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Everything posted by itdoesntmatterwhatthissay

  1. Apprently all the fixtures and fittings from the King Edward will be moved to Aston Tavern, paid for by Birmingham City council, well that's what the owner of the Edward wants, if Birmingham City council don't want it to have to go to court then they must go with what he wants, they will do up the beer garden and a carpark will be at the rear also. Not sure of how many spaces they will allow him. That's what he has apparently asked for. The HCA will pay, not Birmingham Council as the Tavern is on their land. They offered it him and I don't think at first he was overjoyed, as long as they do a proper job I'm sure he will be very happy. It will be a profitable spot. Good to hear about the Metro, I didn't see it as part of the AAP. Will be a good way to link the inner city.
  2. Not sure about the player but I agree with the approach, the German league signs a sickening amount of developing players and redistribute them with huge profits. Can think of quite a few who have gone to Germany this year, only one or two left that didn't move.
  3. Accurate, some places rated N'Zog as our best player...not sure what match they were watching. Our game will take time, glad there is a level headed post to be part of in this new season.
  4. Just finished Assassins Creed Revelations, enjoyed the ending thoroughly. Have work to do today but tomorrow I hope to be playing Counter Strike on my 360.
  5. There is an area action plan making way for manufacturing and housing improvements. Phase 1 will tear down the Aston Arena (Aston Villa Leisure Centre) and have high tech manufacturing come onto the Serpentine Site. King Edward will go too to improve access. Police station, salvation army etc will all go in phase 2 (2016-2020) I think.
  6. Still need the right players to play the right tactic, with Gardner on we have a midfielder who we could hit with a longer ball. Like Fellaini was against United, though Gardner has a long way to go to start. I can see us playing insightful balls through the middle, or using the wing for an overlapping man but direct balls to a midfielder pushing high is a tactic less suited to our current squad.
  7. Still open, the Aston Arena however, well that is another story....for now it is open but not for long. Think the Social is overjoyed!
  8. No complaints with that, isn't the greatest defensively but is young and has probably learnt something from going down. He's a good left wing alternative too, at that price I'd send a car for him now.
  9. I think he will only see the best of him if he plays in his position and does what he likes, I'm bored of watching him let defences get back into position. Winning free kicks is great but please, take a man on, don't wait for him to make a decision. Put in some crosses and take some real responsibility, surely he is good enough.
  10. Lacked width and an attempt at taking a man on, that was mostly it. Plus N'Zog spent too much time drawing players in and letting Wet Spam get back. Work in progress, plus we changed tactic in the second half and had a better balance.
  11. He will get a winger and he will scout Europe. Happy days, looking forward to it. No worry here, expected us to struggle for the first 5 games.
  12. Anyone who takes on a defender, too many teams have strong impact strikers and Maiga might be another for Wet Spam. Lukaku on loan would have been smart and I'd say someone like Gabby but with ability is needed. It's been slow progress for Morata at Madrid, perhaps he is worth a punt on loan, many of the most lethal strikers have moved over to Germany. I'd like to see us take an interest in Fatos Bećiraj, he looks very talented, and if Bent leaves in the future perhaps Perbet might be an enticing alternative. I'm not sure who Lambert might be thinking, but perhaps a winger who attacks would get the most out of our strikers, we had no worthwhile width against West Ham...or pre season...though Stevens looked like this was his game. Not sure how available Johnson is, maybe it's time to raid cash strapped Malaga...or Villareal who still have Rossi on their books, but injured...again.
  13. Not so bad but clearly doesn't fit...maybe a clash of character with someone...might explain a few things. He is a good player, nothing more, sad to see him go but glad if it's a harmony issue, he doesn't have the ability to be arrogant.
  14. Jones could be great, but it all depends on price. £4million then yes, but he isn't much better in front of goal than Heskey and only unplayable on occasions. Defoe would make loads of runs and get goals, that's his game. Would I sign either...hmmm, really depends on wages, it might be a bit panicky to spent good money on an average/end of his career player, think I'd rather see how it plays out until January, when you'd hope there would be some quality scout recommendations.
  15. He just needs to shoot a little more, whenever I think, ooh, he has a clear sight of goal he seems to pause and rethink his plan. He once had a lovely finish, I wish someone would spend a few weeks teaching him to shoot early. Isn't a difficult training programme. but is he the sort of guy who will commit?
  16. I went for Black Sabbath but suggested, Rage Against the Machine - Renegades of Funk. Is a history lesson, has a great intro and it starts.. No matter how much you try you can't stop us now! Was tempted to stay on the the Aston theme with Pass the Dutchie, someone put Speedball...absolutely brilliant.
  17. Big fan of his already, he is a very intelligent player who considers his movement and positioning. I don't think he is a world beater but the role he has played in pre-season might give us a clue to his role in the team. In a tactic he's clearly a team player and seems consistently available but as an individual helping his team he does two things I really like, one is screen opposition players from getting too close to players who get stuck for a pass and the other is making sudden runs when two players are playing patient one touch football; this draws the space from midfield and has allowed a few balls to be played to other players. I like him, a lot, I wasn't sure at first but he seems like a great acquisition who goes about his job with calmness...even showing a good finish.
  18. Is the squad really that thin? I am happier with the squad depth now that I have been in the past, and didn't think it was an excuse last year. We have never really leant on our youngsters yet other clubs make that part of their development programme. It's funny that when we do it helped us; last year Herd, Lichaj and Weimann were very important. Yet they, and others have been hanging around waiting for their chance, and I'd argue they still are. Hopefully Lambert has the ability to use those players and suddenly a 'thin squad' perception will be banished. Then we can see players aged 19 and under also getting their chance, Johnson is ready for a one touch midfield tactic, Carruthers looks desperate to play and there will be others making their way. We never really had a good player balance and I blame past managers.
  19. Maybe im being optimistic but I think 13th is a pretty safe bet, I don't think we will necessarily get points early on but we will keep going for 90 mins which will keep us in the hunt for points. The key to easy points will be Bent...if he gets injured we're going to need a revelation up front. However I do think with the current system any player making runs could get the ball, the movement is clearly improved as is the desire to retain the ball but it might take a third of the season to be a consistent tactic....it's going to be interesting. If we get a natural winger who likes to cross points might come a little easier...if that were the case I'd upgrade to 11th.
  20. Let me reach for the abacus... 11 with my parents...we moved...a lot 3 at uni 2 since 16, call them all home. I'm happy wherever I rest my head.
  21. For the first time ever whoever is picked I don't think I'll complain about. Roy knows what he is doing and will have a plan in mind, I hope Scholes and Bent are in but we have many attacking options so it will interesting to see what players he goes with; it might give a few clues to the tactic.
  22. I saw Game Change a few days ago, interesting indeed; though probably a little weighted toward entertainment.
  23. Football is a tough game, the management team is still learning it. Bad decisions have been made and so have good ones; tis what is is. At least they have been involved.
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