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Everything posted by imavillan

  1. My mate had this one done on his arm ages ago. Every time i see him and he's wearing a t shirt and it's on show, i always say to him ''ooh look at me with the tattoo of the new Villa badge'' petty and childish, i know, but i just can't help it, so much so it's now a tradition.
  2. Needs modernising in my view. some will love to go back to it others will not. Crikey, most of our fan base now weren't even born the last time this was in use. I think we need to look forward not back.
  3. I must have missed the news they'd got this fella to do the kit reveal !!!
  4. He’’d be out of his depth in a bloody puddle let alone managing England !!!! Imposter
  5. Third favourites at 5/2 to to be relegated behind Rotherham 13/8 and Reading 9/4 Please let the turd flush away
  6. Centre stage in the back streets of Birmingham Mate
  7. I’ve bought trainers from Size but I’ve not looked at them for doing “draws” I’ll look into it now you’ve mentioned it. cheers
  8. Just purchased these two. I find the AF1 and Nike in general really comfortable. I have seen many a shoe i like in SNKRS but i've never managed to been successful in getting any. I do wonder who get's any and how many they actually have for sale in each size. The re-sale market in trainers is ridiculous.
  9. Put this in here because of what he says about Gerrard….
  10. Love him or hate him....some things come back to bite you in yer arse !!!!
  11. The light blue on the home shirt is different to that on the 2nd one. I would prefer it to be the same as the 2nd one.
  12. Congratulations @Amsterdam_Neil_D well done fella @maqroll Thanks for setting it all up chap. Same again next season?
  13. Lots of excitement in here today, but the big question is. How many games/weeks will VT'ers give him before the ''he's crap, can't pass, he's slow and a shit Gerrard signing'' posts start?
  14. Sadly, i can't see anything other than a defeat here. I'm not even going to watch it as the City and Grealish wankfest will be unbearable to listen to.
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