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Everything posted by Ponky

  1. We look to have a few more ideas in the final third but the execution is not quite there
  2. I think Douglas is worth a try. My head says give Young the responsibility but I recall last time he was with us he choked on a few. But 10 years on I'd be happy to see how he goes now. I wouldn't be totally against Ollie taking them but he's such a confidence player I would worry a miss or two would badly affect other areas of his game
  3. It would be full circle pisstaking to have Emi Martinez take pens for us
  4. Ings is our current Plan B. Without him there is just Plan A. Would like to see what Plan B.2 is before rushing to judge If it leaves us with just Plan A, it's a worry because we are not convincingly clear of the bottom pack just yet.
  5. Wood's wages would have been peanuts at Burnley compared to what Ings is on here. If we can get his wages off the books and replace him with a quality addition on lower wages I think the club would do 15 million in a heartbeat
  6. Ponky

    Jhon Durán

    Apologies Mr Pendanty Pants
  7. Ponky

    Jhon Durán

    It appears he offers a slightly different profile to Watkins and Ings so I think we'll see him make a few appearances from the bench this season. While it's good to have low intial expectations I recall Belgians posting on these forums not to expect too much of Benteke initially either - he was raw, had discipline issues etc. He may just take to the Premiership like a duck to water -you never know.
  8. One thing I think we really lack at the moment that was exposed by the Stevenage game is a midfield goal scoring threat from outside the box. Luiz and McGinn have scored some screamers for us over the years but really only bother Row Z these days, while Ramsey does his thing arriving late on the edge. And as for Coutinho... In fact apart from Luiz scoring direct from corners nearly all our goals from outside the box this season have come from our full backs (Young and Digne). So teams know they can pack their penalty area and force us to break through, with no longer range concerns (except teams with Lloris in goal, but I guess that's a different mode of scoring...) I hope it we do bring in a cm he's got a rocket or two in him.
  9. Digne also got caught in possession at least twice in the short time he was on the pitch emphasising the sort of pressure Moreno would have come into.
  10. Gee some footballers really are obnoxious, contemptible human beings at times.
  11. Loved seeing Gnonto wheel away to celebrate his goal thinking it was in the back of the net...
  12. He's utterly unflappable on the ball. Quite exceptional.
  13. It was frustrating to watch and one of our problems is that our defenders shoulder too much of the responsibility for maintaining possession and as soon as it hits that middle third we give it away again. That said I think Leeds executed their approach really well and had the numbers all over the pitch. They forced us into a lot of errors and in fairness probably deserved more from the game. Martinez was my man of the match followed by Kamara. Young was excellent but let us down for their goal a bit by going down looking for a foul and letting his player get away from him. Great to see Bailey turning on the pace and taking a nice sweet hit for the goal. His performance today shows why we need another winger for the left to really fill out what Emery wants to do. Good debut for Alex too. Bit sketchy in the first 20 but very impressive after that.
  14. That's part of the problem though. His only competition for that LB position has been a 38 year old utility player and arguably having a relative monopoly on that in position will have led to some complacency. Most true professionals will realise that this sort of competition has the potential to lift their levels. If he is seething - good. Hopefully we'll get to see another level in his performances.
  15. To be fair we signed Benteke from a Belgian club and that worked out pretty well
  16. Hasn't looked the same since he did his quad banging in that goal against Everton
  17. I like Bailey and think that he has an upside to him (as shown by his sublime finish against Utd), but his confidence is shot. He can't have any complaints at this stage if he's dropped to the bench and used as an impact sub for a while until he can prove he has turned the corner.
  18. Even before that disastrous final 10 minutes we were awful. Yes it's hard against 11 men behind the ball but after 30 minutes we found the key to the door - then we promptly swallowed the key and spent the rest of the game at the front gate scratching our heads.
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