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Everything posted by AshVilla

  1. Still hanging around like a bad smell i see I guess he wants to get as much money as he can as he will probably never get this level of salary again
  2. The Rock and Face Off were both epic movies Broken Arrow was another of my faves WOULD YOU MIND NOT SHOOTING AT THE THERMONUCLEAR WEAPONS John Woo and John Travolta awesome combo
  3. Chalk and cheese completely different the only similarity is they are both sci fi Stargate Universe is probably the only vaguely similar thing to BSG
  4. “Some other fans might have been ribbing Holloway about his West Country accent but that wasn’t Paul" LOL
  5. Who kept us up, we would ahve gone down had we not signed bent Exactly Soldado better secure them CL football or he will prove to be a waste of money
  6. PLEASE PASS THE MEDICAL! Hopefully he didnt turn up pissed up
  7. 30 mill for a player who will have very little resale value Makes no sense
  8. John Malkovich was the star of that movie Oscar worthy performance Hardly Oscar winning I was joking
  9. So whats happening with Capuano then Was it a load of horseshit as usual?
  10. Odds on for the first time to leave now I wonder what spurs will do without their talisman
  11. I see they are crying about all the news articles linking Bale with a move to RM They were not crying when the media were doing the same to us with Benteke were they? Karma really is a bitch
  12. John Malkovich was the star of that movie Oscar worthy performance
  13. Is the ground really called "Rodney Parade"? Quality
  14. Good signing not the beast they needed but should be a replacement for Defoe
  15. I guarantee the 80 mill they receive will not be completely reinvested into players I'd expect half that money to be reinvested into infrastructure such as a new stadium e.t.c
  16. I agree With Bent Bannan and Hopefully Ireland and Given gone we will bring in a few more
  17. Yeah the actors are terrible except the bald guy from breaking bad I like the idea though
  18. Anybody else been watching this based on a stephen king novel Really has a stephen king feel to it as well
  19. Impressed me more than Clark so far in preseason
  20. Like i said in the match thread he was pretty good last preseason as well one of the stand out performers but didn't look up to much against PL opposition I guess the ACON didnt help With more PL experience he might be a decent player for us i hope he is
  21. What happened to Is he injured?
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