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Everything posted by Nigel

  1. Nigel


    Weidmans got a shot on him, but nothing special for the division; Had Silva not been fooling around he would barely have noticed it! Weidmans only chance in a rematch is to take it to the ground, but I dont think he will get the chance. I dont think there are many fight fans out there that does not want to see what a fired up Silva can do!
  2. Nigel

    Radio stations

    XFM for music. Talksport is like crack! I know its crap and it will wind me up but I cant help sticking it on, just to see.
  3. Nigel


    IF Silva returns I feel sorry for Weidman! Hes a good fighter, but legends are legends for a reason.... IF.......
  4. Replace Jimmy with Yorke and thats me too! Gutting news to get all the same.
  5. Nigel


    Go on Silva, rematch...you know you want to!
  6. As with every such statement it can be bested with 2 words.. 1) Andy & 2) Carroll
  7. Its a real shame but I feel he missed his big chance when he got injured last season!
  8. Bit off topic but why would Suarez go to Arsenal? Its well documented he wants away from England.
  9. Russians involved in a dodgy deal?
  10. Its called Anaal Nathrakh Here it is in its entirety... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zYSv9IqzEg
  11. If we dont rename this the baggies will have to challenge for the title soon!
  12. Nigel

    Web Browser

    That was the article I read before changing to Firefox. Must say after using it for a good few weeks it does seem faster, especially when I have a lot of screens open.
  13. Its times like this Id love to be a mod ...or a psychotic breader of rabies ridden animals with access to VT members addresses.
  14. If I find the doctor who botched my plastic surgery job I swear ill kill him with my bear hands!
  15. He is right.... he's simply mistaken the European cup for the Layland DAF!
  16. Whilst I wholeheartedly agree with your moral standpoint Voinjama, you seem to have forgotten who this is happening to!
  17. First thing that came into my head was 'Wake up' Arcade Fire ....a subtle nod to Villa too......
  18. Why do we do this to ourselves every season?
  19. The award should have gone to Given.
  20. It cant be bigger than the NEC car park!
  21. The odds on said 'beastie' knowing morse code aren't good!
  22. I cant blame him if he does, he will never get another contract like that!
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