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Everything posted by one_ian_taylor

  1. I know it's only one game and a handful of training sessions, and we can't expect that every game, but what an impact. Amazing what a bit of decent coaching and an injection of purpose can do. Reading through the various player threads, it shows how things are already changing quickly. Suddenly it feels like we have options and a much stronger squad than probably many felt a few weeks back. I could only follow the game on radio, but everything I've seen and heard suggests players playing to their strengths, and a real determination. A huge difference between a flexible but clear tactical plan that gives players licence, and what we had before - an inflexible shape where attackers seemed to be expected to stick fairly rigidly to position but then somehow magically come up with plays to unlock defenses. Lovely stuff
  2. And a foul for the free kick - sure in some fantasy league there used to be an assist if you were fouled for a pen or a free kick
  3. I fear you lay be right. And while he has been the weak link recently l, he's given us a lot. I'd like to think that it's just low confidence and he'll get better, but looks more likely he has hit his ceiling
  4. Missed the start and have had to do a massive double take - no quadruple take at - the score
  5. Monocultures are probably risky as more diversity in crops should mean more resilience/biodiversity.
  6. Those two that you have mentioned are primarily as a result of a) ridiculous politics (the Great Leap Forward) and b) a bloody civil war (Biafra), not because of agricultural failings. Since the green revolution of the 40s/50s, famine as a result of agricultural failings has been extremely rare
  7. It's mad. Same here. And daffodils coming up. And for other plants, we and mild will probably mean hordes of slugs. But then with the weather being so unpredictable, a heatwave or cold snap at the wrong time can completely bugger things up. Last year's apples were rubbish because of cold May weather for example, but this year's weren't. And while that's more of an annoyance when it happens in my garden, when it happens on a large scale it's pretty scary. Food production is not longer nearly as predictable as it has been for decades. Unpredictability was pretty commonplace until the 1950s ir so, but will be a nasty shock when it returns on a global scale
  8. So now we know. Ketchup was banned, but not port and stilton
  9. Coutinho looks far too slow in the picture of him
  10. I've gone from being cautiously optimistic to quietly very optimistic. All good things do come to an end. I'll just enjoy the ride and hope for the best, though I'm as certain as I can be that we'll see a big improvement. He seems like such a decent guy that I'll enjoy it all the more. I feel a bit like when Deano joined, but this is on another level. Those first few weeks when he joined - before the 10 game run were great fun. The results weren't amazing - joy and frustration in equal measure (5-5 against Forest), but you could see it was going somewhere and there was a lot to cheer about.
  11. Love that clip - was featured on "It'll be alright on the night" I think.
  12. Looking at it in that context, it's not the worst (ahem, West Ham), but far from the best. Lower mid table. Like the team it represents. Still a big improvement on the current one for me. I'd be open to Option 1 if is was a claret lion on a lighter blue background, but something about it makes me think of Scunthorpe or Trabzobspor for me, just doesn't feel right
  13. I like it. But would change the punchline to "there's no starters or mains, it's just desserts"
  14. Also dignity. Perhaps that comes from being clearly passionate, but not obviously shouty and show offy about it
  15. Yes - and if McGinn doesn't play, maybe it will be shared around senior players. Sort of a panel, or and Emery... board?
  16. He just can't help himself. He loves playing dress up. He's my mum's local MP. One day she tries to go into the local shop - loads of security. Guess who's manning the till... Apparently very little warning and a load of hassle for the shop
  17. Reassuring that he won't come free at the side
  18. Oh for sure. I was just making a bad joke about the initialism WHO, and enjoying an imaginary exchange where Bev's followers/acolytes are asking "Who is ot Bev?" and her replying "WHO is?!" etc etc, to much confusion. I'll shut up now. It has been a challenging week
  19. "When we heard the new manager was the type to kick every ball, we thought they meant metaphorically"
  20. Footballs at the training session is a good start
  21. Does that mean it's OK to take part in the fruitful works of darkness?
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