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Everything posted by tomzep

  1. This is the same day as my 23rd birthday so hopefully a fun trip! On a coach leaving a 2pm from town, got a 12pm meet at scruffys though!
  2. cheers wedge, lets hope i get on and off the right stations and trains! Iim gonna look at tickets now, prayin for no changes, drunken changes wont be fun
  3. I reckon ill be getting the train, is it easy to get from the station to the ground? In the past ive got a coach right there
  4. After arshavin scored his goal last week at anfield his record there was 5 attemps, 5 on target and 5 goals. He let himself down after that, 2 shots and no goals, tut tut
  5. Half time, 1-0. I think getting to half time in the lead is a bog plus point, think their lads will feel the pressure now
  6. All my streams have just died but we were playing well upto what ive seen. Pressing them and they look nervous
  7. I dont normally drink the stuff, but any time im back in Weymouth i will drink this stuff. The landlord wont serve more than 5 pints to anybody in a night, **** rocket fuel mate. Cheap as chips and gets you mullered....Whats not to like! This Cheddar stuff is lethal! After a gig there once i managed 3 pints and will admit to being complatly hammered, so much i pissed up my own guitar case!
  8. I feel we may be attending Levis funeral soon! He may be only be 210lbs but theyve got to be some congested arteries!
  9. Friday Night, Saturday Morning - The Specials (my joint fav Specials track, the other being Nite Klub)
  10. Im going to have to give this a go now at some point this week, ill let you know how i get on with it!
  11. Anything from Big Johns, I swear just seeing the colours of the bags makes me hungry. I always regret it after as i feel my heart die a little more but its just fantastic
  12. maybe cuellar tryin to win a few fans over, long way to go yet though!
  13. Im really getting into them over the last few days, admittedly on the back of this song really and only knowing this one for years
  14. hahaha I was just so focued on the boss tbh it never occoured to me, if you watch the highlights 40 minutes intot he set is when he comes over youll see me kiss his arm loads! haha
  15. I went before dizzy started then didnt need it. However the night before i did piss in the crowd during neil young
  16. I was there 6 hours before he started, boxes of wines and cans all ready! I was lucky as all the acts before i wanted to see anyhow, Dizzy Rascal, C,S&N and then Kasabian
  17. i got to kiss him 4 mmies, then licked the sweat off his arm as he lay on us, i still cant believe it!
  18. Here i am, front row of glasto, reaching out then kissing and holding GOD himself
  19. sorry if its come up but does anyone watch autotune the news?
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