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Everything posted by RunRickyRun

  1. If you play in a three, Zarya, Winston and Zenyata is a strong strong combo. Let Winston charge out with a barrier and orb. Once he loses a few hp, he can jump away and let a 50/100% Zarya finish off the rest with Zenyata providing discord orbs.
  2. If you play a lot of fps then start with Soldier76. He's fairly straight forward to use and can dominate at lower skill levels. If you see a largish lady that looks like an eskimo or a firefighter - shoot her and don't stop shooting until she stops moving. Shoot her some more then crouch, stand, crouch, stand (etc)
  3. I disagree - It's an anti establishment vote. People at this stage would rather roll the dice than stick with the same people they blame for the shitty life they have. Problem is that now they have rolled the dice, they may look back on these times as halcyon as the inevitable knock on effects of globalisation destroys their working class communities.
  4. Pretty much like the remain campaign over here.
  5. Bookies say no. With about 12 hours to go, brexit was 7/1. Trump is only 4/1.
  6. Just got this. The unskippable cutscenes before Operations matches are painfully bad. I can't believe they had a Gallipoli story mission and started it on day 2! Massive missed opportunity especially with how well the game looks. Enjoying it so far - trying to unlock the shotgun on assault class at the moment.
  7. If you can't beat them, join them. I usually switch to a dps only Mercy or a flanking no shield Reinhardt if my team sucks. For me the trick to getting into platinum was to main Lucio for a bit. Switch his jump L2 and just spam it on or near the objective. Problem with hitting your skill ceiling in competitive is that you will get your arse handed to you - It's far more fun to drop down and dominate.
  8. Don't listen to the guides - Play Torbjorn on attack in competitive. Your teammates circling and melee'ing you at the start is indicative of what a good choice he is.
  9. No game in the current gen has scratched that itch quite like skyrim did. Neither the Witcher (combat) nor Inquisition (questing) did it for me. I quite like having a few cheat mods on. The ring of carry and rich merchants are a must to stop the general faffing around. I haven't killed Lydia yet so my archery is getting better.
  10. I can't bring myself to cheer the Indians (Sox fan) so I'll just stick with "Cubs Suck". Here's hoping they suck for 1 more game and have another 108 years of misery This October/November has been oddly reminiscent of when SHA went on to win a cup - only no one cared then. If they pull it off now I think I'll take a year off from baseball!
  11. Looks like a re-skinned battlefront! If it plays the same, I will probably pick it up at some point on sale.
  12. Nintendo handhelds have always been under-powered compared to their rivals (the Game Gear, Lynx, PSP and Vita) but has trashed the competition because the games are cheaper to make so have always had a good catalogue backing them up. I wonder if the jump between making games for the 3ds and the much more powerful Switch will be too taxing/risky for their 3rd party developers, especially with mobile being a more fruitful marketplace. That been said, the current dire standard of AAA games may leave the door open for the Switch with 5 or 6 top quality games at launch to steal a march on their rivals. It would surprise me though.
  13. I will probably pick one up soon. I'm not expecting long term AAA support for the product but I think it will be a blast to play games such as Thumper, Rez and the aforementioned Polybius on.
  14. Found a longer clip. This looks incredible
  15. Jeff Minter's VR game is meant to be previewing this weekend. There's only a short clip available now but it definitely looks like a Jeff Minter game. All hail the Yak!
  16. I remember been told about this new search engine called google and how it sorted search results by the most linked (and therefore popular) pages. That was the last time I used Yahoo.
  17. Picked up the Witness and really enjoying it.
  18. I would have considered a purchase if a few more games had VR support on launch. I'm primarily interested in cockpit games (racing & space sim) but there seems to be only Eve & Drive club available on launch. Drive club is too arcadey for me and paying £400+ to play Eve would be a bit extravagant. It's hard to see VR having a long term future outside of cockpit games. Games that sell on consoles are fps, 3rd person open worlds and RPGs with 100s of hours of content which don't really go well with the tech. I can't see many major studios cutting their nose off to develop only for a proportion of the total playerbase on consoles with VR exclusive titles. I think the trend of developing an hour or so of VR DLC will continue until the novelty wears off. I would love EA to gamble and make a Star wars VR space game. I can't see it happening though - it would require them to shift a lot of copies to make it viable.
  19. Prison Architect is in a humble bundle going for less than a fiver here
  20. Tough one. I think I'd have to say "The Best of the Beatles".
  21. I'm probably below average as a player (ranked 2200 at the moment) but have found a few tricks with Mercy. i usually play her as a dps when I'm not taking the game that seriously. You can spam chokepoints as her pistol's travel time allows you to strafe in and out of fire. I imagine I only did about 10% of the team damage when I went on that killstreak on Hanamura. You get lots of hate mail though. There's quite a few characters I have yet to play for great deal of time - Pharrah, Roadhog, Genji and Junkrat being probably my least played. Tracer was my favourite until Roadhog's hook was buffed. My k/d with her went from 5+ to 2.5 after that.
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