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Everything posted by Villarocker

  1. More curry sauce on my chips at half time?
  2. My theory is that he is going to be an interpreter for Lambert!
  3. Seeing the pics of me as a baby with Villa Park (pics taken from Aston park) in the background. My parents were smart to do that! From a team performance side, winning the League Cup when we beat Man United and stopped them from winning the treble.
  4. It's not bad but why do Macron make shirts with stupid collars?
  5. Maybe he just did? A free gift for purchasing a return flight with Lufthansa?
  6. Does anyone think that Lerner might float us on the stock market if he can't find an outright buyer after so long? After all, he bought us through a share buyout.
  7. I can, if the rumours are true that Lambert leaves the coaches to do it all.
  8. I've been thinking about our squad and the fact we've sacked two main coaches. Maybe, just maybe, Karsa and Culverhouse have done us a favour. Who knows, two new coaches coming in might just make a huge difference to the players and how we play. We MIGHT see a different team next season, with some luck.
  9. Lambert owns Witton Lane snooker club? No it's a snooker club in North London is brother in laws name is mario Super!
  10. Vlaar and Okore will be decent enough but we all know that after those two we need a whole new defence. Guzan is fine but not too sure about his back-up. Delph is fine but still not sure of Westwood. Think he should be back-up for someone else. The rest of the midfield is far too weak to talk about and all need replacing. Benteke is the only really decent striker we have. Gabby is hit and miss and lives off the fact he's a Villa fan. But, he is vital to us when he's in form. Weimann is hit and miss but, to be fair to him, he's not playing as a centre forward - his preferred role - when our front 3 are all fit. Maybe a new manager with new tactics and formation would bring out better performance levels from the team as a whole, who knows? But, under Lambert's management, there's only a handful of players that are anywhere near good enough for this level of football.
  11. I still can't see how great Lerner has been. Ellis could have pumped a lot more money into the playing side of the club if he hadn't had to oversee the rebuilding of Villa Park. But, he did give a lot of money to John Gregory for players. OK, he did bottle it when he wouldn't give the money for Juninho but he did give a lot of money back then. Lerner has just overseen a farcical last 4 seasons that are probably the worst I have witnessed as a Villa fan.
  12. I'm with the doomers on this and think that a sale won't happen before the season starts and then we'll be in the shite. As every football fan knows, potential takeovers affect player performances and if this lot get any worse the inevitable will happen and we will go down. I think the vast majority wanted Lerner out but the way this is going I personally wish he was interested in us again, even if not to the extent that he was when giving O'Neill stupid amounts for the likes of Reo-Coker.
  13. Something fishy here. If money is so tight for transfer dealings that Lambert has had to eat humble pie and open the door to Hutton and Bent, why allow Albrighton to go? He's practically been our only winger in the latter half of this last season. I was in a local pub last week, watching football. A Villa fan who I know in there asked me what I thought of the situation with Albrighton's contract. I said I thought he'd done well enough lately to deserve a couple more years. The guy said that a friend of his told him about a row between Albrighton and Lambert following the away game at Palace. Apparently, Albrighton wasn't happy with only coming on as sub for the latter stages of the game and as a result, wouldn't travel back on the team coach because he didn't want to be in Lambert's company. He's supposed to have returned home on the train. Don't know how true that is but would sort of explain why we'd release a player who is probably our only active winger.
  14. If we have limited transfer funds, why release Albrighton?
  15. Very embarrassing for the club!
  16. If we are going into the next season without a new owner I think I would prefer us to keep Lambert on as he knows the players more than anyone now. OK, he knew them last season and we had another scrape at the bottom of the league, however, this will be a third season and surely they can only improve? I would just rather we carried on with someone who knows them an d their abilities, or lack of, than try a new manager and give him the same old tools. Also, in addition to the above, there should be no reason why Lerner couldn't fund some transfer activity. We are guaranteed some financial return at the end of the season, purely for our finishing place. Then, there has to be some sort of profit made that could go towards transfers. And, I am sure Lerner would not want Villa going down because that would wipe millions off the value of the club and he would then risk being lumbered with us or making an even bigger loss on his investment. I would imagine that around £20m could be found for transfers and, if spent wisely, lambert could get 4 or 5 half decent players in for that. Maybe a new CB, LB, DM, AM and a wide player?
  17. Kent Neilsen used to regularly pop into the shop I first worked in. He was a very nice and down to earth bloke. Having said that, managing in the Scandinavian leagues is world's away from managing in the Premier League, just ask Ole Gunnar Solskjaer.
  18. Wouldn't be surprised if they haven't agreed a deal whereby Lambert gets a pay off and the club say he resigned. That way, he gets his money and also keeps his dignity intact, sort of! Much better to have a resignation due to uncertainty over the club's future on your CV rather than being sacked for overseeing the club's worst ever performance. I could imagine Lerner having the respect about him to do that, especially after keeping his spending down during Lambert's time here.
  19. All I want is for Villa to be owned by someone who cares about the club and the fans and whom wants to have a real go at making Villa a top 6 club season after season. I'm not saying that we need to be title contenders every year or qualifiers for Champions League. Just want to see a team with enough quality and fight to get top 6 each season and give us the hope of a top 4 finish here and there as well as taking the cup competitions seriously and trying to win one of those. Does that take billions? I'm not sure. Just know that a spend of around at least 60 million would probably need to be spent just to get us into that top 6.
  20. Mendi is a bit hard to decipher sometimes so maybe he is Paul Lambert? ;-)
  21. My wife had a baby.Was it as stressful as supporting the Villa? My missus was in labour for 27 hours. I still can't believe she bled that much without dying. Women are superhuman. I reckon we make the next Villa owner a woman.
  22. Good job its not Mike Hunt, having said that she couldn't afford it!
  23. Kwan we please stop with all these silly references to Kwan. What kwan we do if he's lost his job anyway? He kwan always claim benefits or find another banking job anyway - maybe as a Tae Kwan Do instructor?
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