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Everything posted by Don_Simon

  1. On a scale of 1-10, one being vanilla extract and 10 being nuclear waste, how toxic does Villa Park get if the line-up is bizarre, Everton are leading and Villa are awful up to the half time whistle? I'm going seven.
  2. Is this not, fraud? Inflating earnings to get around policy and processes? Fraud, right?
  3. This sort of comment is absolutely mental. I've been given warnings on VT for less.
  4. So 6th place this season would see him lose the fans?
  5. But these aren't our (the fans) expectations! Its the CEO, the players and the manager they keep spouting the continual improvement, Europe, trophy, content. I'd just like to be able to expect to enjoy an afternoon at Villa Park sometime soon! Anything else is a distant dream.
  6. I've slept on it and feeling much more rational and much less reactionary. Get this **** out ASAP.
  7. Any team from 6th down he would improve. And weaken us.
  8. Its not even a choice. Luiz. Every single time, Luiz.
  9. If we lose Tyrone because Gerrard is an absolute prick, it'll be the same as Everton losing Digne because of Benitez. Tyrone >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Steven.
  10. Helping Liverpool? Reason #400 to dislike Stevie G.
  11. Hes cancelled the Liverpool friendly. Get every single **** on that training pitch and work on breaking teams down who sit deep. In fact, at 2243 on a Saturday night, they should be doing that now.
  12. 100% this. Its so obvious. So Gerrard will obviously pick today's failures.
  13. I'm probably being reactionary and irrational, but I can't shake the feeling Gerrard feels he's doing us a favour being our manager. Smith was so likable, competent and seemed always keen to learn. Gerrard just comes across as the opposite of those traits and I'm struggling to see past them.
  14. It won't define our season. Mainly because its a continuation of last season!
  15. He must know something we don't. There is no excuse for him not to do what I've put in bold.
  16. Can somebody, anybody, tell me one improvement he's made to performances or style of play? This, to me, is far worse than what Deano was sacked for.
  17. "No creative spark". Our best player, the one who would right that issue instantly, you keep putting on the bench you **** imbecile. Sick and tired of the issues being identified but absolutely nothing done about them.
  18. Apart from the Barca / Milan excerpts, (which could be / is probably, fiction), this could have been written by any of us. How do journalists justify a decent living these days?
  19. Why do you care what an 18 year old says about Villa?
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