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Everything posted by ferguson1

  1. No mention of this guy at all, either recovering from his knee injury or training? Could he even get some minutes on the pitch Thursday night?
  2. McGinniesta MOTM. Some very good performances today and special mention to Cashy!
  3. That’s amazing really, regardless of the opposition. Just quality.
  4. What odds on Cash getting a hat trick before kickoff?
  5. Got to go for the hat trick now Cashy! Will never get a better chance surely.
  6. Only eight players on the bench, two of which are keepers. Surprised no Revan and/or Feeney?
  7. I just wonder if and when Coutinho leaves we may go for Lo Celso? I know he’s not particularly Coutinho’s position but Zaniolo is probably that replacement. Lo Celso would be more a Buendia replacement and someone I can see we would be interested in.
  8. Sorry for your loss mate. Take it a day at a time and take any support offered by a close one or family? There is no right or wrong on how to behave. Take care.
  9. Oh no, you’ve jinxed him now mate! I need to go and find my lucky heather now for Sunday!!
  10. It’s been a really good six/seven days and the mood shifted to positive again. Our play is a joy to watch and the way we keep the ball in certain situations is really impressive. A lot sterner tests to come for sure but the way in which we blew Everton and Hibs away was great to see. This won’t be easy but our quality should see us gain another positive result. Can’t see many changes if at all from the side that beat Everton last Sunday: Martinez Cash Konsa Pau Digne Kamara Luiz Bailey McGinn Diaby Watkins Subs: Olsen, Marschall, Revan, Carlos, Chambers, Tielemans, Zaniolo, Traore, Duran Where is Dendoncker? Been no real mention of him? I’m going with a away win but perhaps a tight 1-2 win. Should be a good game. UTV
  11. Good strong side. Would have liked Tielemans to have gotten a start but Emery knows his best eleven. Bench looks a little light though.
  12. Really pleased with this. Still only 24 and has approximately 100 WSL appearances already. Carla Ward doing really well this summer with her recruitment and squad building.
  13. Thanks for confirming. Don’t have Sky or anything else, so checked iPlayer and changing my location in settings will hopefully bring up the game later
  14. I must insist on one more?…………….I couldn’t think of anyone better to lift the spirits! “We’re all going on a …………..”
  15. Brilliant, I can make real gravy. We’ll eat well for weeks
  16. Monchi, Monchi, Monchi tattoo on the leg Must be mandatory when you sign for the club now!
  17. You’re most probably right with that.
  18. Good decision. Hope he never earns money from football ever again.
  19. It’s because fans would be mystified if they knew who it was. However, I’ve cracked it. Bailey never went on an unsanctioned trip to Majorca last week and stole a Jet Ski. He’d obviously caught a quick flight to Hull and was Jet Skiing in the Humber before his proposed move. He’ll love it in Hull.
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