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Everything posted by AshVilla

  1. I'd like us not to turn into Liverpool fans if we can help it and become rabidly delusional No chance
  2. Some of the comments from the liverpool fans on skysports are hilarious as usual why should we sell suarez to our rivals e.t.c
  3. I'm just always curious about lists ...... not yours in particular though I happen to have quoted you but are the films really THAT good and thus make peoples list on merit , or do they make them because people see them on critics lists (Predator excepted of course ) and kinda feel they have to include them to give their list respectability ? For example Big Lebowski is Ok , but Top 10 films I've ever seen .. not in this universe .. but If I were to compile a list it would no doubt get slaughtered in much the same way What is wrong with predator? It is in my top 5 of all time along with the running man Billy isn't pleased
  4. The Conjuring WOW A horror movie thats actually scary such a rarity Best one ive seen in years i was close to shitting bricks at one point
  5. Red Heat The only film deserving of having "heat" in the title I do not care about De Niro or Pacino in the movie "heat" i'd rather have Arnie and James Belushi any day of the week
  6. Well he's got to compete with Westwood for an england place so it will be a big ask for him
  7. A top 4 side with Kaboul in it? Can't see it myself
  8. He disagree's Clearly the most epic hairstyle in sci fi history
  9. I'd say we are better than West Ham They were shocking at VP last season one of the worst teams i seen all season
  10. Still spending money like they are an elite club Will they ever learn
  11. He's a turd player that will be getting nowhere near the first team Lambert knows this illustrated by the fact he was given such a high squad number He needs to accept that he will never see first team action again and for the good of his career find a club at a lower level more suited to his abilities Unless he's happy being part of the bomb squad which would not surprise me
  12. Anyone watching the Women's Golf? Anyone with a thing for asian birds should tune in now some right stunners on show A few nice Spaniard's as well I'd let them play with my sand wedge any day of the week
  13. just a dirty turd not willing to flush Shame him Ireland Given and Hutton can't hold hands on their way out the football club
  14. Loving the TONY TONY MOOOOOOON chants
  15. I agree According to groningen fans his major flaw was he was used as a utility player which damaged his development he was distinctly average in a few positions but did not excel in any of them I for one would like him to remain as a CM and play in one position not used as some sort of makeshift RB When he joined the club he said he wanted to become our Lampard Good luck from the RB position!
  16. Clark on the bench thank god We may keep a clean sheet
  17. Firefly was better than Buffy Same director different genre though
  18. Why isn't the word "deluded" written on that list Discriminatory towards the majority of Liverpool fans
  19. Liverpool are in for a spanking Wait till big chris gets hold of them he loves scoring against scouse opposition
  20. Well his Bar Tab must run into the thousands someone has got to pay it off probably us
  21. I still cannot believe Spurs have not taken the 80 mill They need to stop taking the piss and accept the bid before Real Madrid lose interest Rediculous amount of money
  22. Well i think Newcastle may be sniffing round him so them not messing around and offering a respectable fee will be to get him in sharpish
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