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Everything posted by tomzep

  1. tomzep

    General Chat

    All downhill is a negative saying, your in free fall with no control
  2. At the moment I can get enough just going out on a friday and saturday night, I think internet dating may be for a older crowd tbh so im not ruling it out in the future. Ive met enough crazy women in person so I can only imagine what theyre like online! What i am wondering is that are these sites for actual dating/relationships or basically just sex?
  3. Thats amazing Astondalston, though theres no way in hell I'd ever do it
  4. That's not true. You could say it has the second highest population of Turks in Europe and it might be true because Istanbul aside, Turkey is in Asia. Ankara is the capital of Turkey (mostly because we occupied Istanbul for so long after WW1) and the population of that is larger than the population of Berlin when you include all the German and other non Turkish people living there. Izmir is home to some 3.25m people. Berlin has a population of about 3.5m. I'm guessing here, but more Turkish people live in Izmir. They say there are about 250k Turks living within the city limits of Berlin and plenty more lving in the metropolitan area. There are at least 25 or 30 places in Turkey with larger populations than that. Youve done me
  5. FFS! UDO DIRKSCHNEIDER! Even his name sounds like a piss take!
  6. Is this a joke? The band are spinal tap, the midget singer has Bon Scotts voice, the lyrics sound like something from waynes world, they dressed exactly like Iron maiden and they dance like status quo. This has got to be a spoof?
  7. Had that album on this morning, going for a bit of Radiodread after. Good stuff! Though im hoping they play all of the dubside of the moon on thursday rather than mix the 2 together
  8. Berlin has the 2nd highest population of Turks in the world, making it Turkeys unofficial second city
  9. Easy star all stars - Dub side of the moon, as i shall be seeing them this week at the Hare 'n' Hounds
  10. That can't be real. But its very funny all the same. It is genuine mate. ''dublin....sure that **** miles away, howya gonna stop me!''
  11. tomzep

    General Chat

    damn i came here to post this!
  12. Scala choirs version of Creep, amazing. Its going to be used on the film 'the social network' about the founding of facebook
  13. awesome show and closed with an amazing piece of musicc, the jam bitterest pill, gutted its over to be honest
  14. tomzep

    General Chat

    Hmm... it's the only thing thats jumped out at me with my degree... I think I've got to try really. Not holding out much hope mind. what degree did you do? I did public policy & government management with the aim of doing this graduate scheme so ive had to revise my plans quite a bit!
  15. tomzep

    General Chat

    I was on this for a while mate, have to say the most depressing part of my working life so far. You get raped in terms of work and then when you actually start to know what your talking about and whats really happening by being able to read between the lines youll see theres no bloody future in it for the next 5 years. Withdrew in the end and just carried on in the role I had.
  16. tomzep

    General Chat

    if your lucky ME there may be an offer on getting tickets for both matches, especially the way our attendances have gone this season!
  17. tomzep

    General Chat

    Anyone having trouble with facebook? Id arranged to speak to my mate living abroad and teh one bloody time i want to use facebook it wont load!
  18. Yes, hes one of the most intelligent footballers on teh planet. Hes time at Juve and Inter was amazing, carried poor temas and won titles consistently whilst playing up front on his own. Weve also seen Guardiola come out this week and admit he mismanaged the situation and Barca have really missed out because of it
  19. tomzep

    General Chat

    **** hell Stevo top man for sharing, looks **** good mate i feel i should share some of mine........hhhmmmmm
  20. tomzep

    General Chat

    My general rule is dont send anything below the waist of yourself, you dont want those gettin out and you can fob a dirty girl off with those to keep getting more of her oh and share the wealth
  21. tomzep

    General Chat

    and realised I had to deal with them Depressing
  22. Some very wise purchases in the summer withput breaking the bank and with that confidence boost Hercules now look in a very nice position
  23. Blue moons a great read at times. They have a good mix of whingers and good humour
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