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Everything posted by Villarocker

  1. The ref is going to give them something dodgy in this game, can just sense it.
  2. Since Bouma broke his ankle we have never replaced him. We've had some shite play in that position. Suffered Shorey, then Warnock, then Stevens, then Bennett and now Luna. Each time I can recall saying "I wish we had the last one back" simply because they've just got worse and worse. I wish we'd just go out and buy a fooking decent left back, once and for all!
  3. We've had a fair bit of luck today. The bad touch by Cattermole to let Gabby in, the ref not giving a pen when Ki stayed on his feet, some bad finishing by Blunderland and Benteke turning his back on a shot but luckily getting something on it to deflect it wide. Just hope it continues! Nice to see Delph has been teaching Bacuna the art of playing centre mid too.
  4. First time in a while that I've looked out a Villa game and before kick off thought that we had the best defence on the pitch. I think we'll be ok today.
  5. You need to go out tonight and get your beer goggles on mate. Any hole's a goal, especially on NYE
  6. We'd definitely have known if McLeish had been on here. His username would have been HairyPalms
  7. Here are my valuations: Guzan - 7 Westwood - 3 Delph - 5 Weimann - 5 El Ahmadi - 2.5 Clark - 4 Vlaar - 5 Luna - 1.5 Agbonlahor - 8 Baker - 2.5 Bacuna - 2.5 Benteke - 20 Lowton - 4 Kozak - 6 Tonev - 1 Sylla - 1 Albrighton - 2 Herd - 1 Okore - 4 Bowery - 750k Helenius - 1 Total: £86,750,000
  8. They did blow their chance. February has to be a good month for us because March is a bastard.
  9. I like Gabby but don't think he should be wearing the armband. He never strikes me as a leader on the field. If what Hairyhands said is true, that Delph is alongside Gabby as the highest earners at the club, I'd lean towards letting him wear the armband in Vlaar's absence.
  10. John, isn't it blatantly obvious that he's kissing his are just to get him to free up some funds? He probably thinks the same of the owner as most of us. But, if he goes and says that he will A) Probably lose his job and Not look attractive to potential future employers. By saying all that, he is clearly hoping the owner keeps faith with the big plan and goes into his pockets for the next step forward, in January!
  11. Fun Factory, I totally understand where you're coming from mate. I am sure that the players and management understand it too. They can't look at our home form/performances and be happy. They must know the fans deserve more for their money and support. But, that still doesn't mean that the moans and groans doesn't have a negative effect on the players. Like I said, maybe that's scaring them into not wanting the ball? Maybe that's why they shoot when they should pass? Maybe that's why the back four don't want the ball off Guzan? Or, why Guzan doesn't give it to them because maybe he feels that they don't have the nerves to cope with it in that position? All maybes, I know. But, there could be a lot of truth in that lot. What we really need now is for our injured players to come back and to bring in a couple of decent players in January. That has to have a positive effect on the club overall. I personally wouldn't mind going into the last 2-3 months of the season with this starting eleven, if we could manage to make it happen: -----------------------Guzan-------------------- Lowton----Okore------Vlaar-----Clark ---------------Delph------Westwood------ --------------------Hoolahan------------------ De Bruyne------------------Agbonlahor ---------------------Benteke-------------------- That would be a decent team to see us home into the summer when we can hopefully strengthen further.
  12. Another point I'd like to make, and this isn't going to go down too well with some fans, is that we are not being as tolerant as we were last season. I think everyone agreed, last season, that this was work in progress and wouldn't be fixed overnight. The fans were very supportive and patient, even in the face of some shocking results. Lambert said time and again how grateful he was for the support of his young team and what it meant to him and them. This season hasn't quite been the same and I think that's reflecting in the nerves that the players are showing. Maybe that's why they don't give the impression that they are trying? Maybe they're just scared of having the ball and making mistakes, because they fear being booed or jeered by the fans? I'm sure the people at the club can understand that the fans are the paying customers and have had it rough for a few years now, they're bound to be aware of that. But, that doesn't deflect from the fact that our team has a lot of younger players in it, as well as players who are foreign to this country and playing in the most competitive league in football, for the first time in their young careers.
  13. We are in a cost-cutting operation - the real question is are we getting better value for the amount of resource employed and CLEARLY we are - Lambert earnt more points and better position than McL whilst utilising resource that cost and earnt massively less - so by any standard that is better That's a very fair point. However, after achieving that you would expect us to improve further this season. Now, points wise, we may be better off. But, football wise, we are going backwards and playing arguably worse football than under McLeish's short reign. Also bear in mind that this is Lambert's second season. We only suffered one season of McLeish so we don't know whether the football would have actually improved in his second season. FFS Paul, sort it out mate. You've even got me using the worst Villa manager ever in a discussion because our football has become so bad! Hopefully, with a creative midfielder brought in, we can become a much better team than we are now.
