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Everything posted by jon_c

  1. I'm actually liking Gardner, but I agree. What has Bannan done to offend the manager? And don't get me started on what Cuellar must have done.
  2. How are we making Wolves look this good? That is some achievement, Alex.
  3. Already loving Gardner. 'Cause he's not afraid to have a go.
  4. Def a Pen, but what an awful tackle from Berra. What was he thinking?
  5. WISHFUL THINKING ALERT: What money would he need to put in for McLeish''s compensation payoff?
  6. Won't all these companies just leave the US, and base their business elsewhere?
  7. Was pretty good, has Hurley from Lost in it. I don't just mean the actor either, he pretty much plays Hurley in this too. (But fighting crime).
  8. I hate standing areas, but I won't object as long as there is still areas that have seating. However, put it in the North stand as it badly needs redeveloping anyway.
  9. Sorry, I was thinking like we might have a decent scouting system. My bad.
  10. He has been much improved recently. However in our current sad state, how many new players could we pay with his wages?
  11. We need a goalkeeper like Schmeiche. Someone whose loud enough, our defenders won't be able to go to sleep during the game.
  12. No-one ever shows for a pass in the middle third of the opposition half. We get there and then just loose the ball.
  13. when did he say that? or anything even remotely like that? He actually said that in an interview on the OS
  14. God, we're going to get booed off at half-time again, aren't we?
  15. Ireland's struggling with smokers breath, or something, again.
  16. I think the best we can hope for the rest of the season is to play three centrebacks and a five-man midfield. You know, just so we don't have to have either of these fullbacks on the pitch.
  17. AM doesn't want to pick good defensive players. He's trying to dispel the myth he is a defensive manager, by making our defence shit.
  18. jon_c

    Brad Guzan

    If we start to concede from set pieces again then Guzan shoud rightly be fuming about being dropped.
  19. jon_c

    War Horse

    To me so many directors, at least once, think they are going to make THE great war film. Whereas Spielberg thinks he's going to make it every couple of years.
  20. Freddie Roach just been on the news, the guy is apparently some guy linked to amateur boxing called Mustafa Ameen. Roach said, he once came to his gym to tell him he wasn't qualified to train amateur boxers. Roach rightly told him to do one.
  21. Wow, why does it have to be so difficult to watch Villa this season?
  22. Every time I see a McLeish line-up, I immediately think 'Where the hell is he playing?'. There is always at least one player out of position. I'm guessing Heskey is going on the wing, or Ireland is?
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