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Everything posted by Oaks

  1. With 2 billion Muslims do you think this community should be doing more to wipe out the extremists operating under the same/similar religiosity banner? What ate you doing to stop the racist attacks in America?
  2. Seems our group was the toughest. Only finishing might have cost us IMO.
  3. Well in America white racists have committed more terrorist crimes than Muslim. I think you will find its how it's reported more than anything is the problem.
  4. I get the feeling already Vaughn is going to ruin this for me. He was awful.
  5. I hope they still go and enjoy themselves, because if they don't these rocket polishers have won. I made a point of getting on the tube the next day after 7/7. I realise what you're saying but if it was me and my family holiday there is no way I'd go. Far too easy for a copycat to do it again. Tunisia tourist industry is screwed now. Probably, but the next few months will probably be as safe as it will be.
  6. I hope they still go and enjoy themselves, because if they don't these rocket polishers have won. I made a point of getting on the tube the next day after 7/7.
  7. Oaks


  8. My favourite moment of Silicon Valley. http://www.quora.com/Silicon-Valley-Season-2-Episode-6-Homicide
  9. 9 times out of 10 though they want to sell.
  10. It's a strange one for me, because when it's on form it makes me cry with laughter, but when it's not...it doesn't work at all. It's why I haven't smashed through it...its success rate isn't high enough for me.
  11. Stealing a song from United fans who about a player essentially lost his career and life through alcohol isn't really a a good thing either.
  12. BREAKING NEWS ON SSN. There's no news.
  13. If I was a pro I would be almost teetotal throughout the season and cut loose in the summer. I still have no problem, unless pictures turn up during the season. He should maybe question his mates though, they're getting these pictures from somewhere.
  14. Oaks


    Exactly! You cannot argue a point like that! Other countries such as Switzerland do not have that problem, which suggests that maybe it's not the number of guns that is to be blamed... So until Americans can behave, then maybe they should have their toys taken from them?
  15. Oaks


    Fewer cars equal fewer car crashes. Fewer knives mean fewer stabbings. Is it really that simple? Yes. In that case, let's delegalise all kitchen ware. I'm sure that would prevent at least 90% of domestic murders. But is this the way to go? That's almost as bad as Donald Trumps arguments that if the teachers carried guns in the school that had shootings then less kids would have been murdered. Guns are designed to kill nothing more. And if you give everyone guns people will get shot.
  16. Oaks


    Fewer cars equal fewer car crashes. Fewer knives mean fewer stabbings. Is it really that simple? Yes. I would rather be stabbed or in a car crash than shot with a automatic rifle.
  17. Oaks


    I can't for the life of me understand why anyone would think guns should be legal. If people don't understand that fewer gun equal fewer shootings then they are a bit simple. There's always going to be crime, and a couple of cases when they have helped defend a business dose not equate to the loss of 1000s of innocent lives. This guy is pond life. This type of terrorism won't work, and it is as much terrorism than these Muslim bombers even if Fox News don't want to admit it.
  18. Oh before 2009, yeah Raul. Oh before 2009, yeah Raul.
  19. Who is the only player to have scored a hat-trick in the top four flights of the English leagues, in the FA Cup and League Cup, and at international level? Rob Earnshaw In 1961, who famously scored six goals in a match but still ended up on the losing team in a FA Cup tie? Who was the first player to be sent off in an FA Cup final at Wembley? Mormon whiteside Which team hold the record for the highest aggregate win in the Champions League, beating Sporting Lisbon 12-1? Bayern Munich As at 2009, which player has scored more goals in the history of the Champions League than anyone else? Ronaldo Which two teams were the first to face each other for the one hundredth time in the football league? Villa Everton Who was the world's first two million pound footballer? Gazza Who was the first Englishman to manage an F.A. Cup winning team in the 21st century? Redknob Who was the first goalkeepers to score a goal in the Premier League? Shcmaelcal Walker
  20. Some people have no patience.
  21. I loved Mad Max, but I understand why it wouldn't be for everyone...it is essentially a 2 hour car chase.
  22. Have the club actually said anything about exclusivity?
  23. Yeah but compared to Messi he's shit. Standard Twitter response for you.
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