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Everything posted by mottaloo

  1. Brian Cant. He of bbc play away programme and others. Sad day indeed
  2. Oh the number of times I've had that comment thrown at me, usually delivered in a haughty, sneery manner..... i used to shout that from my seat about my season ticket Anyway, please accept my 'umble apologies guvnor......and keep being the exception in sales. Who knows - you could just turn a few your way (if you know what i mean )
  3. Apart from you @Xela, of course ! To be fair i did use the words generally and general just to cover myself.....now please excuse me cos "Brad" from pre sales has just called demanding i fix his email synch to his iPhone7 problem and fix it NOW !!
  4. I've always hated dealing with sales people. By general nature they are cocky, pushy, yappy words removed. I deal with them at my place for Their IT support and they are generally insufferable sh1ts who think the world revolves around them. Female sales staff lot are worse - it's as if they have to be more of a word removed just to compete with the men (or so it seems to me) If you could afford to lose the deposit then I'd withdraw and see how much he likes those potatoes.
  5. Mods - surely, after @Stevo985 had mentioned this office hotty on more than one occasion yet still wont provide photographic evidence (purely for fellow VTers debating purposes and no other reason), then he is due for a few warning points at least ? I mean.....I'm not bothered myself....of course...erm....but the likes of poor ol @Xela has needs but would be too shy to ask
  6. That made me smile in an ironic way. I used to drop my (now ex) wife to work on my way to my office and she said to me one day "see that bloke going in to the office ? Well, you know **** in my section ? Well, she left her husband last month and moved in with that bloke !!" Apparently it was the talk of her workplace for ages, such a scandal ! Fast forward a year or so and my ex leaves me for the same bloke. I presume he'd dumped his previous bird first. Of course, i laugh about it now
  7. As long as us VTers see it first then that's fine
  8. @Villan_of_oz - not the right thread i know but i hope her ex didn't throw you off course with the dieting ? Tempting as it is to have that extra few beers to calm down
  9. A female friend of mine once told me she had recently seen 2 women in her local david lloyd locker room getting ready for a "workout"......and they were both applying false eye lashes. Okay, it was in essex but jeez (PS - I think I'm gonna have to look up what beta orbiter means !)
  10. She's one of main reasons bmw and the like charge so much, along with their shiny showrooms and "free" coffee. Give me a hairy arsed mechanic called Ron any day of the week.....for my....erm.....servicing of course
  11. Okay. I wasn't referring to specific individuals/incident in my previous post.
  12. The first thing that comes to my mind is "yeah, d1ckheads - you were shit shovelling the streets of hackney on the bins....yeah, that's REALLY gangsta !" But then straight after i thought "sleeper cell". Assimilate in to the local community, go under the radar. Do your evil deed and then see subsequent tv interviews with his neighbours saying "fck me, he seemed such an ordinary bloke, a bit quiet but would wave good morning to me when i took out the recyclables on a wednesday !" it's depressing the sh1t out of me right now
  13. Once again i salute you on ur excellent posting.....but..... I'm disappointed in myself that i am more concerned about the lack of health and safety, no hair net aspect of this pic than the cheeky, botty slap message that should be all that matters here
  14. 100% agree. I've ranted about this before. I'm not a great music fan or expert but i like 80s stuff as I'm now early 50's age wise but that smug b1tch kate garraway and her inane prattling on smoothextra gets on my norks ! So then i discovered absolute 90s, a bit edgier, indie-er and i thought yeah, this will do.....until the absolute rentagob bloke who does the 6pm show on weekdays starts up with his chirpy, witty, geordie ban'ah........shut the F*CK UP !!!! I forget his name but he is on after the excellent danielle perry, who is totally by the way in a milfy redhead sort of way ! But yeah, by and large DJs are clearings in the woods !
  15. In my opinion the sleeves are (again) too pale, like last season. Needs a deeper, richer blue like the early/mid 80s.
  16. @Stevo985 - good points well made. Taking it on to a different level, I used to think how a jar of pasta sauce could have a 9 month shelf life...aah...preservatives....of course ! So that got me thinking about prepping meals for the freezer from scratch..... homemade meatballs, slow cooked curries/stews, different sauces made from fresh tomatoes, soups etc. It may mean a bit of spare time is taken up making it but at least I knew exactly what's going in to it, in particular salt and other chemicals the manufacturer threw in en masse. Ok, even veg and meats have natural fats, salt and sugar but i feel more in control seeing what goes in to it as i make it. Not rocket science and it can be time consuming but the satisfaction is considerable. Also, if you think you cant cook thrn there are loads of books, online stuff which are idiot/bloke proof that even this slouch potato doesn't mess up. My own preference is Nigella Lawson and her YouTube tutorials
  17. Yes, but you recognised it and didn't shrug it off in denial. I get the same sort of lapsed moments but then (like you did with ur biscuit) i remind myself that the old/previous me would've caned the rest of the packet, or loaf in my case. Some of the boys on here speak about a cheat day once a week or month. It's something i do and i appreciate the treats all the more. Put it this way ; 30 yrs of bad eating habits aren't going to be extinguished in a few weeks dieting, not totally, but it's not long before you notice changes in your shape, taste buds, wardrobe and more importantly your state of mind. Keep it up dude
  18. Erm..... I'd say that would have to be a necessity or it wouldn't work
  19. Cheers dude, that's kind of you and as for fitting in a mixed grill.....i mean, come on....does a grizzly defacate in the woods (clearing or not ) That said, my last one was feb ! I can hear the Vine calling for me.....
  20. Thanks dude, that means a lot to me
  21. Same here, with similar results. I think for the majority of us it's a case of less crap intake and more activity. I've just discovered parkrun (walsall arboretum in my case) and it's just great. No pressure to run all the way - i briskly walked it and jogged a little bit. Very friendly atmosphere and its free. Cant ask for more than that. Bottom line is how badly do you want it ? I'm in remission from testicular cancer and I'm not gonna hang around waiting for my body to give me another warning. The time is right; the time is now.
  22. SHA cretins congratulating Huddersfield, some intimating a special new found bond after Wagner made 10 changes at the sty. You couldn't make it up
  23. Must've been packed with lots of....erm....meat ?
  24. @Xela - fair point. That would've given the phrase "meat sweats" a whole new meaning
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