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Everything posted by one_ian_taylor

  1. I also worry more about no. 10. But they are both part of a broken political system - needs a written constitution and root and branch change. But if they really had no influence, why would Gulf royals bother bunging Brian big bags of cash (got carried away with alliteration there). I don't really buy the tourism argument as a good one. It's too close to saying we don't have much else to offer (and that's kind of my point about them holding the country back) Plus, they are massive landowners. Quite a big influence, even if not overtly political
  2. Mostly, but not entirely. They have a huge amount of privileges, influence law (indirectly) and help perpetuate a ridiculous class system and a load on totally unnecessary ceremonial flim flam and mawkish sentimentality. It holds the country back on so many levels
  3. You're a wise man. A lot of money are based on the radio interview Alan Partridge did with the Duchess of Stranraer
  4. I think it was before she met Truss
  5. Is that a Private Eye reference? Sylvie Krin's oeuvre will surely never be the same
  6. Tough call, will further tank their subscriptions. You'd expect it to be postponed
  7. As a republican, that's pretty fair and how I feel
  8. Yeah, but, erm, they've done an advert telling us how great they are at it
  9. Thanks. It's a good channel. Watched from 6 minutes from the end. The presenter made a point about us already having the technologies - and this is very much true. New breakthroughs help of course, and technologies are always being developed and maturing, but broadly, we have everything we need. So when politicians (mostly Tory) make out that technology will ride to the rescue and dig us out of a hole, it's a load of bollocks. The guy on the right (Dan? Don't know him) also makes a very good point about the complexity of retrofitting homes. Every home and household is different, and requires a mix of technologies, so integration is really important. At the moment, sorting out your home energy efficiency is a bit like buying a car, only you buy the chassis from one place, engine from another, transmission from another etc, and then you have about 20 different choices for the steering. And then you are expected to organise along that, make the right choices and hope it all holds together to drive to work every day. Problem is, no suppliers are really taking on thos challenge. It's really fragmented and needs a lot of investment in innovation and the commercial side of things. Until then, a lot of people are stuck at "where do I start"
  10. What I find astonishing is that it should be such a winning policy area. Invest grant funding in targeted energy efficiency projects and market development support and in return gain.... lower bills, better energy security, improve trade balance, support growth of UK businesses, reduce strain on health service, create jobs, leverage massive investment. These are all things the Tories profess to want. And I haven't even mentioned the environmental upside
  11. Yup and there is absolutely zero - zero - credible and coherent plan for demand reduction. Just leave it to the market, surely it will sort itself out is their only answer
  12. I think it is quite Tory. You can be whoever you want as long as you drink the free market kool aid, peddle the lies and goad the lefties
  13. Never thought having summer babies would be an advantage in that respect, but compared with a September birthday, you have more or less a year less in nursery. We have 2 summer birthdays, so almost two years avoided fees, which is lucky as when the second starts they will easily outweigh the mortgage.
  14. A plausible scenario for Potter coming might be that Brighton have a decent season, but don't progress too much further than last. We have a very underwhelming but not totally disastrous season under Gerrard. Things at Brighton have stalled/run their course and we represent a chance to turn things around and make his mark on a club with bigger resources
  15. You say that, but Noel Edmonds did shoot Clive Anderson
  16. Yes, I did wonder that. But I suppose the rule is not taking your shirt off at any point, not just after a goal is scored - ref could hardly ignore it if he celebrated by, say, lighting a firework and dropping it down the goalie's shorts
  17. He's great in that inside left position. Really good assist. Did really well to set up the move which led to his chance to. In a counter attacking team, his ability to nick the ball in those sorts of situations would be a great asset. And although he did fluff the chance, I think it wasn't the greatest pass from Watkins (needed to be a bit ahead of him) and he can finish Still doesn't give us enough width in that position I'd say, which against teams that sit back will be an issue
  18. Making him captain certainly seems like an odd choice if one of the reasons for removing it from Mings was apparently that he couldn't be undroppable. Only one of our players that fits that category is Emi M (and probably now Mings with the injury to DC)
  19. Really enjoyed the pointless ness of Richarlison's booking yesterday. Could only have been bettered by being his second
  20. Last time I remember a midfielder getting cheered off was Hourihane at home to WBA - last home game before we went on the 10 game winning streak and a pretty awful game all round. Hourihane was dreadful, confidence totally shot and his worst qualities as a player coming to the fore. Next home game was Derby (first time I've ever made it to 2 home games in a row) and he was transformed, full of confidence, dangerous and got two goals. And we all know what happened next time we played the Baggies. Sadly, I can't see the same turnaround happening with McGinn. Listening to the commentary on the West Ham game, he was totally anonymous. I hope he can have a bit of time out, build back up and come back as a handy squad player. He deserves respect though for what he's done with us in the past
  21. Would be Dendoncker or Buendia for me in a counter attacking 433 (or more of a 4231 with Buendia. Being able to get the ball to Buendia in central midfield on the counter could really hurt teams as his passing is dangerous. Then a front 3 of Ramsey, Watkins and Bailey
  22. Good point on the narrow shape. And setting the team up to counter might work better. That all depends on having Watkins fit and in form though as a counter attacking with Ings as the striker wouldn't work
  23. Indeed - didn't seem like he has lost the dressing room, so it's not terminal yet. A few positives to take into the next game and a bit of confidence. I was all for getting rid, and it was a game that could easily have gone against us, but as it is, he won't be going just yet. In the unlikely event that he can manage a complete about turn in form, brilliant - who wouldn't want that. Just highly sceptical he's capable of that and the risk is we get a result here and there to keep him in post and limp to the end of the season with another year wasted and worse, a lot of our best players looking elsewhere
  24. Ball for the Watkins chance shouldn't have been on, ridiculous weight to make it work
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