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Everything posted by tomzep

  1. Probably my favorite Stones track (definitely one of the few I really like). Agreed, i was very surprised not to find this on all of their greatest hits cds
  2. Undercover of the night - The rolling stones
  3. Good luck Wainy, sure youll love it and i look forward to reading about your time over there!
  4. To the tune of bright side of life ''He will beat you all, When he gets the ball He will have you running down the liiiiiiine Always pass to Marc Albrighton, Duh duh duh duh duh Always pass to Marc Albrighton, Duh duh duh duh duh''
  5. Ive always wanted to go to Korea and did a lot of A level and Uni work on North korea, also they seemed to want any tom dick or harry to teach English! lol
  6. cheers wainy, well even if you dont blog youll have to stay on here! Ill have a nose at your mates blog later after work, cheers. I have a crb for my current job, could i just grab a copy of that from them you reckon?
  7. Im planning on doing this next september, ive got a degree and im doing my TEFL course over the coming year. Can I ask how far in advance you applied for this position? Will you be keeping a blog i could follow somewhere?
  8. Hes my second cousin (or some equally distant relation!) Have to be honest i havent seen him play but my cousins have and his brother is involved with the Ireland setup so looking good!
  9. Brilliant! I hope the guy who scored the own goal was treated as a national hero!
  10. Hopefully we didnt fall on you and crush you! As i look like alan carr in the last hes my band profile shot, much less alan carr!
  11. Very drunk id like to add! I was barely able to stand at this point and regularly fell several rows forward
  12. Guido can take a punch! Shame he cant throw one!
  13. Jesus! The guy Khans fighting is a right Guido!
  14. Great Expectations - The Gas Light Anthem
  15. This si what wev ebeen planning to sing since yesterday: (laughin police man) there was a team called city, who come from Birmingham, got dumped out of the FA CUP by Pompey and Avram, they had a dream of Wembley, and really **** it up, now they'll have to watch the villa, lift the FA CUP! Another one id like to hear spreads it Carson Yeung is illigetimate, He aint got no birth certificate, Hes got aids and cant get rid of it DIRTY BLUENOSE BASTARD!
  16. tomzep

    General Chat

    Gamestop on the link between new streeet and the bullring, top girl in there! Not the normal geek/rocker type in a game shop, a little fitty!
  17. Sunshine underground were on top form, moved it up a notch from their free show at hare and hounds, and band of skulls were truely amazing. Far too good for that venue and I dont think we'll be seeing anymore shows that size from them
  18. Carew is a 30 odd year man whos had an injury plagued career and thats exactly what he looks like now. Was quality, once a top striker, but those days are behind him, time to drop to a lower european league and end a career. Gave us some quality performances but not in him any more and thats very sad, cheers carew and good luck!
  19. Got to disagree on both points, good bond film and blonde. sorry
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