how many discoveries in little side tents whilst you’re waiting for Kneecap or the like to be on stage. There’s stuff there from top to bottom, Dua Lipa, LCD Soundsystem, Squid, Steel Pulse, Yard Act, Kneecap, Dexys. There’s something for everyone there. But I don’t do festivals, so that’s irrelevant.
  15. On the plus side, this should mean that 6 months later there will be a car from the adjoining factory called the Spacia Dring and it’ll cost £9,999 but the doors will be made from turkey foil.
  16. According to his office, he knew Abbott wanted to be one of the speakers on the subject, but there wasn’t time to give everyone a go. The man is a fool.
  17. Speaker of the House of Commons has had another great day. Following all the questions and debate on Hester and his words, the one person he didn’t acknowledge and allow to get a word in… was Dianne Abbott.
  18. I’d guess it’s also high in Palestine as they were kettled in to densely populated safe zones and then bombed.
  19. It feels like so long ago now that he needed to address the nation in an emergency speech from a lectern outside No 10 where he condemned hate speech and extremism. It wasn’t made clear at the time he didn’t mean wealthy donors that say they want a black woman shot. Stuff comes around fast, don’t it. 5 letters of no confidence received yesterday apparently. They need to end this death spiral at their earliest opportunity, so they will still be represented in Westminster after the election. They need a damage limitation April General Election.
  20. About 5 or 6 weeks ago I swapped my lease car, like for like, I’m very adventurous. The guy that picked up the old one told me there was a scratch across two panels at the rear of the car. This was news to me so I went out to have a look. There was a slight mark or line, clearly not a permanent scratch, which I removed by rubbing it with my thumb. He said it was too late, he’d filed his report but if I wanted to I could dispute it. As it was a £220 ‘fine’ for the scratch, yes I disputed it. VW Finance have just phoned, and asked me what I thought the charge was for as they were ‘independently’ looking at the photos he submitted and they couldn’t see what he was on about! I agreed, they agreed. They cancelled the charge and apologised and also added he wasn’t even on a commission or anything so they weren’t sure what he was thinking. Far easier result than I’d expected, but very welcome.
  21. Genuine curiosity, do you go to Cheltenham and if you do, how has this affected you in any way? I could genuinely say it would be something that had absolutely zero impact on any aspect of my life. If they changed it to banana day and said dress code is yellow it just wouldn’t register with me. What would be looney about it? Is this going to stop women dressing up and attending? I struggle with the upset at this sort of thing, so genuinely curious as to why it’s upset you. I’m not setting a trap, just interested.
  22. About 40 seconds in he suggests he’s going to be comparing the EV with a car that has a clean internal combustion engine, which later turns out to be a 3 litre diesel in a car capable of 150mph. He’s probably just got a different definition of ‘clean’ to me. We’re all conditioned to compare cars on their speed performance, 150mph and 0 to 60 in 4.8 seconds. Well that’s great, but that’s not representative of much of my commute route. Hopefully soon we’ll be forced in to putting a higher importance on cost to charge, speed of charging, range. Yes, I want my car to safely pull out of a junction with a bit of pep. We really really don’t need to be able to get to 60mph in 4.8 seconds and we certainly don’t need to be able to do 150mph. Those are stats for the monkey brain.
  23. I was just riffing, rather than doing this work thing!
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