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Everything posted by Villarocker

  1. Ha ha. I meant, they'd either fancy me enough to shag me, or, they'd call the police because they'd think I'm a pervy bloke! But, I doubt they'd wanna gang up on me so they'd most likely call the police. Is that so difficult to understand?
  2. Fair play to him for saying it but, for me personally, shouldn't a gay man or woman say this to the people with whom they share a changing room? I mean, if I was to walk into a changing room full of women they'd either rape me or call the police. I'm no George Clooney so the latter would probably be on the cards. So, shouldn't a woman who will look at another woman in a way of finding her attractive, also be forbidden from being in the same room? The same going for men! Maybe I'm politically incorrect for saying that, and apologies to anyone who might be offended by that, but surely there is some truth in my pov?
  3. Maybe, just maybe, Randy Lerner has been listening to Paul Lambert and decided to "go again".
  4. Many people prefer the English Aston Villa draw - just ask Sheffield United And Bradford and Doncaster, in fact any team from the Yorkshire region!
  5. I think I was happy with the appointment of O'Neill at the time but with hindsight I wish he'd have just come in with O'Leary still in charge and then poached Moyes from Everton and given him the big bucks to spend. Who knows, with that amount of money, we might just be a regular top four side now. Mind you, we'd still probably have Lambert as manager because Moyes would still have wanted to go to Manure and mess them up.
  6. Did you actually film that yourself? If so, maybe you could get a job on AVTV?
  7. Equivalent to - Run me over with the Nissan Juke instead of the Land Rover. Both fecking hurt!
  8. Think he's in the wilderness still looking for the ability that he clearly lost when he signed for us!
  9. He's got Juan Pabloitis and it's no real surprise. How many times does it happen in football? A player has a good season and gets a bigger deal. He then plays crap for a couple of seasons before coming good again just in time to earn a new deal. Hope I'm wrong but is it pyre coincidence that he, Weimann and Westwood are all so poor this season after being given pay increases in the summer? I know Guzan, Clark and Baker got improved deals but you can argue that they've each got more of an affinity to Villa with their previous history with the club.
  10. Lambert makes some strange decisions at times and today was no exception. Why give the impression he was going to rest senior players and then play them? They were on to a hiding to nothing after that! Now, I'm reading impartial fans saying that they hope Villa get relegated as it would be ironic following Lambert's comments. I do have sympathy for him because of funding, injuries and unbelievable losses of form for the likes of Benteke, Weimann and Westwood. But, when he goes and does things like this, he certainly isn't making it easy to stick by him or have sympathy for him. A tip for you Lambert, shut up and just get on with it.
  11. Will be more angry with Lambert if we lose this now, than of I would have been losing having played a load of youngsters. We were on a hiding to nothing. Even if we do win this, the media will just say that we were lucky or that we should win it because of our league status. Lambert should have given the youngsters a go to see what they're made of. I'm pretty sure he would have but for the reaction of the fans and media. I wish he'd just not said anything and gone with his instincts. At least we would have been risk free today. Could have rested first teamers and seen what the likes of Helenius, Donacien etc are made of.
  12. Said it before today that we should have bunged the kids in and just seen what happens. It's OK people moaning about having a go at it by picking the first teamers but what happens if we lose this? Not only are we out of the cup but the so-called first team takes a real dent in their confidence. Let's just hope we don't get any injuries or suspensions to compound it all.
  13. Get him in ASAP, and De Bruyne too
  14. It was a ridiculous level of insight to be fair. The club were stopping the press reporting Kozak for sometime yesterday so are obviously pissed it got out elsewhere. Yeah, but who grassed him up? If he only came on here and announced it, how would the club have found out who it was? Mystery man went too, so I'm now wondering if Villa's transfer budget is being paid out to the administration team of this site in exchange for inside info on the ITKers who are dishing the dirt on all that's happening at Villa Park and Bodymoor Heath? I wondered how this site managed to get so trendy PS: Just kidding folks!
  15. Joey Fecking Barton? What does he know about what players want? I bet players don't want cigars stubbed in their faces by mindless knobheads like him! I bet when Helenius was in his teens he was watching TV at home in Denmark thinking "I really want to go to England to score a goal in the FA Cup". Was he fook! If anything, he was thinking "If that useless, thuggish prick Joey Barton can earn thousands of pounds a week in the Premier League then so can I".
  16. But gabby, weimman and benteke are all capable of scoring a lot more than they currently have. John, they're capable of doing it but we're now relying on them to do it. I bet you, as well as most of the rest of us, have complained about the effort and lack of goal threat from Benteke and Weimann this season?! Fair enough, Gabby is on song at the moment but we all know that he plays in fits and starts. He could go the rest of the season without scoring and it wouldn't be too surprising to some. On top of this, we have to remember that Benteke and Gabby have been injured this season and losing either or both of them for a sustained period is also not out of the question. Kozak is no world beater but he's proven to get a goal or two already this season and I can't say the same about Weimann, Bowery or Helenius right now. That's what concerns me about this injury.
  17. It's terrible news. Regardless of what people think about Kozak's ability, he's scored a fair few goals considering he hasn't played that many games, and it's his first season! On top of that, he's an expensive signing for where we're at right now and we can ill afford to have that amount of money cast aside for so long. Right now, I just hope that the big fella gets back to fitness ASAP and makes a full recovery.
  18. Lambert or Hairyhands, if you're reading this; sod the FA Cup this season. We haven't won it for an eternity and even if we had our whole squad fit it would still be asking a lot of them, at the moment. League survival has to be priority and with so many players injured it's going to be tough enough as it is. We don't want our players getting twisting ankles or pulling hamstrings on shitty League two pitches midwinter. Just play the youngsters and if they get through then fair play to them. If not, they will have at least had some experience. Either way, we need our best players as fit as possible for the remainder of the season and breaks on the cup weekends will do them good.
  19. I'll say something that sums up possession. If you have a gorgeously hot girlfriend for 3 years and the she leaves you for someone else. Who's happiest? The guy who's had her for 3 years or the guy who's knocking the back out of her now? Thought we were OK today, especially in the second half. Gabby was at his best and there were flashes of the good, bad and ugly from Albrighton when he came on, which was strangely entertaining. Bacuna was good too. Just need to sort out that left back position and Weimann, who is in terrible form. We won and it was vitally important.
  20. Albrighton just missed the chance to score goal of the fecking season then. What a clearing in the woods!
  21. We're lucky they never played Johnson against Luna from the start of this game. He'd have ripped him apart.
  22. The ref is going to give them something dodgy in this game, can just sense it.
  23. Since Bouma broke his ankle we have never replaced him. We've had some shite play in that position. Suffered Shorey, then Warnock, then Stevens, then Bennett and now Luna. Each time I can recall saying "I wish we had the last one back" simply because they've just got worse and worse. I wish we'd just go out and buy a fooking decent left back, once and for all!
  24. We've had a fair bit of luck today. The bad touch by Cattermole to let Gabby in, the ref not giving a pen when Ki stayed on his feet, some bad finishing by Blunderland and Benteke turning his back on a shot but luckily getting something on it to deflect it wide. Just hope it continues! Nice to see Delph has been teaching Bacuna the art of playing centre mid too.
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