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Everything posted by Houlston

  1. I'd happily take Kone, Espinoza and Taarabt.
  2. Houlston


    Reeeelax have a beer, maybe a short. A nice drop of Makers Mark.
  3. Wasn't alluding to him being mixed race and that the reason, I just noticed his head is more round. Although just had a quick Google & its more oblong than I thought. I have no idea what I'm on about.
  4. Houlston


    When this finishes with an Arsenal win I wouldn't be surprised if some don't worry that this game will be awarded to Wigan on an FA technicality. I mean 'this is football.'
  5. Not a massive F1 fan, prefer MotoGP but I do have a theory about F1 drivers and I wondered if anyone else has noticed the same thing. Many F1 drivers have a very similar shape head in that it is almost a long oblong shape except Hamilton. Hill, Schumacher, Senna, Prost, Coulthard, Alonso, Vettel, Webber, Grosjean, Di Resta, Button, Sutil, Maldonado these are just the ones I can picture but they all definitely have a similar facial structure. I have no idea what it means, so I guess I have no theory other than an observation. I'll get my coat...
  6. Ha ha ha that is a very weird thought but no that's not how it happened
  7. Good to hear & so true
  8. I have a sort of dual confession to make and I hope DDID wont mind me sharing this but I have seen his penis.......................... ha ha ha over to you mate,,,,,,,
  9. My wife's aunt had breast cancer, she beat it through treatment and then decided to have some sort of aesthetic surgery as she hated how she looked but died on the operating table.
  10. Sky actually rent some of Virgin Medias fiber. Good thing with Virgin is the picture quality doesn't deteriorate in poor weather conditions and Tivo is awesome. Bad thing, no Sky Atlantic and they havent signed up to this new BT Football.
  11. which hospital? I'm sure she'll be fine.
  12. It's only half a day this time isn't it? Still going to be brilliant. I think it's going to be 24 hours, but represented by 12 episodes. So each episode will represent 2 hours I guess, despite being an hour long. That's definitely a good thing! That sounds incredible. It also reminds me that whilst watching The Following recently I had the thought if Jack Bauer had been in it it would've finished by episode 2.
  13. I disagree I think Cole would have got back. Sylla is no slouch but Cole is rapid and there wasn't much of a distance between them.
  14. Just Googled those feet things, they are 80 quid plus!!! Pfff.
  15. Houlston


    You could find any stat for any game in the world to grab. I think the Arsenal 9 wins in 10 games at home against Wigan is more telling. I'm sure Arsenal will beat Wigan but you have to admit though, in isolation, the stat Jim posted is a bit weird.
  16. Neither is a onesie. But you won't find me wearing one to keep warm. There are limits y'know! I want to wear them both at the same time & preferably in a gorilla themed onesie I would like to try those feet shoe things though just to see what they are like.
  17. But it always happens though. Not to the extent on Saturday it doesnt, you get the odd fan just the same as when we go away.
  18. Ben, just flick back to page 512, plenty of thoughts and answers.
  19. Houlston


    Do you want us to tell you what happens or do you want to wait and see for yourself?
  20. He's a good kid, bit cocky but if I had his talent I would too.
  21. Houlston


    But Sunderland only need a draw
  22. Cant see Bent starting. It'll more likely be Gabby up top with the Zog coming in or the same formation and Bowery going straight in for Benteke.
  23. Speaking of rogues gallery, ouch, that looks painful. Hair still in good nick though.
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