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Everything posted by jon_c

  1. "Why is it, if you kill a man in the heat of battle, it is heroic. Yet if you kill a man in the heat of passion, it's called murder?"
  2. jon_c

    John Terry

    He needs to leave him out of the squad, 'cause he is an incredibly average and vastly over rated player.
  3. It's February, where's our Qatari takeover??
  4. Is the title of this thread meant to be ironic, like the Hutton one? I'm genuinely not sure.
  5. You think he should go to jail because he is famous? The law doesn't discriminate like that. He will get the same punishment as everyone else. I'd say he will be found guilty and get a severe fine. Ok, I should of said 'he will', not 'he should'. But a custodial sentence would only be, from what I can see, what would normally be dished out in these circumstances. Especially so for Mandaric. Also found this information on sentencing. Worth a read I more meant, he shouldn't be let off because he is famous.
  6. If I recall correctly, Pele said that Nicky Butt was the best player in the 2002 world cup. So great player, doesn't make a great judge.
  7. IF found guilty, he has to get jail time. Not a fine or community service. It is too high profile a case, and if he gets off with not much more than a slap on the wrist, it is just a green light for others to fiddle their taxes. This is exactly why, traditionally, tax fraud carries custodial sentences.
  8. I think it's the terribme defence that irks me the most. During my time as a Villa fan I've had the privilage of watching some top, top class defenders in our teams. It is what makes watching these muppets play week in, week out so very painful.
  9. A fullback should be a defender first. Yes in a perfect world they'd all attack like Cafu too. But give me a fullback that defends like Maldini and never crosses the halfway line, than one that attacks like Ronaldo and defends like Hutton.
  10. Hey, losing a game and surprise, surprise AM is going to take off a striker.
  11. ah.. Hutton and Dunne, we might as well start on minus two goals with them two around.
  12. I suggested 'God only knows' by the Beach Boys. But the missus pointed out the first line is 'I may not always love you..' which I am told is not appropriate. Neither is 'I wanna be your dog' by the Stooges, apparently.
  13. Though when it comes down to it, surely whoever wins the Presidential debates will go like this. Obama walks in, sunglasses on. 'I killed Bin Laden.' Takes off sunglasses. 'Yeeaaaahhh...'
  14. Agreed. US desparately needs a third party.
  15. If I had to watch Collins, Dunne and Hutton play if front of me each week, frankly I'd take it as a personal insult, and want to leave too.
  16. Bent looks much more dangerous when we play two up front.
  17. I'll chow a slice. I won't ever argue against goals.
  18. I was just going to slag him off for passing the ball and then standing still.
  19. Like to see Gardner pushed forward more from midfield more. With the extra space and Clark and Petrov still to cover
  20. Take out their best player, good work from Petrov there.
  21. I don't think McCarthy will have stopped laughing long enough at half time to give any sort of talk.
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