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Everything posted by AshVilla

  1. More chance of us signing Alphonse Gangitano
  2. Capoue is quality Southampton with Wanyama Cardiff with Capoue Certainly beefing up their midfields
  3. AshVilla

    Bodymoor ...

    It wouldn't be the first time that the stupidness of the few has cost the many I doubt it will be a permanent measure just a warning to those you-tubers breaking club privacy
  4. Well im not scared of Liverpool We have a decent record against them recently and they will probably be without Suarez 3 points and id be happy
  5. Compared to Bannan he is! How is bannan a creative midfielder? Just how many goals has he created exactly
  6. I can't help think he may be out of his depth in the PL though
  7. He may net us a couple of clean sheets next season
  8. Delph was lightyears ahead of Bannan last season
  9. Come on... i want to get the cheering gifs out
  10. It might be true but i refuse to believe anything on Twitter For 1 reliable source there is probably the equivalent of a million bullshitters JulieB included
  11. I wear a villa tie to work sometimes does that make me a rep? It would probably be just as plausable if he said they were spotted with police sirens attached to their heads
  12. Is it true Blackburn are willing to pay up to 1.5 mill for him? Someone get the car started
  13. If they carry on the form they were in towards the end of last season they will be in big trouble The only reason they stayed up last season was because the stormer they had at the start of the season
  14. Giant pieces of turd similar in appearance to the rumour itself
  15. Why do you think that? I don't know either way but have been following this story since I saw the tweet, think he tweeted this a few hours ago, and a liverpool fan tweeted saying he was on a plane to italy and there were 3 Villa representatives on it. Few others think it's pretty much done. Yeah im sure these villa reps were wearing training ground tops with name badges as well ITSOTP I hope its true but after the Belhanda bullcrap i refuse to believe anybody saying villa reps are seen going anywhere
  16. Liverpool fans are still struggling to accept they aren't the biggest club in the country any more. It's been like that for more than twenty years but they still can't accept it. Now they are an upper mid table side they might have to get used to losing their best players if they cannot offer them Champions League football. They are falling victim to a situation they helped to create and the irony is delicious. I agree Suarez is too good a player to not be playing any kind of European football whatsoever This is what happens when your a midtable side Your good players leave because they want to win things and European Football look at who has left us over the years they need to wake up and smell the coffee
  17. Benteke on 60k a week Zigic on 70k a week.... What superb value for money
  18. Not really Man of Steel 1 was terrible i hate to think how bad the sequel could be
  19. I don't think he will play again this season Just to think of other players like Fabio Aurelio who tore their achilles they were out for seasons and never got back to what they were Worrying
  20. Well if they are basing it on pre season goals Helenius is already ahead and would probably have more if he didnt miss the past few games through injury I like the look of Cornelius physically but i like the technique of Helenius even more he's quite deft for such a big man
  21. Well he's going to get destroyed by any striker with a physical presence about them We all know what happened when he was up against Anichebe last season The bloke is too lightweight to be a CB i'd like to see him in CDM he looks comfortable on the ball and his passing isn't bad but he lacks the physical presence to be a CB imo i'd prefer Baker any day of the week at least he doesn't get manhandled The idea of someone like Lukaku up against Clark makes me worry
  22. If we had a future fee agreed i wouldnt mind
  23. Idris Elba is getting to big for britain now he belongs in Hollywood imo A Luther movie would make sense a very underrated actor and i wish him every success especially because he's british
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