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Everything posted by Oaks

  1. Have the club actually said anything about exclusivity?
  2. Yeah but compared to Messi he's shit. Standard Twitter response for you.
  3. Oaks

    Paul Gascoigne

    Ive never said his natural ability was a myth, it wasn't, i said myths like he was the best player during the 1990 world cup was, he wasn't, infact he wasn't even close. He could/would maybe have been a great player, but it takes more than ability. And youve got to prove it at a high level for more than a couple of years. When you look at how some of the media and fans have treated some players in the past, it really dose baffle me to how Gazza gets away with things again and again...maybe it was the fact he cried.
  4. Oaks

    Paul Gascoigne

    Again he wasn't the best player in 1990, it's one of these myths that grows year on year. He was nowhere near the level of Scilachi, Mattaus or even Maradonna to name a few. I also think Walker and Platt were equally as good as him in that England shirt in 1990.
  5. Oaks

    Paul Gascoigne

    I don't like people with so much natural ability piss their career up the wall and end up hitting women.
  6. He was very good his first 2 seasons, awful last season when fit.
  7. This thing called the internet That's cheating! 9pm Sky Atlantic is how it should be viewed. It's on Sky Atlantic 2am...which is good for us night workers.
  8. I episode 6 was one of the worst episodes, but since then, it's been bang on form, great stuff.
  9. Oaks


    They're still very protective of him. Adidas ran a campaign a few months ago where they had Suarez and others saying stuff like, "you hate me because I kiss my wrists" and "you hate me because you want me in your team". I said no we don't like him because he's a cheating, racist who goes around biting people who's probably not the best type of person to be advertising your brand. I got a few faves and retweets, but then the Liverpool fans started. He's not racist...it was all Evras he's done it before...I pointed out he admitted what he said etc...it's not racist where he's from etc. I even pointed he **** them over...they didn't care.
  10. I didn't have to google it, it was on the pub quiz thing of sky a couple of months ago lol.
  11. It looks like Jack Warner has decided that if he's going down, he's taking everyone with him.
  12. Unfortunately - there is one massive reason why it will go ahead. ££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ FIFA is corrupt from top to bottom - so is UEFA - so if the FA. (Greg's watch anyone) Qatar and the wider Middle East have so many fingers in so many footballing pies in Europe that a World Cup in Qatar is sadly inevitable. Well in UEFA's case they don't like the Middle East money, in fact ffp was invented to cull their money.
  13. I think it needs UEFA to make a stand. Qatar can't be allowed to happen. It's quite disgusting what's happening there.
  14. I think we need better balance to the midfield and I think he's to much like Delph in size and ability. He was great for 7 weeks of the season, but I'm not to gutted. The only negative point is we probably need 2 I midfield rather than one. But Sherwood said the squad was unbalanced, and I think he's correct. We need some power in midfield. I'm quite interested what's going to happen, because it's going to be a completely different team next year...which isn't the worst thing.
  15. It was by many including me, especially in his last season under Houllier. Friedel was a better all round keeper than Given though, and controlled the box more on general crosses.
  16. They might do some godfather like montage where some get their comeuppance.
  17. Given at his peek was probably the most overrated keeper of all time. I said it then, I said it when we signed him, I say it now. He probably was but he was still better than Guzan in his prime. Just because he was overrated doesnt mean he wasnt good e.g for me Steven Gerrard is also probably the most overrated midfielder of all time but he was still a bloody good player in his prime I would pick the Guzan of 2 years ago than Given ever. You see I don't think you can have a keeper with such a fundamental flaw in the game like Given does. He's always had it with corners and crosses in general. You do notice it more when Guzan was so good at it.
  18. Given at his peek was probably the most overrated keeper of all time. I said it then, I said it when we signed him, I say it now.
  19. Sherwood made some strange team and tactical selections. These were almost forgivable because we were winning. I don't question them to much if that happens. When we went through the 7 wins in 11 run we got so excited at the prospect at winning football games we couldn't question it. Cissokho is clearly the best left back at the club, why hasn't he even been given a run? One of the biggest reasons for our upturn in form Bacuna was just turfed out at the final? Why was a clearly injured Okore played instead of Baker? I understand why Gil isn't starting, but he's not even on the bench. But he's done the main job, we're still in the premier league. But it starts again. He's almost got to build a new team. There's probably no Vlaar, Benteke or Cleverley next season. He probably needs to bring in 6 with the Benteke money and a bit topped up. Add them to Luna, Sylla, Bennett, Cissokho, Shanchez, Weimann, Senderos and maybe even Hutton going. It could be a long summer.
  20. I don't think he was anywhere near our second best player. It's quite amazing where this Given love comes from. He seems a nice fella, but he's never been a top keeper (IMO) and now he's 39. Guzan is a vastly superior keeper in pretty much every way now. I do find it odd, it's like a massive cult, not unlike the Darren Bent/Gabby cults. He's always played behind poor defences, this can't be totally unfortunate.
  21. Apologies, was on phone. But maybe not enter the GoT thread if you haven't caught up yet? The thread title does state spoilers.... I am up to date
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