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Everything posted by jon_c

  1. Whether it's us or not, the Premiership needs more insanely rich people investing in clubs. Fifa or the FA are never going to effectively pin back the spending, and if Man City are the only club doing it, it will completely destroy the competition. I'd much prefer it if no-one had stupid money. But you can't put the genie back in the bottle.
  2. Now I don't believe a word of it. But for the record they meant to be worth $60billion, which is more money than Bill Gates.
  3. Infernal Affairs I may be the only one, but I actually think Infernal Affairs 2 and 3 were better.
  4. Both won trophies, that would be some relative success I'd love at the moment.
  5. should try be an Arsenal fan Or Sunderland, how many players did they change in the summer?
  6. To me, he reminds me a lot of Carew. How good he is seems dependant on how much he can be arsed on the day.
  7. Ha, starts performing just in time for the transfer window.
  8. And yet he Looks in very good shape though. Its a stupid photo taken by a less than smart person of another less than smart person. Its highly unlikely he smokes a lot (Balotelli rumoured to be smoking two packs a week) and it doesnt matter if he has a glass of wine either. I know it's slightly off topic and it's also the sad culture of football as a sport. But in my opinion they are professional athletes and shouldn't be smoking OR drinking. You're meant to be a athlete, look after yourself. It's a sacrifice that should come with high level sport. Successful Olympic athletes do it, I don't see why these lazy assed footballers aren't made to. They wouldn't be any more coming because they're starting to look tired.
  9. Surely this picture is a Meme waiting to happen?
  10. I don't think a song has ever encapsulated my feelings on anything so perfectly. (I'd also like to add I find Eric Idle to be an underrated comedy genius)
  11. Paul McGrath just said they should have worn anti-racist T-shirts instead, and he would have thrown the Suarez one on the ground. Scousers are now slagging off God on twitter. rocket polishers.
  12. Christ. Sunderland are going to above us by the end of the year, aren't they?
  13. When it's a corner, our players just stand there and watch the opposition move.
  14. My GF commented on this t-shirts thing, saying 'what even the black players?' And thinking about it, I think they only have one black player in the squad? (Johnson) This has to be the least in the Premiership surely?
  15. Good, it's not just me, then. I guy I work with has a picture of his car on his desk, like most people have one of their kids.
  16. Call of Duty. I'm a big gaming fan. But I don't find them particularly special.
  17. jon_c

    John Terry

    Mr Terry believed the phrase 'c#nt' to be a term of endearment. As people refer to him as one all the time.
  18. I'm currently going round with Ilia, she was in a tower south of Riften. Very strong mage. A meet a group of bandits, and they're all dead from her icy death bolts before I can draw my bow.
  19. I am liking the #ParaphrasedLiverpoolStatement trend, my favourite so far. 'Suarez isn't racist, his favourite Ghostbuster is Winston.'
  20. Spanish mate. They speak Spanish in Uruguay, not Uruguayan. I know. But It sure as hell isn't acceptable in Spanish, but according to Liverpool it is in Uruguay. So apparently Uruguayan dialect has it's own racial slurs.
  21. Whatever it means in Uruguayan, Suarez knows full well what it means in English.
  22. You'd only lose money selling Bent. We certainly wouldn't make a profit, and gate receipts would plummit.
  23. There was one ruin, I think it might have been Blackreach. Where there stood two of those bastards, side by side. I just turned round and hot-footed it in the opposite direction.
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