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Everything posted by andycv

  1. I'd like to know the loads of managers who would be able to get more out of the squad please?
  2. Thanks everyone - this is what I was talking about: https://www.avfc.co.uk/News/2019/10/30/introducing-1874-seasonal-memberships-available
  3. Does anyone know if the club plan to open it in the Doug Ellis for the upcoming season? I can only find information about it from 2019/20.
  4. I'm really keen to know the full plan - do you know when the club are going to share the master plan for the Doug Ellis and Holte End proposals?
  5. It is clear to me that it will be the Doug Ellis Stand that will be demolished and rebuilt to get us to 60K. I expect that will mean the closure of the road - and pedestrianisation.
  6. True - but Everton’s statement also said that too. So either it was a 2 year deal, which hasn’t been renewed or a multi-year one with a break clause. We’ll see!
  7. Anyone know when the next Fan Consultation Group is? Are we expecting the detailed plans to be shared then?
  8. I'd be interested to know if the club are undertaking any renovation/investment work at Villa Park - things that they may have planned to do, but have bought forward while fans are out of the stadium. I'd also be interested to hear about their plans to invest in Villa Park (ie new ad hoardings to upgrade what's there) and how we're doing getting new partners on board.
  9. Jack Butland is apparently available for £8m according to SSN. I say we flog Nyland and Kalinic and bring him in for competition for Heaton.
  10. Easier to see on tv - better quality = more $$$$
  11. My nerdy obsession - but I hope they upgrade the LED ad boards over the summer....
  12. Any idea when the next meeting is with Christian P?
  13. He didn't make it into the Belgium squad this time, unfortunately. I am sure it won't be long until he does get called up, if he keeps performing the way he has been.
  14. @Villareport. Villa Talk's favourite!
  15. Apparently he's left on a permanent deal to Waasland - Beveren...!
  16. It is brilliant that we're talking about our players in this context! I think Heaton may well get a call for this squad. It will be interesting to see what happens with Jack.
  17. So, it sounds like Tyrone's getting called up. Heaton will probably be in there too. What about Jack?
  18. I think it's more likely he sees Keinan as a useful squad player who can score and provides something a bit different up front. Given Dean Smith has said he wants to have two players for each position, and we may well use two upfront in some games, I am assuming he'll want 4 strikers - to that's Wesley, JK, Keinan plus the new signing assuming Hogan goes on loan.
  19. Nope. And I think that this is the way that Dean Smith wants the team to play, so I expect to see it continue. I also think that Mings has the ability to be successful in the Premier League.
  20. The European window stays open until September - so we might be able to move Thor, Kalinic etc on after our window closes.
  21. Anyone know about this summer's minor redevelopment work? I know they've replaced signs at the ground. Anything inside the ground? I have read new LED video screens and an upgraded PA system. Also I think there was mention of re-opening disused hospitality areas in the Witton Lane and Trinity? I also think they were upgrading the LED ad-boards and flood lights to meet Premier League requirements?
  22. I don't think that's the case. Exceptions are considered on the basis of transfer cost (against the club's transfer record); wages (again against the club's wage structure) and the level of first team football they've played at. I am a bit perplexed why this is taking so long, as I would be surprised that the club announced the signing without the work permit being in the bag.
  23. Anyone know about anything inside the ground? I have read new LED video screens and an upgraded PA system. Also I think there was mention of re-opening disused hospitality areas in the Witton Lane and Trinity? I also think they were upgrading the LED ad-boards and flood lights to meet Premier League requirements?
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