  14. I have a couple of questions for you, Hairyhands. Firstly, you say that Lambo wants a creative midfielder as his priority signing in January. Does that mean that Tonev is no longer seen as the player Lambert thought he would be? I'm pretty sure you previously said that Tonev was bought in to fill that role, or something along those lines. Secondly, in another thread you said that Lambert would like another defender bringing in. Is this as cover for Clark and Baker? Or, would it be to go straight into the first eleven?
  15. Not one jot of it reads like it's from Villa's spin machine. Lambert's yes, but definitely not Villa's Whilst I personally don't think that HH is all about Villa PR spin, I can certainly understand why some would feel that he is. General Krulak and Randy Lerner have caused a lot of mistrust in us Villa fans.
  16. I suppose that HH wouldn't say that Lambert is after a loaned fan pleaser and then the player turned out to be someone from a lower Premier League side. I'm guessing it's going to be someone decent who won't cost an arm and a leg in wages but still good enough to make the fans take note. Therefore, I'm thinking the likes of Holtby and De Bruyne are not too far off what we're trying for. Isn't De Bruyne a good friend of Benteke? Wouldn't surprise me if it's him that we want. As for the permanent deal, I'm thinking that nobody would want to leave any of the top eight to come to us. I'm thinking either Wes Hoolahan - played a starring role for Lambert previously but not used much by Norwich this season - or Sone Aluko - out of contract in July and turned down a contract extension with Hull already. He'd be relatively cheap as they'd want to get something for him before risking him going for free. Also, wages shouldn't be too high. Out injured at the moment but due back in February.
  17. Precisely 1 DM and 1 AM. Would agree with this and also add in a left sided defender who can play both left back and centre back. I'd then offer out Baker, Stevens and Bennett to anyone who would be stupid enough to take them.
  18. Hairyhands has said a few times that Lambert's signings were not his top targets. Guess he produced a list and Faulkner went for the cheapest options.
  19. Both our full backs played inside whenever the ball went down the flanks. Bacuna was caught 2 v 1 many times yesterday, because Lowton had drifted inside. It has to be that they're being told to do that in training. Why else would they keep playing that way?
  20. none of them are coming to us why are people talking rubbish the most we will spend in jan will be 2 million I sent pat murphy a message on twitter he says villa have no money to spend and lambert knows that Ah yes Pat Murphy, that chap who's far more ITK than our own (proven) HairyHands who says we're looking to get loans in as well as a creative midfielder. When did HH say we were after loans and an ACM? No doubting just don't come on here very often. Hairyhands told me in a PM that there is £3-£4m tops available and we may also bring in a loan signing. He also openly stated on this forum that Lambert knows that we need a creative midfielder and a defensive midfielder in the Wanyama mould, to add some height to that area of the team.
  21. Great post Mark. I am also concerned about how Lerner would replace him if he parted company. However, I also wonder how we could possibly be any worse to watch?!
  22. I'll say this much, the crowds appeared to be on the up this season, following our decent start. But, if this dire football continues for the rest of the season, regardless of where we finish, the attendances are going to really suffer next season. People are just not going to keep justifying such large amounts of money to sit in a cold seat watching the most boring football their team has ever produced.
  23. One point at home to West Brom for me.
  24. I'm not for chopping and changing all the time and I do feel sorry for Lambert because he's had to go to poundland when the previous managers were shopping in Marks & Spencer. However, I have never witnessed such inept and dire football in my life. Honestly, I thought it was bad watching McLeish's team but this is even worse than that! I really don't know what I want to happen. On one hand I think it could be even worse for us if we sack Lambert, because we'd have to pay him and his staff off and then employ a new bunch to work with the same shite. But, on the other hand, I really cannot see how we can get better. The only way I see us staying up is by other teams being worse than us, as we look beyond improvement right now. I can't even see how Vlaar and Benteke can make much difference, we're that bad! I would like Lambert to succeed but I honestly doubt he can. Hairyhands quoted his 5 year plan to us on here. Well, if the rumours are true about Lerner, where does that leave this 5 year plan? If I bought Villa for £250m I would damn well make sure that I did my homework on them first. Based on that alone, my first act as owner would be to find a new manager. Surely Lambert would think that way too?
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