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Everything posted by Tomaszk

  1. Still, it's important we all remember... We're 9 points off top, but not in the title race. Utd are 11 points behind us, but they are in the race for top 4. Got it? Good.
  2. Tomaszk

    Jhon Durán

    He's clearly totally insane. So much fun. So daft. If Ollie can't go, the next three aren't the worst to miss. It has to be hammered into big Jhon though... no yellows. That should be one of his many aims in the next few weeks. If he's all we've got, we can't be losing him to anything silly. Couldn't have a better manager than Emery to sort him out. Help him grow. He will keep going at him, again and again. ABC good, XYZ bad.
  3. Not appalling. A step in the right direction. Daje Nico!
  4. Tomaszk

    Unai Emery

    If they don't start work on the statue soon I'm heading to VP with a cement mixer and a monstrosity of an artistic vision.
  5. It's good we spotted that before signing him...hang on
  6. Pray for Watkins. Good enough today from big silly Jhon. If we can curb 60% of the wackiness out of his game, he'll be OK leading the line. BUT. McGinn and Ramsey back soon. Fair to say we're likely to improve. I won't be able to recall a second of that match in 3 days time but that is a huge huge win. Four points is an outstanding return from our next three. We needed that today. UTFVB
  7. Looks better than our badge though
  8. Can you support someone and still think they're shit? That's where 97% of people will be. Still, they'll be lots of high-horse climbers crying about him being made a scapegoat when he's been shit again.
  9. That was an all-timer. Wonderful nincompoopery.
  10. No chance I want Grealish back. Leave it in the past. Worse player than when he left, injury prone, huge doubts over his intelligence and commitment to play in an Emery side. He spent the first 12 months after leaving exclaiming his shock over how shit his Villa teammates were and how crap training was now he's seen such excellent training at England and City.
  11. Ah come on. You call people stupid, then make a grammatical error. That's an open goal. If I don't rate a player we sign, it's got nothing to do with how highly I rate Emery. Live in whatever world you like.
  12. They are **** useless. Embarrassing. Not fit for purpose. They all give a yellow for that in a City v Liverpool match. Very likely a talking to if it's first half as well.
  13. It was total BS and has **** him and us over. A year of his career, gone.
  14. If he can play not awfully and score some more he can shush all he wants.
  15. I think this is an error? If we finish 6th and win the conference league, we don't get into the champions league. Brighton can get in by winning the Europa.
  16. Tomaszk

    Unai Emery

    Well this is it isn't it? You either think we were playing OK or you don't. I definitely don't. We handed them control...the very thing Unai says he wants all the time. Spurs can score but they can't defend. We should have gone at these and scored more than them. Again though, I think it's Emery worried about our legs being gone. Not necessarily he "got it wrong". He just felt he had to play this way. Hopefully not and we'll be back at it on Thursday.
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